Meet the MedienLB team!

Sustainable learning is learning of the future!

MediaLB is just as concerned about the sustainable use of natural resources as it is about sustainable learning. To this end, we produce exciting educational films and innovative interactive products week after week.

And we’ll never run out of ideas, we promise!

Medienlb Illustration
MedienLB Team Foto Illustration von einem Regalbrett mit Pokalen

Our guidelines

What we are convinced of

  • Learning is fun
  • We learn throughout our lives through experience and action
  • The teaching films allow you to experience places and processes that would otherwise not be accessible
  • Teaching films optimally support teachers in teaching and preparation
  • Individual learning at your own pace contributes to learning success
  • School films and interactive modules help to achieve the learning objectives
  • All MedienLB products are aligned with the German-language curricula



The Team

Portrait picture of Dr. Anita Stangl

Dr. Anita Stangl

Managing Director

Portrait picture of Michael Stangl

Michael Stangl


Portrait picture of Tanja Langguth

Tanja Langguth


Portrait picture of Gottfried Reinsperger

Gottfried Reinsperger


Portrait picture of Axel Schramm

Axel Schramm

Head of Production

Portrait picture of Johannes Schmied

Johannes Schmied

Editorial manager

Portrait picture of Raimati Märkl

Raimati Märkl

Media designer

Portrait picture of Jacob Schelbert

Jacob Schelbert


Portrait picture of Marie Wimmer

Marie Wimmer


Portrait picture of Andrea Röhr

Andrea Röhr


Portrait picture of Sebastian Quintel

Sebastian Quintel

Editorial office

Portrait picture of Daniel SchneiderPortrait picture of Daniel Schneider

Daniel Schneider

Video editor

Portrait picture of Gerald SchmidtPortrait picture of Gerald Schmidt

Gerald Schmidt


Portrait picture of Gerda BertholdPortrait picture of Gerda Berthold

Gerda Berthold

Editorial office

Portrait picture of Bernd BrockhausPortrait picture of Bernd Brockhaus

Bernd Brockhaus

H5P - Technology/Distribution

Portrait picture of Pia DallmeierPortrait picture of Pia Dallmeier

Pia Dallmeier

Editorial office

Portrait picture of Dr. Edmund BrunsPortrait picture of Dr. Edmund Bruns

Dr. Edmund Bruns

Editorial office

Portrait picture of Annika PlankPortrait picture of Annika Plank

Annika Plank

Editorial office

Portrait picture of Akylas Stefanidis

Akylas Stefanidis

System administrator