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Fruit is a multi-faceted gift of nature. Almost no other food is available to us in such a variety. It tastes good, is healthy and can mostly be eaten raw. However, it should be well washed before or even peeled, depending on the variety. The term “fruit” is understood to mean fruits from trees and shrubs. Fruits contain besides a mostly rather high amount of water a great number of vitamins and minerals. A lot of fruit grows here in Central Europe, in Germany or Austria. Among these so-called “domestic“ fruits are apples, pears, strawberries and blueberries. They mostly ripen in autumn. Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges and tangerines do not grow around here as they require a lot of sunlight and heat for their growth. They are imported to us by lorry mostly from countries around the Mediterranean such as Spain, Italy and Greece. Exotic fruits like pineapples and bananas need a tropical climate with a lot of heat, sunshine and water. Due to modern means of transport, these widely travelled varieties of fruit are meanwhile available in every supermarket throughout the whole year.

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„Das Weltall, unendliche Weiten, wir schreiben das Jahr …“ – viele von uns kennen diesen Satz aus utopischen Filmen. Im Planetarium can wir sehen, was unsere Forschung bereits weiß. Durch faszinierende, bewegte Bilder erfahren wir, was über unsere Erde, unser Sonnensystem und unser Universum bereits bekannt ist – auch, wenn es oft nur ein kleiner Teil ist. In diesem Film geht es um die Geschichte der Planetenmaschine, von den Tellurien bis zum ersten Planetarium der Welt. Wir begleiten einen Besuch im Planetarium und erklären dabei Aufbau und Technik. Dabei geben wir Einblick in eine Astroshow, sterben uns auf eine Reise ins Weltall mitnimmt.

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Planeten und Exoplaneten

Das Universum, Sterne und Planeten üben seit jeher eine Faszination auf den Menschen aus.

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Plastic has been around for not longer than roughly 100 years, and the synthetic material is a brilliant invention. Its production is cheap, it can take almost any possible form, it is light-weight, versatile and, above all, inexpensive.

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Plastik in unserem Alltag

Plastik hat sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten in unserer Umgebung stark ausgebreitet. So stark, dass wir es mit der Nahrung aufnehmen und es sich bereits im Urin von Kindergartenkindern nachweisen lässt.

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Today, the use of new media has become a matter of course not only in everyday life – schools and teaching, too, benefit from the new technologies and methods, which support active and independent learning. Especially in computer science, ethics and language courses but also in all other subjects, modern media are a valuable pedagogic and didactic asset. This DVD uses the example of podcasts to demonstrate how the possibilities opened up by new media can be applied in the classroom and how the pupils can be taught to handle them in a competent and target-oriented manner. The film is aimed at supporting the use of podcasts at school and encourages making them. This also requires the ability to find information on the Internet and assess it. The film informs on the functionality of podcasts and technical background as well as on the teaching and learning possibilities offered by podcasts – ranging from specific contents to superordinate learning targets such as the advancement of creativity and team spirit. The DVD is a useful support for teachers applying new media and wishing to show their pupils how to handle Running Time: 20:29 ms them in a sensible way.

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Throughout history, humans have always tried to understand the mysterious power of toxins. In doing so, they sometimes discovered healing medicine, and sometimes lethal mixtures. This DVD treats the history and origin of poisons and their use by man. The most common and most dangerous known poisons are introduced. A journey into the body unveils the secrets of the deadly substances and shows how poisons work and why some kill slowly and painfully while others take effect suddenly and unexpectedly. Many plants and fungi produce life-threatening substances. But animal poisons are unparalleled in their effects. These ex- periments of nature also inspired human preparers of poison as well as healers. The most mysterious cases from history and nature could be re-opened. With the help of the new findings, new cures might be developed.

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This DVD conveys to the pupils a comprehensive picture of the European neighbour state of Poland. Topographical information on Poland is followed by an overview of its typical natural landscapes, for instance the Baltic seashore from the Pomeranian Bay to the Gulf of Gdansk, the adjacent hills of the “Baltic Ridge” und the lowlands of Silesia and Mazovia. The large lake districts, the high mountain region of the “High Tatra” and the mighty Forest Carpathians form Poland’s natu- ral landmarks. The DVD gives a striking account of Poland’s fight for sove- reignty and explains the massive economic boom as a conse- quence of the transition from a centrally planned economy to a well-functioning market economy. A visit to the capital of Warsaw shows, among other things, the Old Town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but also the modern part of the city around the Palace of Culture and Science. The pupils also get to know Poland as a country of science and culture, where modern research and traditional customs peacefully coexist.This DVD shows the diversity and unique- ness of the EU member state of Poland and helps pupils to learn more about their European homeland.

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This DVD provides comprehensive information on the diffe- rent areas of police activity. The responsible job of police officers as well as their every- day duties are clearly described and shown in a way that is understandable to primary school pupils. “Police – In Action for Safety” offers a detailed insight into the cop-operation of all police forces and the technical means available to them, for instance when on duty in road traffic, at special or large events, when searching for persons, when solving crimes as well as on daily patrol duty. In exciting film clips, the pupils can directly experience what the life of a police officer is like. The comprehensive accompanying material complements the facts already learned and further includes many transfer tasks, language games and mathematical questions regarding police work.

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Politics of the USA

The United States of America. The nation’s political power is centred around the Capitol in the capital Washington D.C. This block encompasses the most important government buildings. Under the dome of Congress, both parliaments of the federal government are housed.

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Mit ihrer Körpergröße von 1,70 Metern würde Joeys Karriere als Polizistin nichts im Wege stehen. Denn um sich der Spezialausbildung in Kampfsport, Fahr- und Klettertraining sowie einer umfassenden Schießausbildung auf der Polizeischule unterziehen zu dürfen, muss man strenge Vorgaben erfüllen. Neben einer entsprechenden Körperlänge, sind das Gewicht sowie sportliche Fähigkeiten entscheidend. Wer die Aufnahmeprüfung übersteht – in Deutschland sind das jährlich ca. 1.500 Männer und Frauen – durchläuft eine drei Jahre lang harte Schule mit einem einzigen Ziel vor Augen: die grüne Uniform! Doch neuerdings geht der Trend zu blau. Hamburg macht es vor und schickt seine Gesetzeshüter statt in waldgrün in enzianblau auf den Kiez. Doch die Hansestadt ist auch in einer anderen Disziplin ganz weit vorne: Im Verteilen von „Knöllchen“. Ob Falschparken, Temposünden oder Ruhestörungen, den Hamburger Polizisten entgeht fast nichts. Aber was kostet es, wenn man am Steuer zu viel Promille im Blut hat, einen Beamten beleidigt oder bei rot über die Ampel geht? Die Antwort darauf findet man im so genannten Bußgeldkatalog. Muss man diesen zu häufig konsultieren oder macht man sich anderer Vergehen schuldig, droht dem Delinquenten irgendwann der Gang ins Gericht.

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1922, St.Peter’s Square in Rome, at the dawn of a new era. On 6th February 1922, Achille Ratti, Archbishop of Milan, is elected Pope Pius XI. He addresses the faithful that have gathered on the square that is still Italian back then.

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