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Urbanisierung, Gentrifizierung, Suburbanisierung
Der Bevölkerungszuwachs und der Klimawandel stellen die Akteure bei der Stadtentwicklung vor immer größer werdende Herausforderungen. Der Film beschreibt die Zusammenhänge der sozialen, wirtschaftlichen, und ökologischen Bedarfe der Menschen und Tiere. Der Fokus liegt auf der Nachhaltigkeit z.B. bei der Mobilitätsplanung, dem Schaffen von Ökosystemräumen und sozialen Zugängen. Urbanisierung, Suburbanisierung, Gentrifizierung und Push- and Pullfaktoren sind nur einige der Fachbegriffe, die den Schülerinnen und Schülern anhand von Beispielen vermittelt werden und sie so für bestehende Probleme und das Erarbeiten von Lösungen sensibilisieren. Interaktive Aufgaben, Testfragen und Glossar wurden mit H5P erstellt und können ohne weitere Software verwendet werden.
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Peer Mediation
Lena and Max attend the 7th form. Max is new in class. During a break, Max notices that Lena and her friend are laughing at him again. Max loses his temper! He slaps Lena in the face. That hurts and Lena runs back into the classroom with a red cheek. The growing conflict between the two has escalated. Just like Lena and Max, every day pupils all over Germany have rows with each other. At the Heinrich Hertz Gymnasium in Thuringia, pupils have been trained as mediators for years. At set hours, they are in a room made available by the school specifically for mediation purposes. The film describes the growing conflict between Max and Lena and shows a mediation using their example. In doing so, the terms “conflict” and “peer mediation” are explained in a non-technical way. The aims of peer mediation and its progress in five steps as well as the mediators’ tasks are illustrated. The art of asking questions and “mirroring”, which the mediators must know, is described and explained. Together with the comprehensive accompanying material, the DVD is a suitable medium to introduce peer mediation at your school, too.
Pupils Practise Inclusion
When people come together, no matter under what concomitant circumstances – ultimately, it is about how these people meet and how openly they interact with one another.
Ceramics are indispensable in our everyday lives. We eat from ceramic plates, drink from ceramic cups, use tiled ceramic bathrooms. But how is ceramic manufactured? The film reveals the secrets of this fascinating material! We get to know more about the beginnings of ceramic in the Old World of Egypt and Mesopotamia, about Greece, China and Rome. We gain interesting insights into the valuable earthenware and are also shown the exquisite further development of the "white gold". Today this versatile material is irreplaceable in industry, too. Whether in space or as an easily compatible substitute in medicine, ceramic is applied in many places.