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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview over reptiles with an emphasis on the following aspects: The origin of reptiles is proven by fossil finds from all over the world. The skeletons are proof that reptiles were not confined to life on land but were also adapted to water and the air. The typical common characteristics of reptiles, such as the coat of scales and a poikilothermic body temperature, as well as the extremely different appearances of poisonous snakes and constrictors, turtles, lizards and crocodiles are discussed in detail. The different methods of finding food both as a herbivore or as an ambush predator with the use of poison or with the help of a pit organ are shown. The “invention” of the amnion made the reptiles’ reproduction independent from water and enab- led them to lay their eggs on land.

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The Eurasian Eagle Owl

With a body length of 60 to 75 cm and a wingspan of up to 170 cm, the Eurasian eagle owl is the largest owl in the world. It is also referred to as “king of the night skies”. After being hunted and almost exterminated by humans, the population of the Eurasian eagle owl has started rising again since the middle of the 20th century. Nevertheless, according to experts, it is not secured yet. Destroyed habitats and disturbances at the breeding sites, for instance by climbers, as well as dangers from power poles still threaten the population of the Eurasian eagle owl today.

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In impressive pictures several interesting biological topics are conveyed by this film: knowledge of the structure of blossoms, their variety of forms as well as significance and purpose of their colours and scents. Thus it becomes comprehensible why blossoms are so differently structured, how self pollination is avoided and which evolutionary achievement is behind the symbiotic interaction between blossoms and pollinators. Pollination is a “deal“: the plant offers the insects nectar in exchange for the transport of the pollen. Prerequisite for this is the mutual adaptation process of the blossom to the mouthparts of the insect and vice versa. That cheating goes on during this “business relationship” between plant and animal is illustrated with the example of flower mimesis. The perfect way in which blossoms succeed in attracting insects without offering them nectar in return is another highlight of this film. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.

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New Species in our Environment

More and more animal and plant species successfully spread far away from their original homes. They are organisms that with our assistance – or even alone – are disseminated further and further across the globe: they are called invasive species.

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Die Elektrifizierung bescherte der Menschheit einen technologischen Quantensprung. Insbesondere die Möglichkeit elektrischer Beleuchtung dehnte die Produktivitätszeiträume der Menschen aus. Dass künstliche Beleuchtung durchaus als „Lichtverschmutzung“ mit negativen Auswirkungen auf Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen aufgefasst werden kann, ist eine vergleichsweise neue Erkenntnis.

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Sie bilden die Stützkonstruktion der Wirbeltiere – die Knochen.

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When we talk about muscles, we mostly think of those we can see. These are the arm, chest, abdominal and leg muscles.

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Human Liver

Normally you do not feel it, it does not beat like the heart, neither can we feel it like the lungs when we breathe in and out – nevertheless, it is one of our most important organs: the liver.

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One of the last big heathland areas in Germany is located west of the Lower Saxon town of Lüneburg – the Lüneburg Heath Nature Reserve.

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More than 350 million years ago, the evolution of amphibians set in. Amphibians developed from fish – a first step towards life on land. Diverse reproduction strategies, manifold forms of appearance and a broad spectrum of sizes, ranging from the tiny Brazil litter frog to the giant salamander, constitute the special characteristics of the class of amphibians. The pupils learn about the different respiration techniques and the particularities of the amphibians’ circulatory system as well as about their defining characteristics and their repro- duction strategies. Moreover, the threat to amphibian species posed by environ- mental poisons and the climate change is also discussed. This DVD leads the pupils into the fascinating, unknown world of amphibians, which still remains to be fully researched.

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Spiders evoke fear and disgust with many people. Spiders living in or near houses are often killed by humans or vacuumed away with their vacuum cleaners. But that does not need to happen! Spiders contribute to the biological balance by eating mosquitoes, flies and other pests. A world without spiders would be scary! The film covers in detail and explains the zoological classification of spiders, their characteristics, food and hunting techniques, their different habitats as well as reproduction and brood care. Spectacular shots of spiders make the film a thrilling experience and reveal what we have never seen before in the hidden world of spiders.

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Basics of BIOLOGY I

Basics of Biology examines general biological issues that help to expand and consolidate basic biological knowledge. The first film of this series deals with the structure of the plant cell. It centres around the structure and function of plant tissue such as the xylem, root cells and stomata as well as the functions of the chloroplasts. In the second chapter the issue of photosynthesis and the elements involved in it are dealt with. With tests and experiments impacts of light and CO2 on photosynthesis are demonstrated and explained. The third part explains human respiration. The rising oxygen consumption of a woman athlete brought on by physical effort on the moving walkway is shown. What happens when the physical stress becomes too strong and the amount of oxygen inhaled is no longer sufficient? The transition from aerobic respiration to anaerobic respiration is vividly illustrated. Together with the extensive accompanying material the didactic DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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