3D-Hörvergnügen mit Bluetooth Kopfhörern
Holen Sie sich das Kino fürs Ohr ins Klassenzimmer! Die immersiven 3D-Audio Erlebnisse entführen den Zuhörer in eine neue Dimension des Hörspiels. In der Komödie von Abhörspiele entschließt sich Angela Merkel dazu, das Material der NSA von ihr zu veröffentlichen. Mithilfe der PHILIPS Bluetooth-Kopfhörer erlebt man den lustigen Hörkrimi im grandiosen Sound ohne Neben- geräusche.
Link zu den ProduzentenCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Today, the use of new media has become a matter of course not only in everyday life – schools and teaching, too, benefit from the new technologies and methods, which support active and independent learning. Especially in computer science, ethics and language courses but also in all other subjects, modern media are a valuable pedagogic and didactic asset. This DVD uses the example of podcasts to demonstrate how the possibilities opened up by new media can be applied in the classroom and how the pupils can be taught to handle them in a competent and target-oriented manner. The film is aimed at supporting the use of podcasts at school and encourages making them. This also requires the ability to find information on the Internet and assess it. The film informs on the functionality of podcasts and technical background as well as on the teaching and learning possibilities offered by podcasts – ranging from specific contents to superordinate learning targets such as the advancement of creativity and team spirit. The DVD is a useful support for teachers applying new media and wishing to show their pupils how to handle Running Time: 20:29 ms them in a sensible way.