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In dieser Ausgabe von "Schau dich schlau!" erfahren Sie alles, was man über Müll wissen muss. Jeder Deutsche hinterlässt jedes Jahr fast eine halbe Tonne Abfall. Wie kann man diesen gewaltigen Müllberg reduzieren? Die Wissensreporter Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen wagen das spannende Experiment und wollen 24 Stunden lang keinen Müll produzieren. Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen wagen ein radikales Experiment und treten in einen Müllvermeidungs-Wettstreit. Sie wollen 24 Stunden lang keinen Müll produzieren. Schnell stellt sich die Frage: Was können die beiden eigentlich noch essen? Wo können sie einkaufen? Und wie vermeiden sie es, mit Werbeprospekten und Verpackungsmaterial überschwemmt zu werden? Das Experiment zeigt, welchen Abfall wir tagtäglich produzieren und mit welchen Tricks wir unseren persönlichen Müllberg schrumpfen lassen können. In dieser Folge "Schau dich schlau!" bekommen die Zuschauer außerdem Antworten auf folgende spannende Fragen: Lohnt es sich, Flaschen nach Farben zu trennen? Landet unser sorgfältig getrennter Müll am Ende doch in der Müllverbrennungsanlage? Welche Trendsportart verbirgt sich hinter dem Begriff "Dumpster Diving", und wie kann man aus dem Datenmüll auf zerkratzten CDs und magnetisierten Festplatten wieder die ursprünglichen Informationen zurückgewinnen?
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Ceramics are indispensable in our everyday lives. We eat from ceramic plates, drink from ceramic cups, use tiled ceramic bathrooms. But how is ceramic manufactured? The film reveals the secrets of this fascinating material! We get to know more about the beginnings of ceramic in the Old World of Egypt and Mesopotamia, about Greece, China and Rome. We gain interesting insights into the valuable earthenware and are also shown the exquisite further development of the "white gold". Today this versatile material is irreplaceable in industry, too. Whether in space or as an easily compatible substitute in medicine, ceramic is applied in many places.
The weblog or blog, for short, as a medium is not much older than this century. Blogs came into being in the World Wide Web as ’messages from below’, as web pages from web creators who wanted to share their view of the world with the world. They are short notes, long texts, pictures, videos, which are posted loosely and at random intervals to the world for an undefined public.
Today, the use of new media has become a matter of course not only in everyday life – schools and teaching, too, benefit from the new technologies and methods, which support active and independent learning. Especially in computer science, ethics and language courses but also in all other subjects, modern media are a valuable pedagogic and didactic asset. This DVD uses the example of podcasts to demonstrate how the possibilities opened up by new media can be applied in the classroom and how the pupils can be taught to handle them in a competent and target-oriented manner. The film is aimed at supporting the use of podcasts at school and encourages making them. This also requires the ability to find information on the Internet and assess it. The film informs on the functionality of podcasts and technical background as well as on the teaching and learning possibilities offered by podcasts – ranging from specific contents to superordinate learning targets such as the advancement of creativity and team spirit. The DVD is a useful support for teachers applying new media and wishing to show their pupils how to handle Running Time: 20:29 ms them in a sensible way.