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A battery is a portable source of chemical energy, which is converted to electrical energy as soon as the battery is placed in a circuit. The main principle is the same in almost all batteries. A metal that forms the negative terminal is opposite a positive terminal. The positive terminal is also called anode, the negative terminal cathode. Between the two terminals there is an electrically conductive liquid, the so-called electrolyte. As soon as a battery is placed in a circuit, positive and negative terminals are connected via an external contact and electrolysis takes place. On the way, a current flows from anode to cathode
Learn moreBattle of the Nations
From 16th to 19th October 1813 the allies Austria, Prussia, Russia and Sweden inflicted the decisive defeat on the French army, thus breaking the supremacy of Napoleon over Europe. In the first mass combat in modern times more than half a million soldiers from all parts of Europe fought for the political future and the territorial division of the continent. The Battle of the Nations went down in history as the biggest and bloodiest battle until the First World War. The film tells the story of this crushing blow to Napoleon. With exciting footage, filmed during the historical re-enactment of the Battle on the occasion of its 200th anniversary, and numerous interviews history is brought to life again. Together with the extensive teaching material in the data section the DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreBauernhof
Die Landwirtschaft ist die Quelle unserer Nahrung. Fleisch, Gemüse und Milch werden in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben produziert.
Learn moreBavaria
The free state of Bavaria is one of the most diverse states of the Federal Republic of Germany. Amidst the Alps with the Alpine Foothills and the Frankenwald and Lake Constance in the southwest, there are various regions that considerably differ from each other with regard to landscape as well as to economic basis. From a historical point of view, too, today’s Bavaria has evolved from individual states like the Duchy of Bavaria and several dioceses and free imperial cities like, for instance, Freising and Augsburg. Particularly interesting is the rise of the former agrarian state, which was to a large extent structurally weak, to one of the leading federal states in terms of economy and technology in the period from World War II until today. With its culture and numerous cultural treasures, Bavaria attracts tourists from all over the world, which contri- buted to the emergence of a service-oriented economy. Due to the modified, modular regional-studies approach, the DVD is suitable from the 5th to the 10th year of school.
Learn moreBean
The word bean refers to both the seeds and the pods surrounding them and often even the whole bean plant. It is not easy to get an overview of the different types of bean plants. Their variety is due to, among other things, their different origins.
Learn moreBeatbox
Beatboxing ist eine Technik der Stimmenimitation, die seit den 1980er Jahren eine weite Verbreitung vor allem in der Hip-Hop-Musik gefunden hat. Beatboxing sorgt stets für großes Erstaunen, wenn die Bestandteile eines Schlagzeugs, Kick Drum, Hi Hat und Snare Drum verblüffend realistisch nachgeahmt werden.
Learn moreBees, Bumblebees and Wasps
Our smallest domestic animals, the honey bees, belong to the insect order of hymenoptera just like bumblebees, wasps and ants. Many of these insects live in huge colonies with division of labour and a caste system. However, there also are less conspicuous small hymenoptera like, for instance, the mason- bee, which on its own builds complex nests for its offspring and supplies it with food. We haven’t even noticed that it has followed us into our human settlements and we don’t consider that we are taking away the habitats from these small interesting insects. This film pays attention to all these important plant pollinators, allows insights into the work of bees and wasps and shows how we can observe and protect them.
Learn moreBenin
Benin is situated in Equatorial Africa and is one of the poorest countries of the world. One third of its population lives in extreme poverty and infant mortality is high. The film provides an overview of the geographic location of Benin in Africa, its natural environment, climate and population. A brief outline of its history shows the development from the kingdom of Dan-Homé to the People's Republic of Benin. Economy, infrastructure and expansion of agriculture are featured as well as the way of life, the complexity of religions, cultures and dialects. Educational opportunities for children and adolescents are insufficient. The catastrophic conditions of medical services, problems associated with AIDS and inadequate development aid are exposed.
Learn moreBesuch im Museum
Museen spiegeln in Form von Gegenständen, Texten, Ton, Gemälden, Briefen usw. die Vergangenheit, lassen die Gegenwart verstehen und manchmal sogar einen Blick in die Zukunft werfen. Sie sind die Bewahrungsstätten von Kultur und Geschichte und damit ein besonderer Ort außerschulischen Lernens.
Learn moreBewerbung
Bereits in den letzten Schuljahren werden die Schülerinnen und Schüler mit den Anforderungen des Berufslebens vertraut gemacht.
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