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1428 results

Musical Instruments III

Who does not know them - the Orff Instruments? Already at the age of a toddler, you come in contact with them. Rattles and other noisy toys are to be found in almost every nursery and also the glockenspiel is an instrument found frequently there. But where do these Orff instruments come from? And what has given them their names? Carl Orff, the Munich-born musical teacher and composer, greatly influenced the national and international music world with his works. The Orff instruments were named after him and music pedagogy is no longer imaginable without them. But who was Carl Orff? The first part of the film shows Carl Orff's life from childhood until death. Subsequently, Carl Orff's works are covered, with a focus on "Carmina Burana“. The last part provides us with a detailed overview of the Orff instruments. The qualities of the instruments and their sounds are shown as well as the ways they are played. Together with the comprehensive and innovative accompanying material, the film is highly suitable for classroom use.

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Music as a Commodity

Music has become a permanent feature of our lives. No radio station, no TV station, no department store, no restaurant does without using music. Music accompanies your every step. Music is a special language that conveys feelings and moods and has an animating effect. Influencing you unconsciously, it is to encourage you to buy things or helps you to recognise particular programmes or brands. In radio programmes, music is the most important part, which decides on the revenue and market share of the broadcast station.

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Musik ist aus unserem Leben nicht wegzudenken. Doch warum lassen wir uns tagtäglich durch Radio, iPod, CD oder Fernsehen beschallen? Welchen Einfluss hat die Musik auf Körper, Geist und Seele? Wie beeinflusst sie unsere Emotionen? Und macht Musik wirklich intelligent? Joey Grit Winkler besucht heute eine Kölner Musikschule und zeigt, welche Auswirkungen Musik auf die Intelligenz hat, wie unterschiedliche Musikrichtungen unsere Konzentration beeinflussen können und stellt zusammen mit Musikschülern die beliebtesten Musikinstrumente vor. Fero Andersen begleitet währenddessen die Band „Lexington Bridge“ ins Tonstudio. Er erfährt, wie die Star-Maschinerie von Gesangsausbildung, über perfektes Styling bis hin zur PR-Strategie funktioniert. „Schau dich schlau!“ erklärt heute auch, wie man seine Wohnung inklusive Möbel und Boxen richtig einrichtet, um sich das perfekte Klangerlebnis ins eigene Heim zu holen. Außerdem zeigt uns ein Komponist anhand einer beispielhaften Spielfilmszene, wie uns Musik in Filmen bewusst in die „richtige“ Stimmung versetzt und auch unser Liebesleben positiv oder negativ beeinflusst.

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As soon as the audience has taken their seats, the conductor enters the orchestra pit. When he lifts the baton, the magic ritual of enchantment through music, play and light in an illusory world, which is to true nonetheless, begins. But what is opera, anyway? Let us dare a look behind the scenes! This film presents the institution and the artistic creation of an opera. The pupils learn about the structure of a traditional opera house. They get to know how an opera production is planned and prepared. They see how many people contribute to an opera production from the planning to the first night. What jobs and what manual skills are behind a production? How do make-up artists and costume designers work? How many rehearsals are required? All these questions and a lot more are answered by the film. And if the pupils do attend an opera performance, they will perhaps think of the many people and skills that were needed to make this evening a success. Together with the extensive accompanying material the didactic DVD is perfectly suited for various uses in the classroom.

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Saint Martin

Every year on November 11, Saint Martin’s Day is celebrated. This church festival is also referred to as Saint Martin’s Feast.

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We spend a large part of our lives telling stories. Stories we read, listen to, watch – or tell others ourselves.

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Discovering the World with All Senses

Professor: “Hello, children! My name is Elfriede von Knatterberg and I’m a scientist. Perhaps we already know each other from a previous film. I’m very pleased to discover the world with you today because I’m interested in everything around me and love finding out how things work. Do you love it, too? How do we actually find out how things are made around us? We see with our eyes, feel with our skin, smell with our nose, taste with our tongue and hear with our ears. These are our senses“. With the eyes we see whether it is light or dark, whether something is multicoloured or just one colour, big, small, thick or thin. Our sense of sight also helps us to determine which way we can go without colliding with someone, where obstacles are or which place is still free.

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My Favourite Colour Is Multi-coloured

Paintbrush: ”Hello kids! I am Colori. Being a paintbrush, I love all those vivid colours: red, yellow, green, blue ... just all of them! Don't you like it colourful, too? Great! When I was painting, I thought that I'd like to know where all these fantastic colours we see come from. Why are meadows green? And why is a fire engine red? Why isn't a banana blue? And why is a rainbow always colourful? Would you like to know that, too? Great, then I'll tell you what I've found out!" Imagine for a moment that there were no colours. If nothing in this world had a colour, that would be quite boring and sad. No colourful flowers, no coloured butterflies, even your ice-cream on a sunny day would just be grey.

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Ameisen sind Insekten und gehören zu den Gliederfüßern. Das bedeutet, der Körper dieser Tiergruppe ist stets in drei deutlich erkennbare Abschnitte gegliedert: Kopf, Brust und Hinterleib. Man schätzt, dass es über 15.000 verschiedene Arten Ameisen auf der Welt gibt. Man findet sie überall: von den heißen Tropen bis zum kalten Polarkreis, von hohen Gipfeln bis den Wüsten – es ist das erfolgreichste Insekt der Erde. Die Ameisen haben viele unterschiedliche Wohnorte, aber am bekanntesten ist bei uns der Ameisenhaufen. Er ist etwa einen Meter hoch und mindestens genauso tief. Im Ameisenhaufen leben alle Ameisen, die Königin, ihre Arbeiterinnen, die männlichen Ameisen und alle Larven. Ameisen verständigen sich mit einer Antennensprache, legen Duftwege und können sich die Richtung der Sonne merken. Die Waldameisen fressen gerne Raupen, kleine Spinnen, Insekten und Fliegen. Ihre Hauptfeine sind der Specht und der Schmetterling. Wenn sich die Ameisen bedroht fühlen, verspritzen sie Ameisensäure.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Water is Everywhere

In terms easily understandable to children, this DVD makes us realize how important water is in our everyday life. The film shows where water comes from, how the water cycle on earth works and describes the long journey of the water before it finally flows from our taps. Splash, the raindrop, guides the children through the exciting world of water. It also points out possible dangers and explains that water is the most important resource on earth. For without water, there is no life. The accompanying material contains extensive suggestions and recommendations such as songs, experiments, tips for assembly, games, mandalas, etc., both for a practical application of the topic in the classroom and for reinforcing the knowledge the children have acquired. Special emphasis was laid on an integrated learning experience in kindergarten life for the children to experience our most important resource with all their senses. Thus, this DVD offers a suitable, childoriented basis for projects in kindergarten and early primary school, which take up and illustrate a topic familiar from the children‘s everyday lives.

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From Stone to Glass

In terms understandable to children, this DVD illustrates how glass, a widely used material, is made. The film shows, step by step, the development from rock to quartz sand, which, mixed with further ingredients, forms an important component in the making of glass. In order to give the children an exact idea of glass production, a glassblower is watched at his job. The accompanying material contains extensive suggestions and recommendations, such as songs, experiments, tips for assembly, games, mandalas, etc., both for a practical application of the topic in the classroom and for reinforcing the knowledge the children have acquired. Special emphasis was laid on an integrated learning experience in kindergarten life for the children to experience the often used material glass with all their senses. Thus, this DVD offers a basis suitable for child-oriented projects in kindergarten and early primary school, which take up and illustrate a topic familiar from the children’s everyday lives.

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The Circus

The circus is a favourite topic for project work at kindergarten. Focal point is, of course, the children‘s spontaneous, allround experience of the circus. But it is not always feasible for educators to visit a circus to take a look at everyday life there. In clear terms, the DVD presents the life of the circus family Aros. It explains in a way suitable for children that circus life comprehends far more than the funny world presented to the spectators. The glance behind the scenes reveals that circus life means a lot of hard work. We witness an ordinary day in the life of the circus children Justine and Leon, who hardly have time to watch TV or play games. The accompanying material contains extensive suggestions and recommendations such as songs, recipes, some ideas on how to stage a circus performance, games, make-up tips, etc., for a practical application of the topic in the classroom and for reinforcing the knowledge the pupils have acquired. Special emphasis was laid on an integrated learning experience in kindergarten for the children to experience the gaily-coloured circus life with all their senses.

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