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861 results

On Fire!

This DVD provides information on the history of fires and the fire brigade. The firefighters’ job is vividly illustrated, including their tasks and equipment. The topic of placing emergency calls plays a major part on this DVD. For safety training pur- poses, fire brigade operations are shown, causes of fires dis- cussed and extinguishing fires is practiced. In particular, the appropriate conduct in the event of a fire (alarm, test alarm, escape route, emergency call, fire detector, fire extinguisher, etc.) and first-aid measures for burns are demonstrated. The fact that besides the familiar fire engine, there are also fire brigades on water, on land and in the air shows how diverse this job is. A visit to the youth fire brigade makes this DVD especially suited for primary school pupils.

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As soon as the audience has taken their seats, the conductor enters the orchestra pit. When he lifts the baton, the magic ritual of enchantment through music, play and light in an illusory world, which is to true nonetheless, begins. But what is opera, anyway? Let us dare a look behind the scenes! This film presents the institution and the artistic creation of an opera. The pupils learn about the structure of a traditional opera house. They get to know how an opera production is planned and prepared. They see how many people contribute to an opera production from the planning to the first night. What jobs and what manual skills are behind a production? How do make-up artists and costume designers work? How many rehearsals are required? All these questions and a lot more are answered by the film. And if the pupils do attend an opera performance, they will perhaps think of the many people and skills that were needed to make this evening a success. Together with the extensive accompanying material the didactic DVD is perfectly suited for various uses in the classroom.

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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview of the field of optics with an emphasis on the following main topics: All three models, i.e. the ray theory, the wave theory and the quantum theory of light, are explained by means of selected phenomena. The pupils learn about the conditions, the principles and appearances regarding reflection and refraction and are encouraged to perform easy experiments themselves. Optics are introduced to the pupils with the help of examples from nature, road traffic and the environment. Simple optical instruments such as a magnifying glass, a camera, a microscope, an astronomic telescope and the eye are described. Further, the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, a line spectrum, a solar cell and a radiometer are explained in selected sections. The film is divided into six menu items (chapters), which may be individually accessed and worked on. For this purpose, additional pictures, texts or selected short film clips are offered, which can simply be called up by remote control.

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Organic Farm

That is how we imagine an ideal farm. Free-range hens, cows are being driven from the pasture into the stable, a cat is straying across the yard, the dog is watching over everything... This farm of farmer Ponzaun, however, exists today only because he need not subsist on the profit he makes from selling the products grown on his farm. The main income on the Ponzaun farm derives from the guests who want to experience once again what life was like on a farm in former times. During their holiday on the farm the children and the grown-ups want to participate in the daily life that is determined by the care for and life together with the animals and nature.

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Otto von Bismarck

Otto von Bismarck war der prägende Staatsmann im Europa der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Seine Persönlichkeit, sein innen- und außenpolitisches Handeln und die Bewertung durch die Nachwelt sind indes sehr widersprüchlich.

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Our Money

„Money makes the world go round.“ Today this proverb is more topical than ever and perfectly describes our dependence on the currency of money. This DVD is intended to contribute to an understanding of the phenomenon of money. In doing so, it first provides an overview of different world currencies with the main emphasis on our currency, the euro. The film shows that the European currency is not specific to a country but transnational. Common features as well as differences in the coins and notes are presented and illustrated. We accompany Jenny and Jakob during their day and learn how to compare, assess, count and calculate with sums of money. The DVD looks critically into the topic of borrowing. In addition, it demonstrates the advantages of saving up, explains the concept of interest and shows how to open an account. This DVD provides a good overview of handling money and calculating with it, describes its form and characteristics and is perfectly suited for lessons in both general knowledge and mathematics at primary school.

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Our Solar System

Looking up at the cloudless night sky is something special. It is a spectacle that we are offered free of charge every clear night.

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Our Weather

In everyday life we are confronted with this topic on a daily basis. It is part of our lives. The weather determines our daily routine more than we tend to think. Children, in particular, have a lot of questions on the subject. How does the weather form? What different forms of clouds are there? How is a weather forecast made? Why does it rain? These are only a few of them. The film looks into these questions and answers them in terms and pictures suitable for young pupils. Looking to the future, the problems of climate change and greenhouse effect are also dealt with. In addition, the film conveys to the children how important it is to treat our earth with sensitivity. As a special bonus, this DVD offers fast-motion picture material from weather stations as well as satellite pictures made available by the German meteorological service, which can be accessed via the DVD menu. Together with the didactically arranged accompanying material, this DVD is perfectly suited for the classroom both as an introduction to the complex topic of the weather and as a tool in the hands of the pupils when working individually or preparing projects.

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Parasites are not a small group of organisms, as many believe. Parasitism is a specific mode of life in which one creature, a parasite, lives on another creature and feeds on it. Apart from well-known parasites such as ticks or bed bugs, also animals like the cuckoo or the ichneumon fly and plants, for example the mistletoe, live parasitically. With a lot of animations, recordings and microscope images the film illustrates how this ectoparasitic way of life evolves, to what extent the parasites deprive their hosts and what other living organisms engage in parasitism, too. Humans easily become hosts to parasites and the latter can transmit serious diseases. The malaria cycle and the danger of ESME are described and preventive measures that can be taken are shown.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Paris - the Megacity

Paris is the capital of France and located in the heart of Europe.

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Parkour ist eine recht junge Trendsportart, die Hindernisse in der alltäglichen Umgebung möglichst elegant überwindet.

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Part Time Kings

Your children are not your children

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