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Musical Instruments III
Who does not know them - the Orff Instruments? Already at the age of a toddler, you come in contact with them. Rattles and other noisy toys are to be found in almost every nursery and also the glockenspiel is an instrument found frequently there. But where do these Orff instruments come from? And what has given them their names? Carl Orff, the Munich-born musical teacher and composer, greatly influenced the national and international music world with his works. The Orff instruments were named after him and music pedagogy is no longer imaginable without them. But who was Carl Orff? The first part of the film shows Carl Orff's life from childhood until death. Subsequently, Carl Orff's works are covered, with a focus on "Carmina Burana“. The last part provides us with a detailed overview of the Orff instruments. The qualities of the instruments and their sounds are shown as well as the ways they are played. Together with the comprehensive and innovative accompanying material, the film is highly suitable for classroom use.
Learn moreMusikinstrumente
Der Mensch kennt sie seit der Altsteinzeit. Es gibt sie in klein und in groß. Sie werden gestrichen, gezupft, geschlagen, geblasen.
Learn moreMuslim Festivals
Meryem and Rabia at midday prayer with their parents. Normal daily routine for them because they belong to the almost five per cent of the German population who are of Muslim faith. They have, like most Christians, too, very special feasts, rituals and holidays. We are going to accompany them and other Muslim families on these festivals.
Learn moreMute Swan
Swans are an ornament to our waters. The majestic birds with their snow-white plumage are considered the very epitome of beauty and purity. Not every swan, however, is white. It is the Mute Swan that has inspired people’s imagination for ages. Seemingly an old acquaintance, it has nevertheless a great many unknown features for us to discover.
Learn moreMy Body
All human beings in the whole world have the same physique. However, we differ from each other in sex, height and weight as well as in skin and hair colour. The way we move, too, is different with each individual person. This film shows the uniqueness of humans and the distinctiveness of each body. Touch is a basic need of humans – there are good and bad kinds of touch. We learn to say “No!” in the case of unpleasant touches to protect our bodies. Zur Lesekompetenzförderung kann, über das Menü ihres DVD Players oder der Abspielsoftware, der deutsche Untertitel eingeschaltet werden.
Learn moreMy Favourite Colour Is Multi-coloured
Paintbrush: ”Hello kids! I am Colori. Being a paintbrush, I love all those vivid colours: red, yellow, green, blue ... just all of them! Don't you like it colourful, too? Great! When I was painting, I thought that I'd like to know where all these fantastic colours we see come from. Why are meadows green? And why is a fire engine red? Why isn't a banana blue? And why is a rainbow always colourful? Would you like to know that, too? Great, then I'll tell you what I've found out!" Imagine for a moment that there were no colours. If nothing in this world had a colour, that would be quite boring and sad. No colourful flowers, no coloured butterflies, even your ice-cream on a sunny day would just be grey.
Learn moreNachwachsende Rohstoffe
Der global steigende Energieverbrauch stellt die Energiegewinnung vor große Herausforderungen.
Learn moreNathan the Wise
Nathan the Wise by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing is considered one of the most important dramas of German literary history still today, 235 years after its premiere in Berlin on April 17, 1783. The notion of tolerance of the Age of Enlightenment concerning the various religions in their relationships to each other actually is what makes the play topical still today.
Learn moreNationalpark
In the Hohe Tauern National Park you can experience with all your senses the peaceful coexistence of wild nature and human creativity, the diversity of nature as well as its significance as an ecosystem preserve in the heart of Europe. Pristine forests, species-rich mountain meadows and the alpine primeval landscape of the highest mountains in Austria quite naturally evoke a thirst for knowledge.
Learn moreNatur erleben
Die Naturwissenschaften gelangen zu ihren Ergebnissen durch präzise Beobachtung, durch fundierte Hypothesenbildung, deren experimentelle Überprüfung und Auswertung. Vermittelt werden die Ergebnisse in einem festgelegten Kanon der Darstellung, sei es durch Schaffung eines anschaulichen Modells oder einer detaillierten Zeichnung, sei es durch ein aussagekräftiges Diagramm.
Learn moreNatural Gas
It provides heat for radiators and for cooking, generates electricity and even drives cars: natural gas is an important energy resource – worldwide, and also here in Germany.
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