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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview covering the following aspects: Situation in Europe, size and population, landscapes (Bohe- mia, Moravia), mountains (Sudetes, Sudeten Mountains, Ore Mountains, Bohemian Forest), rivers (Elbe, Vitava), the climate, history (short overview, traffic, transport and infra- structure, economic structure (agriculture, industry, mining and energy supply), tourism, car industry (Skoda), breweries (Budweis, Pilsen), spas, important cities and sights, capital of Prague, traditions, language, education, food and drink, culture and music. High-quality film clips and aerial shots, animated maps, histo- rical film scenes as well as original sound interviews give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the Czech Republic and its people.

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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview covering the following aspects: Situation in Europe, size and population, regions (Alps, Dinar Mountains, Pannonian Plain, Mediterranean coast), mountains (Julian Alps, Dinar Mountains, Karawanken), landscapes of particular interest (karst mountains, caves, Grottos of Adelsberg, “poljes”, Lake of Cerknica), rivers (Drava, Mur), the climate, history (overview up to today’s form of government, Yugoslavia, Declaration of Independence in 1991), traffic and infrastructure, economic structure, commerce, industrial products (Elan, Revoz-Renault, Gorenje), agriculture, Lipizzaner horses, mining and energy supply, tourism, important cities (Maribor, Celje, Koper), sights, seaside resorts, capital of Ljubljana, traditions, food and drink, language, education, culture and music. High-quality film clips and aerial shots, animated maps, historical film scenes as well as original sound interviews give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the country and its people.

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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview covering the following aspects: Situation in Europe, size and population, landscapes (Little and Great Hungarian Plains, Puszta), watercourses (Rába, Danube, Lake Neusiedl, Lake Balaton), mountains (Bakony Forest, Mecsek, Matra, Bükk), the climate, history (overview up to today’s system of government, national rebellion of 1956, change of system in 1987), traffic, transportation and infrastructure, economic structure, agriculture (winegrowing, fishing, cattle-breeding), industry, mining and energy supply, Audi Hungaria factory, tourism, major cities and sights (Feste- tics Palace, Sümeg Castle, baroque castle of Esterház in Fer- töd, Benedictine archabbey of Pannonhalma, Szeged, Pecs, Debrecen, Eger), capital of Budapest, traditions, religion, food and drink, language, culture and music. High-quality film clips and aerial shots, animated maps, historical film scenes as well as original sound interviews give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the country and its people.

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This DVD conveys to the pupils a comprehensive picture of the European neighbour state of Slovakia. Topographical in- formation on Slovakia is followed by an overview of its typical natural landscapes, for instance, the alpine mountain ranges of the Carpathians, the Slovakian Ore Mountains with their rich ore deposits, the Slovak lowlands of the Little and Great Hungarian Plains, the Danube Valley and the Váh Valley and its many lakes and reservoirs. The DVD explains the economic upswing of recent years and introduces successful branches of industry with the example of the Volkswagen plant in Bratislava. A visit to the capital Bratislava shows, among other things, the world-renowned “New Bridge”, the monumental national theatre and the Castle of Bratislava, which is perpetuated in the coat of arms of the city.This DVD shows the diversity and uniqueness of the EU member state of Slovakia and helps pupils to learn more about their European homeland.

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This DVD conveys to the pupils a comprehensive picture of the European neighbour state of Poland. Topographical information on Poland is followed by an overview of its typical natural landscapes, for instance the Baltic seashore from the Pomeranian Bay to the Gulf of Gdansk, the adjacent hills of the “Baltic Ridge” und the lowlands of Silesia and Mazovia. The large lake districts, the high mountain region of the “High Tatra” and the mighty Forest Carpathians form Poland’s natu- ral landmarks. The DVD gives a striking account of Poland’s fight for sove- reignty and explains the massive economic boom as a conse- quence of the transition from a centrally planned economy to a well-functioning market economy. A visit to the capital of Warsaw shows, among other things, the Old Town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but also the modern part of the city around the Palace of Culture and Science. The pupils also get to know Poland as a country of science and culture, where modern research and traditional customs peacefully coexist.This DVD shows the diversity and unique- ness of the EU member state of Poland and helps pupils to learn more about their European homeland.

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This DVD conveys to the pupils a comprehensive picture of the Baltic state of Lithuania. Topographical information on Lithuania is followed by an overview of its four regions, which are distinguished by their respective traditions, dialect and landscapes: Upper Lithuania, Lower Lithuania with the Memel Territory, the region of Sudovia and the region of Dzukija. The Lithuanian Baltic coast is the centre of tourism. Further, the DVD leaves a deep impression of the Hill of Crosses, which has been a world-famous place of pilgrimage for Catholics since it was visited by Pope John Paul II. Diverse pictures at- test to the sights of the capital of Vilnius and other cities. The DVD describes Lithuania’s protracted tug-of-war for indepen- dence and mentions the most important branches of industry as well as the country’s energy supply. The pupils also learn about the important role Lithuania plays as a transit country. Furthermore, they gain an insight into the Lithuanian way of life. This DVD shows the diversity and uniqueness of the EU member state of Lithuania and helps pupils to learn more about their European homeland.

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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview of Latvia focusing on the following aspects: Situation within the EU, size and inhabitants, landscapes (regional landscapes, mountains, rivers), fauna and flora (storks, natural parks), the climate, history (short survey) up to its present system of government, old and new relations with Austria, traffic, transport and infrastructure, economic structure (agriculture, industry, energy supply, tourism), important cities and sights, the capital and former Hanseatic city of Riga, religion, traditions, lifestyle, food and drink, language, education, culture and music. Outstanding shots, didactically arranged computer charts, animated maps as well as historical pictures give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the country and its inhabitants in a form appropriate for their age group.

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This DVD offers a well-structured overview of Estonia focusing on the following aspects: Location within the EU (border to Russia, situation at the Gulf of Finland), size and inhabitants, landscapes (regional land- scapes, mountains, rivers, islands), fauna and flora (moose, brown bear, lynx, natural parks), the climate, history (short survey) up to its present system of government, old and new relations with Germany, connections with Finland, traffic and infrastructure – the importance of the Gulf of Finland, infra- structure (e.g. country of the Internet), economic structure (agriculture, industry, mining and processing of oil shale and energy generation, tourism), important cities and sights, the capital of Tallinn, religion, traditions (e.g. Hansa Days Festi- val in Tallinn), lifestyle, food and drink, language, education, culture and music. Outstanding shots, didactically arranged computer charts, animated maps as well as historical pictures give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the country and its inhabitants in a form appropriate for their age group.

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When volcanos are mentioned in the media, this is usually in connection with devastating eruptions, which come with massive damage and a great number of victims. However, volcanos can also be quite useful – either as tourist attractions or as suppliers of valuable resources. This DVD offers an introduction to volcanism. For this purpose, the following subjects are treated in four film clips: “Structure of Volcanos” – there can be considerable structural differences among the firemountains; “Types of Eruption” – depending on the composition of the magma, explosive or effusive eruptions occur; “Moderate Activities” – in between and after larger eruptions a volcano never rests completely; “Mining Products and their Use” – the materials discharged are diverse and often useful. When choosing the examples of volcanic regions (the Eifel and South Italy), the proven didactic principle “from near to far” was observed. In view of the relative proximity of the regions, the film is suitable for the preparation of field trips, which are expressly to be encouraged.

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The film starts with a short, simple overview of the importance of viticulture in Germany and Austria and the most famous wine regions in both countries. Then it goes on to discuss the most important conditions (soil, solar radiation) and forms of cultivation (terraces and vineyards on the plains) as well as the most widely spread types of grapes in Germany and Austria. In the main part of the film, pupils of a primary school accompany a wine-grower throughout the working year, watching him at work in the vineyard: form of the vine, work in winter (pruning, fruitbearing vines, substitute vines) turning cut-off vines into chaff, additional jobs (hammering in sticks, tightening wires, fastening fruit-bearing vines), removal of the earth from the grafting spots, pest control, cultivation of green manure crops, removal of surplus shoots, blossoming, weed removal, fighting nematodes (threadworms) biologically by cultivating daikon radish and, finally, harvesting. Apart from the manual harvest – where young and old people join in – also the use of harvesters is described.

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Alpine Glaciers

Melting alpine glaciers are the most conspicuous indication of global warming, and in the wake of the climate discussion, the public has become increasingly aware of their fate. Besides the structure and function of the glaciers, the film describes their role in the ecosystem and for the economically active human. In this respect, primarily the role of the glaciers for the water balance of the Alps and neighbouring regions and above all, their effects on summer and skiing tourism as well as the energy generation from water power are of major importance. The dwindling of the glaciers is illustrated with the help of historical comparisons. The Pasterze in Austria – the largest glacier of the eastern Alps – and the Bavarian Zugspitze are given as detailed examples. The film addresses younger pupils in the context of the topic of the Alps as well as older secondary school students in the context of climate issues.

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Coffee has become the second most important commodity on the world market after crude oil, and it enjoys tremendous popularity around the globe. Allegedly, it happened by chance that the stimulating effect of the cherry-like fruit was discovered in the Ethiopian province of Kaffa. The deep brown, aromatic drink embarked on a global journey of success. From the middle of the 17th century, it also became widespread in Europe, even though it was a treat that was initially reserved for the prosperous. Today, however, it is a part of everyday life for many people. The DVD starts with the history of the spreading of coffee cultivation and continues to describe in detail the biological characteristics of the coffee shrub. Another chapter outlines the conditions for growth and introduces the most important coffee-producing regions. The long, laborious journey from the harvest of the ripe coffee cherry to the prepared cup is illustrated. The economically weakest link in this chain are the coffee farmers. There are several organisations acting on a worldwide scale that try to realise adequate prices for the coffee farmers and promote incentives for development by means of fair trade.s is described.

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