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Natural Gas

It provides heat for radiators and for cooking, generates electricity and even drives cars: natural gas is an important energy resource – worldwide, and also here in Germany.

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The territory of present-day Israel is one of the oldest cultural regions on Earth. It is the Holy Land of three world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But this country between the Jordan and the Mediterranean with a rich tradition is threatening to break apart because of the conflict between Israelis and Arabs.The territory of present-day Israel is one of the oldest cultural regions on Earth. It is the Holy Land of three world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But this country between the Jordan and the Mediterranean with a rich tradition is threatening to break apart because of the conflict between Israelis and Arabs.

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Showered with superlatives, Venice is doubtlessly an out- standing city, welcoming up to 15 million tourists annually. But despite the powerful magic it radiates, the city is confronted with seemingly overwhelming problems. Hence, detractors keep talking about a dying city. Is Venice then really the At- lantis of our time? The film published here first of all provides a survey of the most important geographic data of the lagoon city and looks into the question why more than one thousand years ago people settled in this inhospitable environment. The immense wealth of the former maritime republic can still be imagined when looking at the sumptuous architecture of many of its buildings. The DVD examines the various causes responsible for the rise of Venice to the dominating merchant power of the whole Mediterranean region during the Middle Ages. And why did the city lose its importance afterwards? As a special highlight of this DVD, we have included a film on Venice dating back to 1968. The two films are excellently suited for comparison, on the one hand with respect to the city‘s historic development, on the other hand in view of its respective treatment on film.

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“To be brought back down to earth” is an expression we use when someone needs to come back to reality. Just like the air to breathe, the soil is taken for granted and simply there – we do not need to think about it. However, it is an extremely complex, sensitive structure and not only the crucial production factor for farmers but their basis of their existence. Ultimately, the soil is the vital basis of life for plants and, directly or indirectly, for animals as well as us humans. Starting from the relevance of the soil, the film clarifies the diverse, mutual relations with other elements of the landscape. In this cinematic exploration, the manifold, soil-forming factors and processes such as, for instance, decomposition and humus formation are explained just like the geographical basic terms “soil profile”, “horizons” and “soil type”. Over the past 150 years approximately, a profound change has taken place in agricultural production, which was essential to provide a stable, high-quality sustenance of the growing population in the industrial states. The DVD also shows that heedless human interference into the soil ecosystem has brought about irreparable consequences.

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Die Ozeane sind ein hochkomplexes Ökosystem – das zunehmend unter dem Einfluss des Menschen leidet.

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Lake Constance

Lake Constance is not only beautifully situated at the foot of the Alps, surrounded by a fertile countryside – you can also tell many stories about it, and thus learn something about its history and the people who live there.

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The face of our home planet is subjected to constant change. Mountains are created and eroded over time, oceans flood continental areas, glaciers assume gigantic proportions, modify landscapes and melt – all this happens mostly in very long geological periods of time. Far more spectacular and more comprehensible to humans in terms of time, however, are natural phenomena associated with magmatism, above all, when we encounter them in their most obvious manifestation, volcanism. These natural events that entail far-reaching changes on the surface of the earth, sometimes devastating destruction and high casualties, have impressed civilisations, inspired their imagination and often spread fear and terror from time immemorial. Let us look with wonder and awe at the following breath-taking pictures of volcanic eruptions. They spectacularly illustrate the huge, immeasurable forces hidden inside our earth. At the same time, these pictures make us aware how tiny and powerless we are ourselves.

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New York City

A global metropolis of superlatives: the world capital of trade and culture is bustling with 8.1 million people from all nations. Due to its sea port, New York City became increasingly significant in the 19th century, before proceeding to transform into a unique megacity. Formed by immigration and commodity trade, the city today is above all known for its stock exchange, culture, the UN headquarters and its tourist attractions. This didactic DVD offers a clearly structured overview of the city on the east coast of the United States. In the first four chapters, maps and impressive pictures give an overview of the geographical situation of the city, its history and politics as well as education, language and traffic in the metropolis. Important sights and an insight into the lives of its inhabitants can be found in the last chapter. As a special feature, we offer a film from 1967 on New York City. Both films are excellently suited for comparison, on the one hand with respect to the city’s historical development and on the other hand with respect to the presentation on film.

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Man and Climate

The first chapter of this DVD deals with the population development over the past 3000 years and the associated dramatic effects on nature. The massive deforestation and the fast-increasing water consumption are analysed as two examples for the consumption of our resources. The dependency of the regeneration of our water supplies on climatic conditions clearly illustrates the close link between humans and the climate. But what exactly is the climate and how is it determined? This question is discussed in detail in the second chapter. A look back into the past helps us in addressing current questions. The warm High Middle Ages and the following Little Ice Age as well as plant remains, e.g. the annual rings of trees, or animal finds such as dinosaur skeletons allow us to draw conclusions regarding climatic conditions. Will we meet the same fate as the dinosaurs? In the fourth chapter, we visit the climate data processing centre at the MPI. Significant climate changes are predicted in model calculations for the next 100 years. This leads to further important questions: Do we need to act? If yes, when and on what scale? Especially with this last chapter, the pupils are encouraged to recognise their own responsibility in order to shape the future of all of us.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Berlin ist Bundesland und Hauptstadt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zugleich.

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Petroleum – a resource without which our modern industrial society is hardly conceivable. It serves as a basis for the fuel of almost all means of transport, but also for generating heat and electricity.

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Most of our earth is covered in water. Without water, no life. The water on our earth is in a constantly renewed global cycle. By evaporation the water gets into the atmosphere, by atmospheric circulation the evaporated water is further transported across long distances and returns to the earth as precipitation. Climate change, however, alters this hydrological cycle. Climate change intensifies the disparities in the global water supply and increasingly causes droughts and floods, respectively.

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