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Chemie im Haushalt
Backen, Abwaschen, reinigen, – ganz normale Tätigkeiten im Haushalt. Dazu nutzen wir meist vielfältige Helfer wie Back- und Reinigungsmittel. Die Allgegenwärtigkeit von Chemie und der damit verbundenen chemischen Reaktionen sind uns oft nicht bewusst.
Learn moreAcids and Bases
We can find acids and bases in every supermarket, some of them in our food, others in cleaning agents. In everyday products, acids and bases as well as acidic and alkaline reacting salts have extremely different functions. In food, acids are either present or added as flavouring agents such as citric acid, tartaric acid and acetic acid, as antioxidants such as ascorbic acid or generally as acidifiers, sequestrants (citric acid and tartaric acid) and preservatives (acetic acid).
Learn moreWie Chemiker arbeiten
Chemie begegnet uns permanent im Alltag, beim Kochen, Putzen oder Backen.
Learn moreBasics of Chemistry II
When we take a closer look at substances, we discover that they consist of either one single element or of mixtures of several elements. Chemists therefore divide the world of substances into pure and mixed chemical substances. A pure substance is of homogeneous composition. Substance mixtures, however, consist of two or more pure substances. The many mixtures are subdivided not only into homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures but depending on the respective aggregate states of their components, are classified into various groups of mixtures.
Learn moreGummi
Heutzutage einen Industriezweig zu finden, der ohne Gummi auskommt, ist denkbar schwierig. In dieser Folge gehen Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen der Frage nach: Was ist Gummi eigentlich und wie wird er hergestellt?
Learn moreBasics of Chemistry I
We are surrounded by objects and substances. We recognise objects that are to serve a specific purpose by their shapes. Similar objects may consist of different materials or substances. Substances, however, are independent of shapes and possess very specific properties. We are able to perceive many of these substances with our senses. For example, we can see, touch or smell them so as to be able to recognise them. Chemists are particularly interested in those substance characteristics that can be measured. On the basis of these measurable properties they can distinguish between substances, identify a specific substance or test it for special use. Models help us to understand phenomena. They depict only specific elements of our reality, thus presenting the world in a simplified way. The spherical particle model, for example, helps us to understand how a scent spreads all over the room or substances disperse in water.
Learn moreElemente im PSE
In unserem Arbeitsheft Chemie 6-8, Vol. 1 – Elemente im PSE finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben.
Learn moreRedoxreaktionen
In unserem Arbeitsheft Chemie 7, Vol. 1 – Redoxreaktionen finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben.
Learn moreChemie des Alltags
In unserem Arbeitsheft Chemie 8, Vol. 1 – Chemie des Alltags finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben.
Learn morePlastik
In 14 interaktiven Modulen wird das Thema Plastik vermittelt und anschließend abgefragt.
In 10 interaktiven Modulen und in interaktiven Videos wird Wissen zum Thema Aluminium vermittelt und abgefragt.
Eigenschaften von Stoffen
In 10 interaktiven Modulen und in interaktiven Videos wird Wissen zu den Themen Stoffe und ihre Eigenschaften, Gemische, Gemenge und Lösungen vermittelt und abgefragt.