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Pflanzen benötigen für ihr Wachstum, Licht, Wasser und Nährstoffe. Den Ausgleich für nicht vorhandene Nährstoffe schaffen Düngemittel. Doch welche Düngemittel gibt es? Welcher Dünger eignet sich für welchen Boden? Welche Konsequenzen bringt die Düngung mit sich?

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Chromatografische Verfahren sind physikalische / chemische Trenntechniken von Stoffen.

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Early Capitalism

Today we live in a capitalist society.

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Early Flowering Plants

During the first warmer days in late winter, the harbingers of spring show that new life is stirring. With great biodiversity and beauty the early flowering plants herald the change of season. In an easily comprehensible manner and often with stunning time-lapse images the film makes children aware of the connection existing between the sprouting of the early flowering plants so soon in the year and their extraordinarily rapid growth.

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For millennia, people have been afraid of earthquakes. A force of nature that regularly devastates whole regions and claims thousands of lives. One reason for the fear of earthquakes may be that so far people have not succeeded in predicting these natural phenomena. Therefore, earthquakes still hit people unprepared in most regions of the world.

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It is slippery, soft and slimy, burrows in the moist soil and many just find it disgusting – the earthworm. Most of us know it when it comes to the surface in heavy rain and ends in puddles or, possibly, as fish bait; but earthworms are true natural wonders and extremely useful. Only a very small percentage of all animals are vertebrates. These animals, such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish, all have a vertebral column. Over 90% of our fauna are invertebrate animals.

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Economic Cycles

»Growth is not everything, that is true. But without growth, everything is nothing.  Without growth, no jobs; without growth, no reform of the social security systems; without growth, declining wealth; without growth, more and more people will fall by the wayside.«

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Ecosystem Bog

Bogs are rough, sparse and inaccessible regions, neither water nor land. This applies in particular to raised bogs. One wrong step in this soaking wilderness might be fatal. How a bog is formed was unknown to people for thousands of years. After the last ice age, that is about 10,000 years ago, bog formation began. Enormous amounts of water were released as a consequence of the melting of the ice shields.

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Ecosystem Forest

The forest – it is not only a collection of trees but a dynamic symbiosis of many different plants and animals. Their com- plex interdependence forms the basis of the ecosystem. DVD 1: Temperate Climes DVD 1 describes the structure and chain of aspects in the de- ciduous mixed forest typical of temperate climes. The various layers (herb layer, brush layer, canopy) are presented with their respective characteristics. The film describes the natural development of the ecosystem forest, compares natural forest and commercial forest and looks critically into human interference. DVD 2: Animals and Plants DVD 2 initially concentrates on the natural development of the forest (natural rejuvenation, succession, climax vege- tation). It then goes on to focus on the forest dwellers and their interrelations. The whole range of animals and plants is presented: from fungi and insects to birds and bats.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Ecosystem Lake

Lakes are stagnant waters that look quite peaceful to us. But the quiet is deceptive: above and below the water surface, life is anything but peaceful. Phytoplankton and zooplankton are eaten by small predators such as polyps or hydrachnidiae. Toebiters, dragonfly and beetle larvae are food for the water scorpion. As every animal feeds on different prey and in turn is eaten by various predators, a food web is created. The amount and variety of the lake inhabitants depends on the concentration of nutrients. In clear lakes, aquatic plants may spread down to a depth of 10 metres. Different zones with particular plant species are clearly visible. Also animals above the water profit from the rich underwater life, for example the waterfowl. Ever since the lake was formed, wind and waves have been carrying dead plants and animals to the shore, where they have sunk down and decomposed. At the same speed at which the lakeside grows, the water surface of the lake shrinks. With its extensive additional material the didactic DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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Ecosystem Sea

The oceans have been the largest connected ecosystem of the world since hundreds of millions of years. All life originated here, and a stable system ranging from single-cell plants and animals to huge vertebrates has been established. An incredible abundance of shapes and colours has emerged. Even today, we know only a fraction of this variety. We know less about the co-existence of these beings, their interdependency and the conditions and particulars of their food chain than we know about one or the other celestial body. The largest consumers of the sea, sharks and whales have an important task in the marine ecosystem. They ensure that the populations of small predators like seals, groupers and tuna do not grow excessively. In the film, the interrelation between the individual creatures is illustrated and the ecosystem sea as well as the dangers of human interference are explained using the example of sharks and whales. We learn about these animals’ characteristics and structure. We also see why and how they are endangered and what damage the marine ecosystem might suffer if these animals were exterminated. The climate change and its consequences for the ecosystem sea are illustrated by the example of sharks and whales.

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Roughly from 3100 to 322 BC, one of the greatest and most powerful cultures of antiquity flourished in the Nile Valley.

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