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1428 results

Fascinating Bird World

Millions of different bird species live on earth. A blackbird, a flamingo, an eagle, a kiwi and a penguin look very different. By adapting to their specific habitats and eating habits their bodies have changed.

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Life in the Lake

All of you certainly know a lake. Perhaps you have even been splashing around in a lake once because lakes are big stretches of water. But what actually is a lake? How did it form? What lives in a lake and around it? That is what we want to find out together. How do you actually recognise that you are at a lake? If you look closely, you see, simply put, that lakes are always where water collects in a very big depression on the earth’s surface. Contrary to rivers, lakes are therefore bodies of water that are surrounded on all sides by a shore.

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Construction Sites

At a road construction site mostly the old road is removed with a big road miller. Sometimes a digger helps and carries the large parts away. They are loaded onto a truck. With the tar machine the road is newly tarred. Tar is a mixture of gravel, sand and crude oil. Here the tar is still very hot. When it cools down, it becomes very hard and the cars can drive on it. A new motorway or country road is created.

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In its heyday, ancient Rome was the most imposing city of the known world and centre of one of the largest empires of all times but most of the more than one million residents viewed the metropolis as a foul juggernaut.

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The Limes

The limes – the northern borderline of the Roman Empire stretched from Britannia to the Black Sea.

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Roman City

Augsburg, Cologne, Trier – well-known and important German cities. They have one thing in common: all of them were founded by the Romans.

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Villa Rustica

A Roman villa is fundamentally different from what we would regard as a villa in the modern sense. A Villa Rustica was a country estate with a mansion, large gardens and agricultural land. In addition to cultivating the fields, people also bred animals. This work was done by farm labourers and slaves, who mostly lived in outbuildings outside the mansion area. Thus a Roman villa was far more than just a building, it was almost a small village. Over centuries a network of Roman country estates had marked the culture of the empire north of the Alps. With the cultivation of the soil, the trade and exchange of goods, the Villa Rustica was a pillar of the Roman Empire.

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Heute ist Druck überall und kaum aus unserem Leben wegzudenken. Die Möglichkeiten, die moderne Druckverfahren heute bieten, wären noch vor wenigen Jahrzehnten undenkbar gewesen. Um so weit zu kommen, musste der Druck einen langen Weg zurücklegen. Das Prinzip ist bereits Jahrtausende alt.

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Kunst der Moderne

Von der klassischen Moderne zur Gegenwartskunst. Was zeichnet diese Kunst aus? Um Kunst zu verstehen, muss man zunächst einen Zugang zu ihr finden, vielen Menschen fällt dies nicht leicht. Der Kuratorin Annika Schoemann ist unter anderem zuständig für die öffentliche Kunstvermittlung. Sie nimmt uns mit in zwei Museen für Moderne Kunst, in Galerien und zu aktiven Künstlern.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Die Romanik, die im 8. Jahrhundert begann, war die erste Kunstepoche, die europaweit zu finden ist.

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Leonardo da Vinci

Some refer to him as the greatest universal genius of all time.

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Pompous buildings, impressive parklands, extravagant parties and unimaginable luxury.

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