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At first glance, wire seems to be a nondescript, rather boring material, too humdrum to be bothered with. The intensive occupation with wire in the film as well as in the accompanying material, however, makes obvious what significance wire actually has in our society. It is truly indispensable! Through the film, children get acquainted with the differences between modern and historic wire manufacturing. Moreover, they see how a bicycle is made and thus learn why bicycles are also called "wire donkeys".
Learn moreWirtschaftssystem
Das Wirtschaftssystem eines Landes bildet einen Markt, in dem Produzenten von Gütern, Anbieter von Dienstleistungen und Verbraucher miteinander in Verbindung stehen.
Learn moreWolf
Canis lupus, der Urahn der Haushunde, war einst auf nahezu der gesamten Nordhalbkugel heimisch, ehe er ab dem 15. Jahrhundert systematisch verfolgt und beinahe ausgerottet wurde.
Learn moreWolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Am 27. Januar 1756 wurde in Salzburg ein Komponist geboren, der in seinem viel zu kurzen Leben die Musikwelt verändert hat: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Learn moreWomen in the Church
Women and the Church. Pope Joan springs to mind: a powerful woman at the head of the Catholic Church – unthinkable. Therefore, material for a novel and its film adaptation. The fictional story may embody the wish for a female reign of the Church, in reality a Pope Joan never existed. Ludwig Maximilian University Munich: at the Roman-Catholic chair of Dogmatic and Ecumenical Theology the issue of women's rights is also a part of the curriculum. What role should women have in the churches? Meanwhile, students of Catholic theology criticize the discrepancy between ecclesiastical and secular points of view.
Learn moreWood/Paper/Recycling
The DVD “Wood/Paper/Recycling” provides information on the treatment and processing of wood. The production of paper, an everyday item in our lives, as well as the recycling process are explained to the primary school pupils in a simplified way. The film is also excellently suited for environmental education. The following topics in the subject area of wood, paper and recycling are covered in this DVD: • Wood – a Natural Resource (appearance, properties; types of wood) • At the Sawmill (treatment and processing methods with state-of-the-art machinery) • Paper (everyday use, papermaking, types of paper, properties) • Recycling (waste paper as an important material for the recycling of used paper, recycling technique) • Environmental Protection (conservation of trees, recycling of waste paper)
Learn moreWorld of Crystals
What have salt, iron, diamonds and a snow flake in common? At first glance, not very much.
Learn moreWorld Religions
Since humanity has existed, people have been concerned with the question of the origin of life, how it goes on after death and what the essence of a person's life is. People have always expressed the hope that they are not left alone in their existence and that there is a higher reason that gives them life, protects it and eventually preserves it.
Learn moreWorld Trade
Many of the goods we use every day come from foreign countries and have to be imported into Germany. Without a functioning world trade our range of products would be very limited. Often goods are transported over long distances from A to B before we can use them.
Learn moreWorth Eating
Bio/eco – words that earlier on were likely to cause smiles but today are simply part of a modern lifestyle. Taking care that textiles, cars and especially victuals are produced ecologically compatible is a trend. However, it is not only a bad conscience that induces us to buy a bio apple instead of sprayed apples. Mostly we are also quite simply convinced by its taste! So it is hardly surprising that not only bio farms or weekly markets sell fruits and vegetables that have been grown organically but also supermarkets and even discounters. But how does biodynamic cultivation actually work? What distinguishes it from traditional agriculture? What connection is there with appropriate animal husbandry and how are the groceries marketed? The film ´Biodynamic Farming´ and the corresponding accompanying material get to the bottom of these questions and provide in-depth information around the topic. Furthermore, exciting and instructive exercises are to be found in the accompanying material.
Learn moreX-Radiation
They are enormously rich in energy and easily penetrate the body but in spite of this, we can neither see nor feel them: X-rays work in secret.
Learn moreYoga
In diesem Film nimmt Caroline vom Gorilla Schulprogramm gGmbH mit auf eine Reise, um Stress abzubauen und die Muskeln zu stärken. Mit leicht zu erlernenden Yoga-Übungen wird das Herz gestärkt, die Atmung vertieft und die Muskulatur gekräftigt. Die begleitenden interaktiven Aufgaben bringen spielerisch die Grundelemente der zugrundeliegenden Philosophie nahe.
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