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Your Teeth
This DVD demonstrates that a regular and thorough brushing of your teeth is the foremost condition for their lifelong health. At the same time, pupils learn that food that doesn‘t damage their teeth is decisive, too, in keeping them healthy. Moreover, the film provides information in simple and comprehensible terms on the structure and function of the different kinds of teeth and the necessity of seeing a dentist regularly. The DVD focuses especially on the following aspects of the topic: oral cavity (different parts, bacteria, purposes of saliva); dentition (kinds of teeth and their properties and functions, outward structure, milk teeth, teething, dentition); structure (inner structure, milk tooth as a place-holder, sugar – the enemy of your teeth, caries, food); dental care (tools for cleaning your teeth, brushing techniques); the dentist (a look at a dentist‘s surgery, dental treatment).
Learn moreYouth Movement
Dancing until your feet hurt: Here, at the meeting on the Hoher Meissner near Kassel, 3,500 participants from Boy Scout associations, youth and Wandervogel groups from all over the German-speaking region have gathered. They want to celebrate, simply get to know each other and commemorate a historic anniversary.
Learn moreZehn Gebote
Die Zehn Gebote gehören zu den bekanntesten Texten der fünf Bücher Mose im Alten Testament.
Learn moreZehnfingersystem
Die Technik des Zehnfingerschreibens ist vor allem in vielen kaufmännischen Berufen eine wesentliche Anforderung.
Learn moreZins- und Prozentrechnen
Prozentrechnen ist eine wesentliche Kompetenz im Alltag – sei es, dass Wahlergebnisse in Prozenten dargestellt werden, sei es, dass ein prozentualer Nachlass gewährt wird oder der Lohn um einen Prozentsatz erhöht wird.
Learn moreZoo Learning
Seeing animals close up on a trip right in the middle of the city – this is possible on a visit to the zoo.
Learn moreZünfte
Die Entstehung der Zünfte fällt ins Hochmittelalter und ist eng verbunden mit den Stadtgründungen.
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