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25 Years of German Unity
After four decades of separation in the course of the East-West conflict, the unity of Germany was constitutionally restored on October 3, 1990. The Peaceful Revolution in the GDR and the willingness of the victorious powers of the Second World War enabled reunification. Special merits were earned by the then Chancellor Helmut Kohl as well as by the Soviet head of government Mikhail Gorbachev. Their negotiations were complicated but remained friendly – although the dissolution of its ally GDR signified a considerable loss of power for the Soviet Union at the time.
Learn more3D Printing
Layer by layer, a three-dimensional form is being created here – a chess piece. Just like that, from a printer – however, a special one: a 3D printer. Thus, the dream of being able to manufacture three-dimensional pieces yourself at home becomes reality.
Learn more3D-Design & Druck in der Schule
Anhand zahlreicher praxisnaher Beispiele zeigt der Film, wie man mit dem 3D-Drucker den Unterricht bereichern kann.
Learn more3D-Druck
3D-Drucker erobern immer mehr die Welt der Industrie. In vielen Bereichen hat der 3D-Druck bereits die maschinelle Fertigung ersetzt.
Learn more500 Years of Reformation
On 31st October 1517, Martin Luther published his 95 Theses against the sale of indulgences.
Learn moreA wie Affe, B wie Bär
Wir, Tiere der Welt, manche groß, manche klein, laden dich ganz herzlich zu uns ein.
Learn moreAberglaube
Glücksbringer, Geister, Horoskope – Fast jeder dritte Europäer ist in irgendeiner Weise abergläubisch. Doch was fällt eigentlich alles unter Aberglaube? Und ist jeder Aberglaube tatsächlich Hokuspokus? Manch eine Bauernregel kann z.B. mit einer meteorologischen Wettervorhersage standhalten. Die psychologische Wirkung von Glücksbringern ist auch nicht zu unterschätzen. Ob diese jedoch einem objektiven Test standhalten, ist fraglich. Dubiose Wahrsager bieten mittlerweile nicht mehr nur auf Jahrmärkten ihre Künste an, wobei sie allein mit einer geschickten Fragetechnik den Kunden auf Glatteis führen können.
Learn moreAccounting
Ms. Köller is a director at a small carpentry, which she has inherited from her parents. As the boss of her firm Ms. Köller also takes care of the accounting.
Learn moreAcids and Bases
We can find acids and bases in every supermarket, some of them in our food, others in cleaning agents. In everyday products, acids and bases as well as acidic and alkaline reacting salts have extremely different functions. In food, acids are either present or added as flavouring agents such as citric acid, tartaric acid and acetic acid, as antioxidants such as ascorbic acid or generally as acidifiers, sequestrants (citric acid and tartaric acid) and preservatives (acetic acid).
Learn moreActive Classroom
Movement is healthy! It furthers activation or relaxation, strengthens the muscles and improves coordination. Often a few minutes are enough when during lessons you have short breaks for action units in the classroom. Sabrina Schamberger and Sherin Watzlawzyk-Sutter demonstrate with their classes how, apart from the acquisition of knowledge, also various groups of muscles can be trained during lessons. Activating movement games stimulate the circulatory system and offer relaxation from concentrating and sitting still. Rock music does not only help during short games, it also sets the rhythm for dances of various degrees of difficulty.
Learn moreADHS
Die ADHS, die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung gehört zur Gruppe der Störungen von Verhalten und Emotionen. Wissenschaftler gehen davon aus, dass in jeder Klasse zwei bis drei Betroffene sitzen.
Learn moreAids
AIDS is an issue that remains critical in view of the globally increasing infection rates. This DVD informs pupils on the immune deficiency disease and the ways in which the infection is passed on, it shows the scale of the pandemic and tries to make the young viewers aware of the difficult situation of those afflicted by it. Impressive original pictures demonstrate the commitment of voluntary helpers in the AIDS hospice run by the Brother- hood of the Blessed Gérard in Mandeni, South Africa. A visit to the Munich-based AIDS-Hilfe e.V. provides the pupils with an overview of the assistance and care offered by municipal AIDS relief organisations. Further, they gain an insight into everyday life at ZIK – a housing project for people tested HIV positive in Berlin. Firsthand reports from young infected persons directly address the pupils and warn them against “unsafe sex”. The extensive didactic accompanying material provides detailed information on HIV and AIDS and encourages responsible behaviour towards oneself and others. The DVD is made up of five didactic units that can be individually accessed via the DVD menu.
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