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Planeten und Exoplaneten

Das Universum, Sterne und Planeten üben seit jeher eine Faszination auf den Menschen aus.

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Quanten sind kleinste Bausteine von Materie oder Molekülen und damit unserer Welt.

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Die Elektrifizierung bedeutete für die Menschheit einen fundamentalen Fortschritt.

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The conquest of a new world: the first satellite, the first man in space, the first steps on the moon – pictures we all know.

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Macrocosm – what is that? The film discusses this question in detail. Where does macrocosm begin? Can we imagine or even perceive its dimensions? The film illustrates in a descriptive way that macrocosm begins already on Earth, for instance in the forest..

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The Otto Engine

This DVD offers an insight into the historical birth of the Otto engine and also describes its latest version – the hybrid engine. In addition, other engines of the future are covered. The life and achievements of Nikolaus August Otto are dis- cussed, with all his successes and failures, from his first en- gineering attempts when reconstructing the Lenoir engine to the presentation of the “atmospheric gas engine” on the Paris World Fair through to his cooperation with Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. The mode of operation of the Otto engine is explained to the pupils in detail, also with the help of a variety of animations and diagrams. The DVD goes into the four strokes of intake, compression, power and exhaust as well as the Otto engine as energy converter. Crude oil is one of our most important sources of energy. Besides outlining the evolution and processing of crude oil into fuel, this DVD puts emphasis on the increasing shortage of global crude oil resources. Alternative propulsion sources like hybrid engines as well as hydrogen-fuelled or gas-fuelled vehicles offer an environmental-friendly vision for the automobile’s future in times of global climate change.

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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview of the field of optics with an emphasis on the following main topics: All three models, i.e. the ray theory, the wave theory and the quantum theory of light, are explained by means of selected phenomena. The pupils learn about the conditions, the principles and appearances regarding reflection and refraction and are encouraged to perform easy experiments themselves. Optics are introduced to the pupils with the help of examples from nature, road traffic and the environment. Simple optical instruments such as a magnifying glass, a camera, a microscope, an astronomic telescope and the eye are described. Further, the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, a line spectrum, a solar cell and a radiometer are explained in selected sections. The film is divided into six menu items (chapters), which may be individually accessed and worked on. For this purpose, additional pictures, texts or selected short film clips are offered, which can simply be called up by remote control.

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They are enormously rich in energy and easily penetrate the body but in spite of this, we can neither see nor feel them: X-rays work in secret.

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"At night all cats are black." – all of you will probably know this figure of speech. Light is involved or rather a situation where little light is available.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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You cannot smell, see, hear or feel magnetic force itself. So it seems quite magical to us when a metal object can be moved by a magnet through a glass plate as if by an invisible hand, or when we can stick a piece of paper to the refrigerator door with a small magnet.

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Fluids and Viscosity

Be it the honey on our breakfast toast, the water from the tap or the air surrounding us – they all have one thing in common: in a physical sense they are fluids.

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Gravity is the force that pulls something to the ground. It ensures that everything falls downwards. Like every force, it has a direction, namely towards the centre of the celestial body. The film vividly shows the development of the law of gravity from Isaac Newton through the further development by Albert Einstein, who described that gravity not only causes bodies to attract each other, but also causes space to curve around a body. Space and time are no longer absolute, fixed quantities, but changeable.

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