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The Eurasian Eagle Owl

With a body length of 60 to 75 cm and a wingspan of up to 170 cm, the Eurasian eagle owl is the largest owl in the world. It is also referred to as “king of the night skies”. After being hunted and almost exterminated by humans, the population of the Eurasian eagle owl has started rising again since the middle of the 20th century. Nevertheless, according to experts, it is not secured yet. Destroyed habitats and disturbances at the breeding sites, for instance by climbers, as well as dangers from power poles still threaten the population of the Eurasian eagle owl today.

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Spiders evoke fear and disgust with many people. Spiders living in or near houses are often killed by humans or vacuumed away with their vacuum cleaners. But that does not need to happen! Spiders contribute to the biological balance by eating mosquitoes, flies and other pests. A world without spiders would be scary! The film covers in detail and explains the zoological classification of spiders, their characteristics, food and hunting techniques, their different habitats as well as reproduction and brood care. Spectacular shots of spiders make the film a thrilling experience and reveal what we have never seen before in the hidden world of spiders.

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The White Stork

People have always found the white stork fascinating. It is a large, conspicuous bird, which exposes itself to human curiosity by the choice of its nesting places, therefore people tend to assign meaning to its behaviour. Today, the white stork is still believed to bring good luck. The film covers the characteristics of white storks, their appearance and behaviour as well as the order of Ciconiiformes. The habits of the white storks, their habitats and migration routes are shown in the film, too. In the Reproduction Chapter, we can see interesting pictures of hatching chicks and their first attempts at flying. The DVD includes first-grade bonus material on the bird migration research carried out by the Max Planck Research Centre for Ornithology headed by Peter Berthold. The white stork’s cultural significance and myths told about it as well as the ties between countries, which are strengthened by the “European Stork Villages”, are covered, too. The bonus material is only available in German and adds approximately 14 minutes to the film.

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Already the dinosaurs, which populated the Earth some 90 million years ago, were familiar with the tiny, dangerous pests, and the Greek poet Homer attributed healing and potency-enhancing effects to them in the late 8th century BC – however, only in pulverised form. The animals described are those clingy, blood-sucking mini-vampires – the ticks. In fact, they are parasites dangerous to us humans; not because of the amount of blood they extract but due to the diseases they can transmit in doing so. This film invites you to visit the family of the small parasites of the phylum Athropoda belonging to the class of Arachnida.

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Ecosystem Sea

The oceans have been the largest connected ecosystem of the world since hundreds of millions of years. All life originated here, and a stable system ranging from single-cell plants and animals to huge vertebrates has been established. An incredible abundance of shapes and colours has emerged. Even today, we know only a fraction of this variety. We know less about the co-existence of these beings, their interdependency and the conditions and particulars of their food chain than we know about one or the other celestial body. The largest consumers of the sea, sharks and whales have an important task in the marine ecosystem. They ensure that the populations of small predators like seals, groupers and tuna do not grow excessively. In the film, the interrelation between the individual creatures is illustrated and the ecosystem sea as well as the dangers of human interference are explained using the example of sharks and whales. We learn about these animals’ characteristics and structure. We also see why and how they are endangered and what damage the marine ecosystem might suffer if these animals were exterminated. The climate change and its consequences for the ecosystem sea are illustrated by the example of sharks and whales.

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We perceive the world we live in with our sense organs. However, perception with our senses represents only a limited part of the cosmos we live in. There is a world eluding the perception of our eyes. It exists hidden away for its cosmos is extremely small. The world of microcosm. This world is full of fascination and surprises. Up to the 1930s a deeper penetration into the microcosm was impossible. Only the invention of a new technology enabled us to render still smaller details of the microcosm visible to the human eye. A magnification of up to a thousandth millimetre has become possible. This film provides a profound insight into the microcosm. Rare pictures of mites, water bears and other creatures, made visible by means of various microscopes make the film an extraordinary experience. In addition, the DVD includes bonus material explaining the functions of the different microscopes with the help of diagrams. Due to the combination of the subjects of microcosm and microscopes, this DVD is perfectly suited for biology classes as well as physics lessons.

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In the Hohe Tauern National Park you can experience with all your senses the peaceful coexistence of wild nature and human creativity, the diversity of nature as well as its significance as an ecosystem preserve in the heart of Europe. Pristine forests, species-rich mountain meadows and the alpine primeval landscape of the highest mountains in Austria quite naturally evoke a thirst for knowledge.

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The Common Buzzard

The common buzzard is a well-known native bird of prey. You can often see it flying above fields or sitting by the roadside. But what are the typical characteristics and behaviour patterns of the common buzzard? The film covers the biological classification of the common buzzard, its characteristics and behaviour. The origin of its name is explained just as the classic characteristics, by means of which the common buzzard can be identified. We can see the common buzzard in its natural habitat, learn something about its hunting methods and its prey. Spectacular pictures show carrion crows and magpies, which “mob” the common buzzard as a direct rival for food. The hunter becomes the hunted. The reproduction of the common buzzard is covered, too. We observe the buzzard couple during nest-building and breeding. We accompany the chicks when they train their flight muscles and make their first attempts at flying. Together with the comprehensive accompanying material, this medium is perfectly suitable to get to know and appreciate our native common buzzard!

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Worth Eating

Bio/eco – words that earlier on were likely to cause smiles but today are simply part of a modern lifestyle. Taking care that textiles, cars and especially victuals are produced ecologically compatible is a trend. However, it is not only a bad conscience that induces us to buy a bio apple instead of sprayed apples. Mostly we are also quite simply convinced by its taste! So it is hardly surprising that not only bio farms or weekly markets sell fruits and vegetables that have been grown organically but also supermarkets and even discounters. But how does biodynamic cultivation actually work? What distinguishes it from traditional agriculture? What connection is there with appropriate animal husbandry and how are the groceries marketed? The film ´Biodynamic Farming´ and the corresponding accompanying material get to the bottom of these questions and provide in-depth information around the topic. Furthermore, exciting and instructive exercises are to be found in the accompanying material.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Endangered Rainforest

The small proportion of about 7% of the entire surface of the earth covered by rainforest is of global significance from various perspectives. The survival of tropical rainforests has been on the agenda of all conservationist organisations for decades. But in spite of all their endeavours and the many political promises made, more hectares of rainforest are destroyed every day than ever before.

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Hormones influence our lives. Just like our nervous system, they transmit information in our bodies. When our hormonal balance is disrupted, our behaviour changes and we may fall ill. But what are hormones? Why have they got such a big influence? Where are they produced? And how do they work? The film leads us inside the human body – into the world of hormones. We learn that there are various hormones, where these are produced and how they work. We get acquainted with people whose lives have been influenced by a hormone deficiency or a hormone excess.

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Life along the River

Rivers are important ecosystems and habitats for plants and animals. The biodiversity of animals and plants in and on the water is enormous.

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