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Fish Farming

Lakes, rivers and streams are the natural habitats of our freshwater fish. Some of them, such as carp, trout and char, are eaten as food fish. But where do the fish come from and why have our lakes and rivers not been fished dry yet? Since the Stone Age people have been catching fish for subsistence. Fish is an important source of protein. With a wide variety of methods, such as fishing rods or nets, we hunt them successfully.

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Die Elektrifizierung bescherte der Menschheit einen technologischen Quantensprung. Insbesondere die Möglichkeit elektrischer Beleuchtung dehnte die Produktivitätszeiträume der Menschen aus. Dass künstliche Beleuchtung durchaus als „Lichtverschmutzung“ mit negativen Auswirkungen auf Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen aufgefasst werden kann, ist eine vergleichsweise neue Erkenntnis.

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Sie bilden die Stützkonstruktion der Wirbeltiere – die Knochen.

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In general, male and female starlings look very much alike. In spring, starlings assume their nuptial plumage, in autumn, after moulting, they wear their eclipse plumage.

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Hare and Rabbit

How do we distinguish between a hare and a rabbit? At first sight, both look confusingly alike for both have long ears and a stumpy tail.

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Snails and Their Habitats

They are slow, really slow ... they are soft, they are slimy ...and greedy.

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Mammals I

When we talk about animals in everyday conversation, we mostly talk about mammals. Mammals live in water, on land and in the air. Countless species of the most diverse sizes and appearances populate our earth. A clear classification is not always possible because of their adaptation to their different habitats.

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The Honey Bee

Untiringly, the honey bees fly from flower to flower, constantly in search of pollen and sweet nectar. These busy workers live together in a complex social system an insight into which is provided by this film. In vivid pictures, it describes the life of the honey bee in the bee colony and deals with the inhabi- tants of the beehive and their strict division of labour. It shows the worker bees foraging for food and communicating with each other in their characteristic way. The second part of the film illustrates how a new bee colony is formed and describes the course of a bee‘s year from the new queen to the mating flight and the brood cells and finally to the expulsion of the drones in the „slaughter of the drones“. The DVD and the didactically arranged worksheets are per- fectly suited for the classroom both as an introduction to the topic and as a tool for the pupils when working individually or preparing projects.

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Bats are the only mammals that can fly actively. In mythology they represent the dark element and were the inspiration behind the invention of vampire stories. On account of their nocturnal way of life and their dark appearance, they are considered scary by many people. But the nocturnal hunters are by no means keen on human blood. They mainly hunt insects, thus assuming an important role as natural pest controllers.

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Hunters and Hunted

The African night is not for sleeping. A lot is going on there. The hunters are lying in ambush and the preys are on alert. Predators are mammals. Scientifically they are called carnivores. But other predatory vertebrates such as cats, jackals, hyenas and crocodiles are colloquially termed »predators«. They feed on meat but are not very selective in doing so. As they are not specialised in one type of animal but eat all vertebrates as well as carrion, they are called opportunistic feeders, which means they target the food that is easiest for them to catch, in the shortest time and with minimum energy input.

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Kreislauf der Fotosynthese

Die Fotosynthese ist ein fundamentaler biochemischer Prozess, der von Pflanzen und Algen betrieben wird. In dem Film wird dieser Prozess in Grafiken und Realbildern detailliert und anschaulich dargestellt. Auf die Entdeckung durch Joseph Priestley und sein berühmtes Experiment wird ebenso eingegangen wie auf die Bedeutung der Fotosynthese für die Ökosysteme der Erde.

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Der Magen

Der Film zeigt das zentrale Organ der Verdauung, den Magen.

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