3D-Druck: Verfahren, Material, Zukunftschancen
In 10 interaktiven H5P-Modulen wird Wissen rund um das Technik-Thema 3D Druck vermittelt und anschließend abgefragt.
Das Medium bietet H5P-Aufgaben an, die ohne zusätzliche Software verwendbar sind.
Durch interaktive Aufgabentypen wird das audiovisuelle und interaktive Lernen einfach.
Lernen macht jetzt Spaß!
Included Tasks
- I 3D-Druck - Lückentext
- II Von der Idee zum Modell - interaktives Video
- III Vom Modell zum fertigen Objekt - interaktive Aufgabe
- IV Teile des 3D-Druckers - interaktive Aufgabe
- V 3D-Druck - die einzelnen Verfahren - Video mit Aufgaben
- VI Druckverfahren - interaktive Aufgabe
- VII 3D-Drucker in der Industrie - interaktive Wortsuche
- VIII Fertigungsverfahren - interaktive Aufgabe
- IX Was ist RM und was RP? - interaktive Aufgabe
- X Quiz 3D-Druck - interaktive Aufgabe 0
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent machines not only carry out predefined work steps but also learn from experience thus developing their own problem solving strategies. In addition, they can pass on their knowledge to other machines and interact with them. Artificial intelligence is pure software which, combined with various sensors, takes further decisions from the data thus obtained. Artificial intelligences have already conquered our everyday lives. When we have bought something online, an artificial intelligence could have ensured that we receive the ordered product on time. Because in many large companies machine brains help with logistics, accounting and customer service. Even at the doctor’s or in hospital we may come across artificial intelligence. Because sometimes it assists physicians with the diagnosis of diseases or in selecting an appropriate therapy. An AI can also be helpful in prognosticating the chances of recovery.