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The federal state of Hesse is located in the centre of Germany and borders on the federal states of Lower Saxony, Thuringia, Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia. Especially South Hesse, with the international financial and commercial centre as well as traffic hub Frankfurt on the Main, is one of the most densely populated and economically powerful regions of Germany.
Learn moreHigh-tech Locations
The satellite dishes of the first terrestrial communications site on German ground in Raisting near the Ammersee have been a symbol of high-tech in Bavaria for decades.
Learn moreHilfe, Doktor Mäusezahn!
In eine Rahmenhandlung um Anna und ihre Freundin eingebettet, wird die Geschichte vom Löwen erzählt, der an Zahnweh leidet und von Doktor Mäusezahn geheilt wird.
Learn moreHip-Hop Freestyle
Hip-Hop Freestyle ist eine Mischung aus vielen Street-Dance-Styles. Die auf der DVD vorgestellte Figuren und Bewegungen können frei kombinieren werden. Bei Hip-Hop ist es wichtig, dass man nicht nur für sich alleine tanzt, sondern mit anderen Menschen das Tanzen teilt.
Learn moreHöhensatz des Euklid
Der Film stellt in zahlreichen Animationen einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur pythagoreischen Geometrie vor: den Höhensatz des Euklid.
Learn moreHöhlen
Höhlen sind Hohlräume unter der Erde und bilden sich, im Gegensatz zu Grotten, auf natürliche Weise.
Learn moreHome
Everyone of us has a home. We primarily associate home with our families, which give us a sense of comfort and security. We have our home town where we were born, but what exactly is home? According to the encyclopaedia, home means all the conditions under which someone grows up. This DVD introduces all aspects of the topic of “home” – in a way easily understandable for children. Folk songs as well as films and novels with a regional background are examined closely. The relation between home and identity is explained. Home can take many forms due to different nationalities with their different languages, customs and traditions. However, despite all our cultural differences and ways of life, when seen from a distance, we all share the same home – our planet earth!
Learn moreHormones
Hormones influence our lives. Just like our nervous system, they transmit information in our bodies. When our hormonal balance is disrupted, our behaviour changes and we may fall ill. But what are hormones? Why have they got such a big influence? Where are they produced? And how do they work? The film leads us inside the human body – into the world of hormones. We learn that there are various hormones, where these are produced and how they work. We get acquainted with people whose lives have been influenced by a hormone deficiency or a hormone excess.
Learn moreHorses
They are the epitome of power and elegance. Man domesticated them long after dog and cat, they provided meat, were strong agricultural helpers pulling ploughs and other implements. These hard times are over for the animals – their range of service has changed. The most favourite animal of many children and grown-ups, it has changed from former working animal to today’s companion for sport and leisure. The horse breeds known today are descended from a primeval horse. It lived about 50 million years ago – that is fifty with six zeros after it!
Learn moreHörspiele mit GarageBand
Mit der Software GarageBand lassen sich im Handumdrehen tolle Soundeffekte erzielen
Learn moreHuhn und Ei
Erstaunliche Zahlen im Zeitalter der Vogelgrippe: Über 18 Milliarden Eier werden jährlich in Deutschland verzehrt und über 10 Kilo Geflügelfleisch landen durchschnittlich im Magen eines jeden Bürgers. „Schau Dich schlau!“ widmet sich heute einer der leckersten Erfindungen der Natur: dem Ei und dem Huhn.
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