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Make up Your Mind!
The young boxer is convinced: »Boxing is fun«. For boxing strengthens your self-confidence because it takes courage, time after time, to step into the ring and because you learn how to fight and to defend yourself. From his personal experience of his first five fights he comments on what a great feeling it is to win. He has not experienced the failure of losing a fight yet, he was able to win four and one ended in a draw. His goal is to have a career, earn money and get better and better. Eventually he wants to be as good as his acknowledged role model the Ukrainian boxer Vladimir Klitschko. He vehemently rejects the idea that Klitschko could dope. The world champion trains his stamina every day by swimming. Then why dope?
Learn moreMammals I
When we talk about animals in everyday conversation, we mostly talk about mammals. Mammals live in water, on land and in the air. Countless species of the most diverse sizes and appearances populate our earth. A clear classification is not always possible because of their adaptation to their different habitats.
Learn moreMammals I
When we talk about animals in everyday conversation, we mostly talk about mammals. Mammals live in water, on land and in the air. Countless species of the most diverse sizes and appearances populate our earth. A clear classification is not always possible because of their adaptation to their different habitats.
Learn moreMan and Climate
The first chapter of this DVD deals with the population development over the past 3000 years and the associated dramatic effects on nature. The massive deforestation and the fast-increasing water consumption are analysed as two examples for the consumption of our resources. The dependency of the regeneration of our water supplies on climatic conditions clearly illustrates the close link between humans and the climate. But what exactly is the climate and how is it determined? This question is discussed in detail in the second chapter. A look back into the past helps us in addressing current questions. The warm High Middle Ages and the following Little Ice Age as well as plant remains, e.g. the annual rings of trees, or animal finds such as dinosaur skeletons allow us to draw conclusions regarding climatic conditions. Will we meet the same fate as the dinosaurs? In the fourth chapter, we visit the climate data processing centre at the MPI. Significant climate changes are predicted in model calculations for the next 100 years. This leads to further important questions: Do we need to act? If yes, when and on what scale? Especially with this last chapter, the pupils are encouraged to recognise their own responsibility in order to shape the future of all of us.
Learn moreMarine Mammals
The oceans are the home of whales, which look like fish but, in fact, are mammals like we humans and breathe with their lungs. The film shows the peculiarities of whales, which are divided into two main groups: baleen whales and toothed whales. Baleen whales, among which there is also the blue whale, the biggest of all whales, feed on tiny crustaceans called krill. Toothed whales feed on fish, crabs and other marine animals. One of the best known representatives is the killer whale, which is the fastest marine mammal with a speed of up to 55 km/h. With their leaps they delight the audiences in sea life aquariums. Whether they should be kept like that is a highly controversial issue, however. Whales are also much coveted because of their fat, meat and oil. Having been ruthlessly killed, whales have amost been wiped out and today are subject to international protection. Whale watching boosts people’s interest in these formidable animals. Another threatened animal species lives in the warm and shallow waters of Central America: the sea cows, which feed exclusively on plants and surface for breathing every 2 to 5 minutes. With the extensive accompanying material this DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreMartin Luther King
Martin Luther King, born and raised in the household of a pastor, was one of the privileged blacks. He saw and experienced the injustice of social oppression and racism, which were particularly pronounced in the Southern States of the USA, and some of which are still lingering today. He called for demonstrations and civil disobedience and became the spokesman for the Civil Rights Movement of the USA: ”But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.“ In his famous speech Martin Luther King referred to the “inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” established in the American Declaration of Independence: ”I have a dream – I have a dream deeply rooted in the American Dream“, King announced his utopia of a just America amid tremendous applause from the crowd. In spite of the violent repressions of the demonstrations he remained an ardent proponent of nonviolent resistance, deeply impressed by Mahatma Gandhi and the Bible. In 1964, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Price. The film shows moving moments of the life and achievements of Martin Luther King up to his assassination. Together with the teaching material in the data section, the DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreMass Coaching
It has long been generally recognised that the modern working world often pushes people to the limits of their stress resistance. In many professional fields and enterprises all work and efforts are dominated by the maxim: “success“. Cheerful, motivated, vigorous and full of youthful energy employees are to engage themselves in their companies or present themselves in job applications. But what happens when the success in life, the motivation and the joy of work fail to materialise fort the most various reasons?
Learn moreMassentierhaltung
Ein Kilogramm Hühnerschenkel für 99 Cent – dieser Preis lässt sich nur erreichen, wenn die Herstellungskosten massiv niedrig gehalten werden. Der Film geht der Frage nach, unter welchen Bedingungen Tiere für die industrielle Verwertung gehalten werden. Welche Möglichkeiten die Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher haben, auf diese Bedingungen Einfluss zu nehmen, ist der Inhalt eines eigenen Kapitels.
Learn moreMaterials and Substances of Everyday Life
Hearing these words, you first think of the materials our clothing is made of. But all objects surrounding us in everyday life consist of one or several materials.
Learn moreMaulwurf
Jedes Kind hat schon einmal von ihm gehört, gesehen haben ihn die Wenigsten, denn er lebt meistens im Verborgenen.
Learn moreMayor(ess)
Gauting is a municipality southwest of the city of Munich in Bavaria. About 20,000 people live in the municipality. But who actually ensures that such a system works? Who determines how and what is built? Who will ensure that traffic is regulated for all? That there are traffic lights, that pedestrians have their rights? Who makes sure that enough playgrounds are built and that there are schools for the children of the community to go to? Who leads the administration of such a municipality which is needed so that everything we take for granted in everyday life works smoothly? A mayor or mayoress takes care of all these activities. In Gauting, this is Brigitte Servatius. Today we want to visit the mayoress in the town hall with class 4c of the primary school Gauting and ask what a mayor actually does.
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