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The flowering spring meadow, the cute cat from the neighbour’s garden or the bowl with strawberries are a source of joy to most people.

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Carnivorous Plants

Up to the middle of the 19th century it was believed that plants exclusively served as a nutritional staple to be eaten by herbivorous primary consumers.      

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Snails and Their Habitats

They are slow, really slow ... they are soft, they are slimy ...and greedy.

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Metabolic Disorder Diabetes

Big break in the school yard of the Freiherr vom Stein school. The pupils are talking or playing. Amidst them is Felix, twelve years old. He is always with them. Now it is necessary for him to measure his blood sugar because he has diabetes. The blood sugar level is permanently elevated in this disease.

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The Ear

Large or small, narrow or broad, round or angular. Our ears may be of a variety of shapes.

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One of the last big heathland areas in Germany is located west of the Lower Saxon town of Lüneburg – the Lüneburg Heath Nature Reserve.

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It is slippery, soft and slimy, burrows in the moist soil and many just find it disgusting – the earthworm. Most of us know it when it comes to the surface in heavy rain and ends in puddles or, possibly, as fish bait; but earthworms are true natural wonders and extremely useful. Only a very small percentage of all animals are vertebrates. These animals, such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish, all have a vertebral column. Over 90% of our fauna are invertebrate animals.

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Biotechnology II

The results of the fundamental research in genetics and genetic engineering are the basis for the further development of biotechnology, whose basics have already been covered in part I of the biotechnology series. In conjunction with findings in microbiology, biotechnology has made significant progress. In particular the identification of the genetic code has opened up new possibilities for numerous applications. It has enabled the genetic modification of organisms for a desired purpose. The close cooperation between different disciplines in biotechnology continuously generates new insights and possible applications. Moreover, in the so-called red biotechnology – which is medical biotechnology – biologists, medical scientists and pharmacists contribute, amongst other things, to the development of new medicines, thus creating a link between scientific fundamental research and its medical application. An important example of red biotechnology is the production of insulin.

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The enormous size of the jaws and the frightening teeth of sharks have always attracted people's interest. Horrifying news of attacks on humans did the rest – "Jaws“: Steven Spielberg turned this best seller by Peter Benchley into a world-famous film. The story, published in 1974, is based on true events. In the 1960s, sharks were often spotted off America's coasts and the press was generous with reports often so scary that fear was fuelled. One day, as a shark stranded, it was a unique opportunity for the crowd of perplexed swimmers to observe the supposedly terrible monster at close range. Watching living sharks from special protective cages is a popular albeit expensive tourist attraction. It is an unforgettable experience to watch and photograph a shark swimming freely and gliding gracefully.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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They are the epitome of power and elegance. Man domesticated them long after dog and cat, they provided meat, were strong agricultural helpers pulling ploughs and other implements. These hard times are over for the animals – their range of service has changed. The most favourite animal of many children and grown-ups, it has changed from former working animal to today’s companion for sport and leisure. The horse breeds known today are descended from a primeval horse. It lived about 50 million years ago – that is fifty with six zeros after it!

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Alexander von Humboldt

The name of Alexander von Humboldt, who is considered the last polymath and is still admired as second discoverer in Latin America, is omnipresent. Schools, ships, mountains, rivers, squares are named after him; but above all animals and plants were given his name. But what about his natural history legacy and heritage in our time?

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Mice, Small Rodents

Mice are found almost everywhere. The small agile rodents live in forests, meadows and fields but also in our very midst. They have long or short tails, big or small ears. Even if they differ on the outside, all of them have one thing in common: sharp incisors with which they gnaw their way through life. Not every animal called “mouse“, counts among the ”true mice“. The white-toothed shrew, a small, grey-coloured animal, is often found in settlement areas. Outwardly it looks very similar to a true mouse, its frenzied behaviour reminds of mice, too. Shrews, however, are not rodents but carnivores with sharp little teeth, which feed on worms, woodlice, insect larvae and other invertebrates. They are more closely related to the hedgehog or the mole than to mice.

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