In zehn interaktiven Aufgaben und interaktiven Videos werden Grundzüge des Nahostkonflikts erläutert und geographisch wie historisch eingeordnet.
Das Medium bietet H5P-Aufgaben an, die ohne zusätzliche Software verwendbar sind.
Durch interaktive Aufgabentypen wird das audiovisuelle und interaktive Lernen einfach.
Lernen macht jetzt Spaß
Included Tasks
- I Räumliche Orientierung - Interaktives Video
- II Der Nahostkonflikt - Geografischer Hintergrund
- III Städte um den Gaza-Streifen
- IV Heilige Stätten in Israel
- V Der Nahostkonflikt als Zeitstrahl
- VI Geschichte des Staates Israel
- VII Modernes Israel - Interaktives Video
- VIII Der Konflikt - Interaktives Video
- IX Siedler im Westjordanland
- X Intifada - Information und Fragen
- XI Hamas und Fatah
- XII Nachdenken und dann darüber reden
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
There is no democracy without regular elections. Elections are the citizen’s most important means of actively shaping the politics of his or her state. Democracy is based on the citizens’ recognition and support. Everyone has the possibility of political involvement.
Migration and integration are central topics of future relevance in politics as well as in the public mind. Germany has long been a country of immigration. This can constantly be seen in everyday life: in the playground, in the underground, in the office or in the schoolyard. At school, in particular, this immigration society is being lived and experienced every day. Here, the groundwork for the future of our society is also being laid. In order to be able to explore the topic first-hand we have visited a school in Nuremberg with a large amount of pupils having a migration background. In project groups, the pupils of the 11th form of the Pirckheimer Gymnasium have already been investigating in depth the topics of migration and integration. Their assessments of the subject area were recorded and integrated into the overall context. The DVD is divided into substantial chapters on forms, causes and consequences of migration, on the history of migration in Germany, on political and legal framework conditions and on integration as a challenge and an opportunity. In the accompanying material, tasks providing further interest and insight are available that have been adapted to the content of the film.
Gauting is a municipality southwest of the city of Munich in Bavaria. About 20,000 people live in the municipality. But who actually ensures that such a system works? Who determines how and what is built? Who will ensure that traffic is regulated for all? That there are traffic lights, that pedestrians have their rights? Who makes sure that enough playgrounds are built and that there are schools for the children of the community to go to? Who leads the administration of such a municipality which is needed so that everything we take for granted in everyday life works smoothly? A mayor or mayoress takes care of all these activities. In Gauting, this is Brigitte Servatius. Today we want to visit the mayoress in the town hall with class 4c of the primary school Gauting and ask what a mayor actually does.