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Chromatografische Verfahren sind physikalische / chemische Trenntechniken von Stoffen.

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Lerneinheit Chemie 8 – Kalk

In unserem Arbeitsheft „Lerneinheit Chemie 8 – Kalk“ finden Sie 10 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben zum Thema Kalk.

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Chemische Bindungen

Chemische Bindungen sind ein zentrales Element der Chemie. Unter der Bezeichnung „Chemische Bindung“ versteht man im Allgemeinen den Zusammenhalt der kleinsten Teilchen in chemischen Stoffen. Wenn also zwei oder mehrere Atome oder Ionen stark miteinander verbunden sind, liegt eine Chemische Bindung vor.

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Fascination Lime

Many products used in everyday life are impossible without lime. These are, among others, glass, sugar, paper as well as pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. The raw material is also indispensable in the construction materials industry. Iron and steel producers need limestone, in environmental protection it is used, for example, for air cleaning and drinking water purification.

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Noble Gases

Xenon, Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and the radioactive Radon belong to the noble gases. These form the family of noble gases as the elements of the eighth group of the periodic table. All of them are colourless and odourless, non-inflammable and non-toxic. Their most striking chemical property is their inertness. This can be explained by their electron arrangement, termed noble gas configuration and represents a particularly stable and therefore low-energy state. The noble gases are to be found in scant amounts in our air from which they are also distilled. Helium is mainly extracted from natural gas. In everyday life, we encounter noble gases for example as shielding, filling or buoyant gases and in fluorescent tubes. The shell model describes the structure of the atoms. It is based on the distribution of electrons in restricted areas at a fixed distance around the core of the atom.

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The term carbohydrate or saccharide is a collective name for all substances with the chemical formula Cn(H2O)n. Carbohydrates are the basis of nutrition. They are part of our diet as starch, glucose (grape sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), lactose (milk sugar) and saccharose (beet, cane or table sugar). Important suppliers of carbohydrates are potatoes and cereals such as rice, wheat, maize, millet, rye and oats. The various carbohydrates in our foods are introduced to the pupils. The characteristics of polysaccharides, disaccharides and monosaccharides are explained to them and in which foods these substances occur and how they are structured. In addition, the different origins of starch, starch degradation products, gelling agents as well as sugar alcohols in confectionery are dealt with. The DVD shows how various substances can be detected with the help of chemical processes. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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C, CO2 and Associates in Everyday Life

All organic matter contains carbon. Coal is deposited in the Earth's interior. It developed about 300 million years ago from plants in a geological period which is also called Carboniferous. During the combustion of organic matter, carbon turns into the gas carbon dioxide. Dissolved in water, it becomes the so-called carbonic acid. Carbon dioxide is an incombustible, colourless and odourless gas that is easily dissolved in water. With various metal oxides or hydroxides it forms two types of salts: the carbonates and the hydrogen carbonates. As calcium carbonate it is contained in natural products such as chalk and egg shells. Specific forms of carbon, called modifications, are graphite and also the particularly valuable diamond.

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Aluminium I

In the modern world, we encounter aluminium at every turn. This is due to the particular properties of the metal. Increasingly, aluminium is about to edge iron and steel out of engineering, as aluminium allows energy-saving lightweight construction of aircraft and vehicles of all kind. Aluminium is weather-resistant, does not rust and is therefore well suited as building material for house facades, window frames or simply for all parts that are exposed to wind and weather. At the same time, aluminium has a noble-looking surface recommending it as material for interior design.

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Aluminium II

The metal aluminium is growing in importance because of its specific properties and manifold application possibilities. This DVD deals with the industrial production of aluminium as a raw material, its processing and the manufacturing of alloys for the finished product. Starting with the raw material aluminium oxide the functioning of an electrolytic cell is demonstrated and explained. Alumina, white and powdery, is melted with great expenditure of energy, and by means of electrolysis converted into aluminium with a degree of purity of 99.9%. As aluminium oxide would not melt before a temperature of over 2,000°C is reached, the mineral cryolite is used as a solvent. The various alloys change the properties of aluminium and are produced according to precise formulations. The alloy is cast into blocks and bars that serve as primary material for processing plants. The responsible handling of resources underscores the importance of recycling. Aluminium is resilient and versatile.

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Basics of Chemistry I

We are surrounded by objects and substances. We recognise objects that are to serve a specific purpose by their shapes. Similar objects may consist of different materials or substances. Substances, however, are independent of shapes and possess very specific properties. We are able to perceive many of these substances with our senses. For example, we can see, touch or smell them so as to be able to recognise them. Chemists are particularly interested in those substance characteristics that can be measured. On the basis of these measurable properties they can distinguish between substances, identify a specific substance or test it for special use. Models help us to understand phenomena. They depict only specific elements of our reality, thus presenting the world in a simplified way. The spherical particle model, for example, helps us to understand how a scent spreads all over the room or substances disperse in water.

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Basics of Chemistry II

When we take a closer look at substances, we discover that they consist of either one single element or of mixtures of several elements. Chemists therefore divide the world of substances into pure and mixed chemical substances. A pure substance is of homogeneous composition. Substance mixtures, however, consist of two or more pure substances. The many mixtures are subdivided not only into homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures but depending on the respective aggregate states of their components, are classified into various groups of mixtures.

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Acids and Bases

We can find acids and bases in every supermarket, some of them in our food, others in cleaning agents. In everyday products, acids and bases as well as acidic and alkaline reacting salts have extremely different functions. In food, acids are either present or added as flavouring agents such as citric acid, tartaric acid and acetic acid, as antioxidants such as ascorbic acid or generally as acidifiers, sequestrants (citric acid and tartaric acid) and preservatives (acetic acid).

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