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C, CO2 and Associates in Everyday Life
All organic matter contains carbon. Coal is deposited in the Earth's interior. It developed about 300 million years ago from plants in a geological period which is also called Carboniferous. During the combustion of organic matter, carbon turns into the gas carbon dioxide. Dissolved in water, it becomes the so-called carbonic acid. Carbon dioxide is an incombustible, colourless and odourless gas that is easily dissolved in water. With various metal oxides or hydroxides it forms two types of salts: the carbonates and the hydrogen carbonates. As calcium carbonate it is contained in natural products such as chalk and egg shells. Specific forms of carbon, called modifications, are graphite and also the particularly valuable diamond.
Learn moreCarbohydrates
The term carbohydrate or saccharide is a collective name for all substances with the chemical formula Cn(H2O)n. Carbohydrates are the basis of nutrition. They are part of our diet as starch, glucose (grape sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), lactose (milk sugar) and saccharose (beet, cane or table sugar). Important suppliers of carbohydrates are potatoes and cereals such as rice, wheat, maize, millet, rye and oats. The various carbohydrates in our foods are introduced to the pupils. The characteristics of polysaccharides, disaccharides and monosaccharides are explained to them and in which foods these substances occur and how they are structured. In addition, the different origins of starch, starch degradation products, gelling agents as well as sugar alcohols in confectionery are dealt with. The DVD shows how various substances can be detected with the help of chemical processes. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreSolutions, Emulsions and Mixtures of Substances
Be it milk in a cereal bowl, tea in a glass or the air around us. We constantly come across mixtures of substances in our everyday lives. As the name suggests, they are mixtures – mixtures of several so-called pure substances.
Learn moreNoble Gases
Xenon, Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and the radioactive Radon belong to the noble gases. These form the family of noble gases as the elements of the eighth group of the periodic table. All of them are colourless and odourless, non-inflammable and non-toxic. Their most striking chemical property is their inertness. This can be explained by their electron arrangement, termed noble gas configuration and represents a particularly stable and therefore low-energy state. The noble gases are to be found in scant amounts in our air from which they are also distilled. Helium is mainly extracted from natural gas. In everyday life, we encounter noble gases for example as shielding, filling or buoyant gases and in fluorescent tubes. The shell model describes the structure of the atoms. It is based on the distribution of electrons in restricted areas at a fixed distance around the core of the atom.
Learn morePeriodic Table
With the help of the periodic system chemists can predict properties of chemical elements and derive chemical reactions. But you need not be a chemist to understand the periodic system.
Learn moreFascination Lime
Many products used in everyday life are impossible without lime. These are, among others, glass, sugar, paper as well as pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. The raw material is also indispensable in the construction materials industry. Iron and steel producers need limestone, in environmental protection it is used, for example, for air cleaning and drinking water purification.
Learn moreMaterials and Substances of Everyday Life
Hearing these words, you first think of the materials our clothing is made of. But all objects surrounding us in everyday life consist of one or several materials.
Learn moreFuel Cell
A smartphone offers a lot of opportunities nowadays. The numerous apps and applications may enrich your daily life but cost a lot of electricity. It is particularly annoying when the device fails at the most inconvenient moments. Conventional rechargeable batteries are often empty after one day already, and the device needs to be plugged in. Besides many others, also this problem could be solved by using fuel cells – thus considerably increasing the duration of the smartphone.
Learn moreDüngemittel
Pflanzen benötigen für ihr Wachstum, Licht, Wasser und Nährstoffe. Den Ausgleich für nicht vorhandene Nährstoffe schaffen Düngemittel. Doch welche Düngemittel gibt es? Welcher Dünger eignet sich für welchen Boden? Welche Konsequenzen bringt die Düngung mit sich?
Learn moreFire and Flame
Fire – one of the most important human discoveries. It gives us warmth and light, conveys security and fascinates us with its dancing flames.
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