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Alpine Glaciers
Melting alpine glaciers are the most conspicuous indication of global warming, and in the wake of the climate discussion, the public has become increasingly aware of their fate. Besides the structure and function of the glaciers, the film describes their role in the ecosystem and for the economically active human. In this respect, primarily the role of the glaciers for the water balance of the Alps and neighbouring regions and above all, their effects on summer and skiing tourism as well as the energy generation from water power are of major importance. The dwindling of the glaciers is illustrated with the help of historical comparisons. The Pasterze in Austria – the largest glacier of the eastern Alps – and the Bavarian Zugspitze are given as detailed examples. The film addresses younger pupils in the context of the topic of the Alps as well as older secondary school students in the context of climate issues.
Learn moreAlte und seltene Handwerke - Gerber
Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.
Learn moreAlte und seltene Handwerke - Giesser
Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.
Learn moreAlte und seltene Handwerke - Goldschmied
Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.
Learn moreAlte und seltene Handwerke - Hutmacher
Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.
Learn moreAlte und seltene Handwerke - Klavierbauer
Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.
Learn moreAlte und seltene Handwerke - Modist
Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.
Learn moreAlte und seltene Handwerke - Posamentierer
Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.
Learn moreAlte und seltene Handwerke - Reifendreher
Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.
Learn moreAlte und seltene Handwerke - Schmied
Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.
Learn moreAlter
Jenke von Wilmsdorff wagt ein neues Experiment. Wie fühlt es sich an, alt auszusehen? Wie wird man als Greis behandelt? Dank einer speziellen Maske wird Jenke aussehen wie ein
Learn moreAltersarmut
Innerhalb von 52 Jahren hat sich in der Bundesrepublik das Verhältnis von Beitragszahlern für die Rente zu den bestehenden Rentnern um den Faktor 3 verschlechtert. Sind 1962 noch 6 Erwerbstätige für die Rentenzahlung eines Rentners aufkommen, so mussten 2014 zwei Erwerbstätige für die Rentenzahlung von einem Rentner aufkommen. Die Altersarmut in Deutschland steigt. Denn nur wer 40 Jahre ohne Unterbrechung mindestens 2.100 € verdient hat, bekommt als Rente mehr als den Hartz-IV-Satz ausgezahlt. Beschäftige im Niedriglohnsektor oder in Teilzeit können selbst nach 45 Jahren Arbeit nicht von ihrer Rente leben. Vielen Rentnern bleibt nur der entwürdigende Weg zum Arbeitsamt.
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