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Das Wirtschaftssystem eines Landes bildet einen Markt, in dem Produzenten von Gütern, Anbieter von Dienstleistungen und Verbraucher miteinander in Verbindung stehen.
Learn moreDemography
Demography is the science that examines the structure and dynamics of population. Demographic change describes the dynamics of population size and structure. Tools of the trade for demographers are statistics.
Learn moreWorld Trade
Many of the goods we use every day come from foreign countries and have to be imported into Germany. Without a functioning world trade our range of products would be very limited. Often goods are transported over long distances from A to B before we can use them.
Learn moreThe European Central Bank (ECB)
Central banks, which are also referred to as banks of issue, have a controlling function in the monetary economy. They are responsible for stabilising price levels. This means that they are supposed to ensure that the goods we purchase will have a roughly similar price in the future. This control is exercised via the amount of money the central bank gives to commercial banks. Thus, central banks are banks for banks.
Learn moreMonetary System
For many hundreds of years, means of payment have been used for the exchange of goods. Initially, shells, silver or gold were offered as payment. Today money still fulfils the same purpose, but its form and complexity have changed profoundly.
Learn moreAccounting
Ms. Köller is a director at a small carpentry, which she has inherited from her parents. As the boss of her firm Ms. Köller also takes care of the accounting.
Learn moreEconomic Cycles
»Growth is not everything, that is true. But without growth, everything is nothing. Without growth, no jobs; without growth, no reform of the social security systems; without growth, declining wealth; without growth, more and more people will fall by the wayside.«
Learn moreSeltene Erden
Der technische Fortschritt versorgt die Menschheit zuverlässig mit innovativer Technologie. Dies hat die Nachfrage nach spezifischen Rohstoffen, etwa für Mikrochips, Rußpartikelfilter, und Dauermagneten sprunghaft steigen lassen. Metalle wie Lithium, Cer, Neodym und weitere gehören zu den sogenannten „Seltenen Erden“. Der Bedarf nach ihnen hat große geopolitische Auswirkungen, und hat zum Aufstieg Chinas, das den Großteil der Lagerstätten auf seinem Gebiet birgt, entscheidend beigetragen.
Learn moreSozialismus
Der Unterrichtsfilm beleuchtet die Grundlagen des Sozialismus, der als Gesellschaftsmodell auf Gemeineigentum und Gemeinwirtschaft beruht. Er hielt infolge der Industrialisierung als Gegenmodell zum Kapitalismus Einzug. Doch in den Ländern, wo sich der Sozialismus verbreitet hatte, erwies er sich als ökonomisch ineffizient und führte letztlich zur Einschränkung der menschlichen Grundrechte sowie zur Verletzung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit.
Learn moreHigh-tech Locations
The satellite dishes of the first terrestrial communications site on German ground in Raisting near the Ammersee have been a symbol of high-tech in Bavaria for decades.
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