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Sie bilden die Stützkonstruktion der Wirbeltiere – die Knochen.

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Almost every biochemical reaction in living organisms is regulated and controlled by enzymes. Without enzymes we could not breathe, digest food and the hereditary information in our cells could not be repaired and copied.

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Der Magen

Der Film zeigt das zentrale Organ der Verdauung, den Magen.

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When we talk about muscles, we mostly think of those we can see. These are the arm, chest, abdominal and leg muscles.

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Elephants belong to the order of Proboscidea.

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Hidden Sugar

Sugar is ever-present in our lives.

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Typical Boy, Typical Girl

QUOTE girl:

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Is it possible for a stone to tell us a story about what animals and plants used to be there in former times?

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All things have weight. Some things are heavy. Others are light.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Human Brain

Every organism, no matter whether it is an earthworm, a snail, a fish or a human being, takes in information from the environment through differently structured sensory organs. This was absorbed first by a diffusely organised nervous system, which, in the course of evolution, has been replaced by a hierarchically organised one. Eventually a controlling centre has developed that interconnects and coordinates the nerve impulses supplied by receptors, reacts appropriately and is called the brain. In more highly developed organisms a part of the body has developed into a head, in parallel to the development of the brain.

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The blackbird is one of our most common and best-known songbirds. The nice thing about the blackbird is that it cannot be confused with many other bird species.

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Single-cell Organisms

The Earth is the only planet known to us where liquid water ─ the source of life ─ exists.

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