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1428 results

Alte und seltene Handwerke - Modist

Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.

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Alte und seltene Handwerke - Gerber

Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.

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Alte und seltene Handwerke - Schmied

Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.

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Mr Beam II dreamcut [x]

Verwandle deinen Schreibtisch in eine Werkstatt und entdecke die unendlichen Möglichkeiten des Mr Beam Lasercutters!

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Lerneinheit Mathematik 3/4

In 10 interaktiven Aufgaben beschäftigen sich die Lernenden mit Aufgabenstellungen bezüglich der Hundertertafel.

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Mit der Försterin unterwegs

Der Beruf „Förster“ ist wichtig und vielfältig. Die Försterin / der Förster kümmert sich um den Baumbestand und die Waldnutzung.

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Industrialization (Kopie)

This DVD treats the different working and living conditions of people in the Ruhr valley around the year 1900 and refers to the thesis of the sociologist Li Fischer-Eckert. She conducted interviews with working class women on their living conditions in the workers’ housing estates in 1911 and 1912. Based on her findings, she divided the workers in four classes: The first one has a “cosy home without luxury or deprivations”, those in the second class live “on the verge of deprivation”, the poorer workers “are defeated by unfavourable conditions” and those in the fourth class live in “complete neglect”. With the kitchen-cum-living-rooms set up in the Ruhrland Museum, which are shown and described in the film in an impressive way, a direct insight is offered into the workers’ lives. Furthermore, work in heavy industry and mining, the strict reign of the employers as well as the changes in social policy and the workers’ fight for their rights are discussed.

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Bildergeschichten (Level 1) Vol. 2 Arabisch/Deutsch 5/6 – Deutsch/DaF-DaZ

In unserem Arbeitsheft Bildergeschichten (Level 1) Vol. 2 – Arabisch/Deutsch 5/6 – Deutsch/DaF-DaZ finden Sie interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben.

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Mathematics learning unit 1/2

In our interactive learning unit "Mathematics 1/2 - Calculating up to 10" you will find 10 interactive and didactically prepared tasks on basic arithmetic operations in the number range up to 10.

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MedienLB Logo

MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

Vorschaubild für MedienLB - Fly flap

MedienLB - Fly flap

Add this useful mediaLB giveaway to your order free of charge.

Learning unit subject 4

In our interactive learning unit "Sachunterricht 4 - Blackbird" you will find 10 interactive and didactically prepared tasks on the subject of blackbirds.

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Lerneinheit Chemie 8 – Kalk

In unserem Arbeitsheft „Lerneinheit Chemie 8 – Kalk“ finden Sie 10 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben zum Thema Kalk.

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3D Druck

Schüler*innen erforschen die Einsatzzwecke, die Planung und den Druck von 3D-Objekten.

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