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Was macht ein Pfarrer?
Was macht ein Pfarrer? Ist es nur ein Beruf oder ist es Berufung? Zu Wort kommen im Film der katholische Pfarrer Alois Emsländer und der evangelische Pfarrer Ralf Honig.
Learn moreWasserknappheit
Wasserknappheit ist ein globale Problem. Verschärft wird es durch das starke Bevölkerungswachstum, den Klimawandel und ineffiziente Wassernutzung.
Learn moreWasserstoff
Wasserstoff ist das häufigste Element im Universum. Auf der Erde ist der Wasserstoff größtenteils in Verbindung mit Sauerstoff im Wasser gebunden.
Learn moreWaste
The content of the film "Waste" is based on the specific field of experience of children – how household waste is produced and disposed of. In a vivid way, the film makes the children acquainted with the various forms of waste, how they are disposed of and how many reusable materials are contained in our household waste.
Learn moreWater
This DVD offers an insight into the correlation between life and water. In simple terms that are easily understandable to primary school pupils, the film outlines the significance of water for the lives of humans, animals and plants. The DVD covers the following aspects of the topic: Water is Everywhere (deposits and utilisation), Drinking Water (journey of the water, role of the waterworks, water consump- tion), Wastewater (water pollution, processes at a wastewater treatment plant, purification of wastewater), the Water Cycle in Nature (groundwater, evaporation, formation of clouds, rain, infiltration), States of Water (transition between the states, easy-to-perform experiments, occurrence in nature), Properties of Water (what water can do, percentage of water in animals and plants, water as nourishment). The film is divided into five menu items (chapters). Each chapter can be individually accessed and worked on.
Learn moreWater Energy
Energy Is Everywhere It is everywhere. Within and all around us. It creates storms and moves the stars of our universe just as it makes a butterfly fly. It makes the plants grow and keeps the atoms together. Without it, we could not move, think and act. Without it, we would not be alive. Our world would not work as we know it if it did not exist: energy. Cars, television or light in your living-room – all our technology only works with the help of energy.
Learn moreWater is Everywhere
In terms easily understandable to children, this DVD makes us realize how important water is in our everyday life. The film shows where water comes from, how the water cycle on earth works and describes the long journey of the water before it finally flows from our taps. Splash, the raindrop, guides the children through the exciting world of water. It also points out possible dangers and explains that water is the most important resource on earth. For without water, there is no life. The accompanying material contains extensive suggestions and recommendations such as songs, experiments, tips for assembly, games, mandalas, etc., both for a practical application of the topic in the classroom and for reinforcing the knowledge the children have acquired. Special emphasis was laid on an integrated learning experience in kindergarten life for the children to experience our most important resource with all their senses. Thus, this DVD offers a suitable, childoriented basis for projects in kindergarten and early primary school, which take up and illustrate a topic familiar from the children‘s everyday lives.
Learn moreWays to Democracy
This film shows the most important stages on the way to the development of democracy in Germany. It begins with the foundation (1792) and quick end (1793) of the Republic of Mainz in the course of the French Revolution, gives an account of the Hambacher Fest in the pre-March era and the failed revolution of 1848/49, contemplates the democratic development in the German empire and the late realisation of the first German democratic national state in the Republic of Weimar. Other important steps are the erosion of the Weimar constitution after 1933, Germany’s transformation into the national socialist dictatorship and World War II as well as the formation of different democratic models in West Germany and East Germany after 1945. Finally, it is described where the rules of democracy can be explained and practiced today and what current dangers there are to the democratic system of government. The aim is to make pupils aware of the fact that democracy must not be taken for granted – it is a historical legacy that we always have to safeguard.
Learn moreWegwerfgesellschaft
Der Müllberg wächst Jahr für Jahr. Das liegt zum Einen daran, dass die Verpackungen aufwändiger werden, zum Anderen an den extrem kostengünstig produzierten Konsumgütern, die häufig einen Neukauf lohnender als eine Reparatur machen.
Learn moreWegwerfgesellschaft
Allein in Deutschland landen jedes Jahr elf Millionen Tonnen Lebensmittel im Müll. Würde man diese Menge Lebensmittelabfall in Lkws verladen, so ergäbe sich eine Lkw-Schlange, die von Berlin bis nach Peking reichen würde.
Learn moreWeltmeere
Etwa 70 Prozent der Erde sind von Wasser bedeckt. Die größte Fläche davon bildet das zusammenhängende Weltmeer.
Learn moreWerken 1
Mit den eigenen Händen etwas herstellen, an dem man sich freuen kann – das lernen die Schüler im Fach Werken und Gestalten.
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