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Angst und Phobien

Das Herz klopft, der Puls geht schneller, Schweiß bricht aus: Angst gehört zur „Grundausstattung“ unserer Gefühle, warnt uns vor gefährlichen Situationen und setzt unseren Körper in Alarmbereitschaft. So können wir instinktiv richtig reagieren, ohne groß nachzudenken. Angst ist ein Urinstinkt, der uns schützen soll.

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Genetic Code Sun

Life on Earth assumes a large variety of shapes. There is plant life and animal life. Protozoa live alongside human beings, ants alongside fish and elephants, a blowball alongside a cactus.

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Common European Adder

The common (European) adder is extremely wide-spread across the globe.

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Biotechnology III

Biotechnological knowledge and applications can be divided into several subareas. For easy orientation and distinction, the respective fields have been assigned a specific colour. The second part of this biotechnology series covered red biotechnology, which is the medical field. In this part, green biotechnology, which refers to agriculture, white (industrial) biotechnology and grey biotechnology, which refers to environmental protection, are dealt with.

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Humans have always found them fascinating: whales, the giants of the seas.

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Bees, Bumblebees and Wasps

Our smallest domestic animals, the honey bees, belong to the insect order of hymenoptera just like bumblebees, wasps and ants. Many of these insects live in huge colonies with division of labour and a caste system. However, there also are less conspicuous small hymenoptera like, for instance, the mason- bee, which on its own builds complex nests for its offspring and supplies it with food. We haven’t even noticed that it has followed us into our human settlements and we don’t consider that we are taking away the habitats from these small interesting insects. This film pays attention to all these important plant pollinators, allows insights into the work of bees and wasps and shows how we can observe and protect them.

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Hormones influence our lives. Just like our nervous system, they transmit information in our bodies. When our hormonal balance is disrupted, our behaviour changes and we may fall ill. But what are hormones? Why have they got such a big influence? Where are they produced? And how do they work? The film leads us inside the human body – into the world of hormones. We learn that there are various hormones, where these are produced and how they work. We get acquainted with people whose lives have been influenced by a hormone deficiency or a hormone excess.

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When we open the tap, it gushes out: drinking water – clear and clean. It is our most important victual and can be replaced by NOTHING. On average every inhabitant of Germany consumes 125 litres every day! But where does our drinking water come from?

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Algen gehören zu den ältesten Lebensformen auf der Erde. Sie sind die älteste Lebensform, die Photosynthese betreibt und schufen damit eine Erdatmosphäre, in der sich das Leben entwickeln konnte.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Epidemien, Pandemien, Endemien

Sie begleiten und bedrohen den Menschen seit Urzeiten und sie haben mehr Todesopfer gefordert als alle Kriege zusammen. Die Rede ist von Seuchen.

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Vegane Ernährung

Familie Böhning lebt seit zwei Jahren vegan. Auch unsere Reporterin versucht, „Vegan“ in ihr Leben einzubinden. Der Film begleitet sie und Familie Böhning im Alltag, stellt Fragen und zeigt Probleme.

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To begin with, we distinguish between so-called “real“ and “fake” joints.

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