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861 results

Air and Respiration

The subject of air and respiration offers a variety of starting points for an interdisciplinary approach. This DVD contains essential aspects for teaching pupils in the first years of secondary school. The chemical and physical characteristics of air form the basis for understanding many everyday phenomena, ranging from the development of wind and air pressure to high pressure and low pressure areas in the atmosphere. Last but not least, the foundations for a closer examination of respira- tion are laid. The fundamental phenomenon of respiration is shown from a functional point of view with the help of impressive ani- mations. Different respiratory organs are compared to each other and the basic principle of respiration is explained. The respiratory movements, the path of respiratory air and gas exchange are main points in the “Respiration with Humans” chapter. As a special feature, in its ROM part this DVD offers material for a learning circle dedicated to this subject. Here, many aspects are treated again in a way that pupils can find out facts by themselves with the help of suitable experiments and tasks.

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Air Traffic

Being able to fly has been a dream of humanity from time immemorial. But it does not even date back a century that people actually started being able to travel through the air. Since the 1960s, the number of flight passengers has been constantly increasing. Thus, the airspace is no longer dominated by birds but by man-made flying objects.

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Musik ist aus unserem Leben nicht wegzudenken. Doch warum lassen wir uns tagtäglich durch Radio, iPod, CD oder Fernsehen beschallen? Welchen Einfluss hat die Musik auf Körper, Geist und Seele? Wie beeinflusst sie unsere Emotionen? Und macht Musik wirklich intelligent? Joey Grit Winkler besucht heute eine Kölner Musikschule und zeigt, welche Auswirkungen Musik auf die Intelligenz hat, wie unterschiedliche Musikrichtungen unsere Konzentration beeinflussen können und stellt zusammen mit Musikschülern die beliebtesten Musikinstrumente vor. Fero Andersen begleitet währenddessen die Band „Lexington Bridge“ ins Tonstudio. Er erfährt, wie die Star-Maschinerie von Gesangsausbildung, über perfektes Styling bis hin zur PR-Strategie funktioniert. „Schau dich schlau!“ erklärt heute auch, wie man seine Wohnung inklusive Möbel und Boxen richtig einrichtet, um sich das perfekte Klangerlebnis ins eigene Heim zu holen. Außerdem zeigt uns ein Komponist anhand einer beispielhaften Spielfilmszene, wie uns Musik in Filmen bewusst in die „richtige“ Stimmung versetzt und auch unser Liebesleben positiv oder negativ beeinflusst.

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Albrecht Dürer

Albrecht Dürer, born in 1471, is one of the greatest painters of the Renaissance. At just 15, with the support of his father, he stopped his apprenticeship and devoted himself to art.

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Without doubt, after Alexander the Great, the world was not the same as before.

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Alexander von Humboldt

The name of Alexander von Humboldt, who is considered the last polymath and is still admired as second discoverer in Latin America, is omnipresent. Schools, ships, mountains, rivers, squares are named after him; but above all animals and plants were given his name. But what about his natural history legacy and heritage in our time?

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Algen gehören zu den ältesten Lebensformen auf der Erde. Sie sind die älteste Lebensform, die Photosynthese betreibt und schufen damit eine Erdatmosphäre, in der sich das Leben entwickeln konnte.

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Alkali Metals

What do lithium batteries, table salt and firework rockets have in common?

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Jenke von Wilmsdorff startet ein Experiment, das ihn an seine Grenzen bringen soll. Er trinkt über einen langen Zeitraum täglich exzessiv Alkohol und will herausfinden, was die „Volksdroge Nummer 1“ mit ihm macht.

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All Is Number

“All is number“, this saying already applied in the 5th century B.C. when the brotherhood of the “Pythagoreans“ was founded. Natural, rational and irrational numbers have been an important concept since the creation of the Bible, throughout antiquity up to our modern times. The Fibonacci Numbers, for example, have not only found their use as a numerical pattern in mathematics, they have also been immortalised in art and painting. In this film different and amusing approaches to mathematical methods and processes are illustrated with vivid images, which facilitate pupils’ understanding. In many things that we handle every day fascinating numerical proportions are hidden. Squaring the rectangle and the circle play an important role thereby. Since Greek antiquity the Golden Ratio has been considered to be the epitome of aesthetics and harmony. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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The flowering spring meadow, the cute cat from the neighbour’s garden or the bowl with strawberries are a source of joy to most people.

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Alpine Animals

The Alps are the highest German mountain range and the highest mountain range in Europe. They are an important habitat for plants and animals. We learn that mountains do not look the same from the valley to the peak but that plants and animals adapt to different altitudes.

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