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A visit to the weekly market. Here they lie peacefully side by side: pears and apples from local regions next to exotic fruits such as kiwi, lychee, papaya and mango. What was an exotic rarity not so long ago is meanwhile offered throughout the whole year. So today there is a wide range of products from all over the world. The reason for this variety of products is what has become widely known under the term of globalisation.

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High-tech Locations

The satellite dishes of the first terrestrial communications site on German ground in Raisting near the Ammersee have been a symbol of high-tech in Bavaria for decades.

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"My name is Bodo Ramelow. I am Prime Minister of the Free State of Thuringia. It is a beautiful country. Its abundance of nature and environmental beauty, its wealth of art and culture, wonderful cities and history are truly exciting. We have so much to offer and I’m always glad about Thuringia’s wide diversity."

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Doctrine of Maps


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For millennia, people have been afraid of earthquakes. A force of nature that regularly devastates whole regions and claims thousands of lives. One reason for the fear of earthquakes may be that so far people have not succeeded in predicting these natural phenomena. Therefore, earthquakes still hit people unprepared in most regions of the world.

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Lower Saxony

Between the North Sea and the Harz, Ems and Elbe, stretches one of Germany’s federal states in which, according to legend, once the Pied Piper of Hamelin, Till Eulenspiegel and the lying Baron Munchhausen did their mischief.

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The territory of present-day Israel is one of the oldest cultural regions on Earth. It is the Holy Land of three world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But this country between the Jordan and the Mediterranean with a rich tradition is threatening to break apart because of the conflict between Israelis and Arabs.The territory of present-day Israel is one of the oldest cultural regions on Earth. It is the Holy Land of three world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But this country between the Jordan and the Mediterranean with a rich tradition is threatening to break apart because of the conflict between Israelis and Arabs.

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The face of our home planet is subjected to constant change. Mountains are created and eroded over time, oceans flood continental areas, glaciers assume gigantic proportions, modify landscapes and melt – all this happens mostly in very long geological periods of time. Far more spectacular and more comprehensible to humans in terms of time, however, are natural phenomena associated with magmatism, above all, when we encounter them in their most obvious manifestation, volcanism. These natural events that entail far-reaching changes on the surface of the earth, sometimes devastating destruction and high casualties, have impressed civilisations, inspired their imagination and often spread fear and terror from time immemorial. Let us look with wonder and awe at the following breath-taking pictures of volcanic eruptions. They spectacularly illustrate the huge, immeasurable forces hidden inside our earth. At the same time, these pictures make us aware how tiny and powerless we are ourselves.

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Most of our earth is covered in water. Without water, no life. The water on our earth is in a constantly renewed global cycle. By evaporation the water gets into the atmosphere, by atmospheric circulation the evaporated water is further transported across long distances and returns to the earth as precipitation. Climate change, however, alters this hydrological cycle. Climate change intensifies the disparities in the global water supply and increasingly causes droughts and floods, respectively.

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Cultural Change in Mexico

31 federal states and the capital district of Mexico City form the United Mexican States.

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Amazon Basin

Because of its overwhelming biodiversity, the Amazon Basin is rightly referred to as the crown jewel of nature on earth.

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United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates. They consist of seven emirates. The United Arab Emirates are a country where the contrasts could hardly be greater: wealth from crude oil, wastage of crude oil and at the same time orientation towards a future in the post-oil era.

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