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This DVD introduces the members of vertebrates group existing today, illustrated by various examples. The phyloge- netic development, which started in the primeval oceans, is shown in detail by means of homologous skeleton structures. The variations in the body’s basic structure in adaptation to the vertebrates’ respective needs, which resulted in today’s situation with vertebrates living in water, on land and in the air, are demonstrated by means of extant representatives of the class. The vertebrates group encompasses cartilage and bony fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The modifications of those skeletal elements serving locomotion, from the fins of the fish to the wing span of the birds and the hands of mammals, are shown. This DVD is suitable for the topic of vertebrates for younger pupils or as a contribution to the topic of evolution illustrated by means of the development of vertebrates.
Learn moreTicks
Already the dinosaurs, which populated the Earth some 90 million years ago, were familiar with the tiny, dangerous pests, and the Greek poet Homer attributed healing and potency-enhancing effects to them in the late 8th century BC – however, only in pulverised form. The animals described are those clingy, blood-sucking mini-vampires – the ticks. In fact, they are parasites dangerous to us humans; not because of the amount of blood they extract but due to the diseases they can transmit in doing so. This film invites you to visit the family of the small parasites of the phylum Athropoda belonging to the class of Arachnida.
Learn moreMute Swan
Swans are an ornament to our waters. The majestic birds with their snow-white plumage are considered the very epitome of beauty and purity. Not every swan, however, is white. It is the Mute Swan that has inspired people’s imagination for ages. Seemingly an old acquaintance, it has nevertheless a great many unknown features for us to discover.
Learn moreVaccination
It is only in recent years that a vaccination has existed that is supposed to lower the risk of getting cervical cancer. This vaccination can protect against specific, sexually transmitted human papillomaviruses that are considered one of the causes for cervical cancer.
Learn moreÖkosysteme, Mikroorganismen, Sexualität
In unserem Arbeitsheft Biologie, 9, Vol. 1 – Ökosysteme, Mikroorganismen, Sexualität finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben.
Learn more5./6. Jahrgangsstufe, Vol. 1
In unserem Arbeitsheft Biologie 5./6. Jahrgangsstufe, Vol. 1 finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben.
Learn more7./8. Jahrgangsstufe, Vol. 1
In unserem Arbeitsheft Biologie 7./8. Jahrgangsstufe, Vol. 1 finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben.
Learn moreZellen, Zellteilung & Enzyme
In unserem Arbeitsheft Biologie, 11, Vol. 1 – Zellen, Zellteilung & Enzyme finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete H5P-Module.
Vererbung, Hormone, Parasiten
In unserem Arbeitsheft Biologie, 10, Vol. 1 – Vererbung, Hormone, Parasiten finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete H5P-Module.
Merkmale & Lebensweise der Wirbeltiere
In unserem Arbeitsheft Biologie 6, Vol. 1, Merkmale & Lebensweise der Wirbeltiere finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete H5P-Module.
Learn moreNutzpflanzen – Getreide, Kartoffeln & Zuckerrüben
In unserem Arbeitsheft Biologie 5, Vol. 2 – Nutzpflanzen – Getreide, Kartoffeln & Zuckerrüben finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete H5P-Module.