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Das Grundgesetz ist seit 1949 die Verfassung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Der Film stellt die Entstehungsgeschichte und die wichtigsten Prinzipien unserer freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung vor. In zahlreichen Interviews, u.a. mit einem Richter am Bundesverfassungsgericht wird das Grundgesetz als Grundpfeiler in sich beständig ändernden Rahmenbedingungen veranschaulicht.
Learn moreGlobalisation
A visit to the weekly market. Here they lie peacefully side by side: pears and apples from local regions next to exotic fruits such as kiwi, lychee, papaya and mango. What was an exotic rarity not so long ago is meanwhile offered throughout the whole year. So today there is a wide range of products from all over the world. The reason for this variety of products is what has become widely known under the term of globalisation.
Learn moreThe European Parliament
The European Union is a union consisting of 27 European states. Currently its population comprises about 500 million inhabitants. 17 of these states have a common currency. Its aim is a pan-European area of freedom, security and justice. The European Parliament is elected every five years by the EU citizens and is thus the only directly elected body. The European Parliament shares its legislative function with the Council of the European Union, wherein the governments of the individual member states are represented, and the European Commission, which represents the interests of the EU as a whole. These three institutions together develop the political strategies and legislative provisions which are applied throughout the EU. The European Parliament ensures uniform pan-European regulations. Citizens profit from them for example for data protection, for mobile tariffs, for working and living in Europe and much more besides! Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreFöderalismus
Die Vielfalt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zwischen Küste und den Alpen zeigt sich auch in ihrer föderalen Struktur und den 16 Bundesländern.
Learn moreUNO
The UNO (United Nations Organization), in German the United Nations, is an international association with headquarters in New York. Since its founding in October 1945, its members have worked to maintain peace and security, respect for human rights and sustainable development.
Learn moreMigration
Migration and integration are central topics of future relevance in politics as well as in the public mind. Germany has long been a country of immigration. This can constantly be seen in everyday life: in the playground, in the underground, in the office or in the schoolyard. At school, in particular, this immigration society is being lived and experienced every day. Here, the groundwork for the future of our society is also being laid. In order to be able to explore the topic first-hand we have visited a school in Nuremberg with a large amount of pupils having a migration background. In project groups, the pupils of the 11th form of the Pirckheimer Gymnasium have already been investigating in depth the topics of migration and integration. Their assessments of the subject area were recorded and integrated into the overall context. The DVD is divided into substantial chapters on forms, causes and consequences of migration, on the history of migration in Germany, on political and legal framework conditions and on integration as a challenge and an opportunity. In the accompanying material, tasks providing further interest and insight are available that have been adapted to the content of the film.
Learn moreLandkreis
In Deutschland gibt es 294 Landkreise. Doch wie sind diese in Deutschland verwaltet und strukturiert? Der Film zeigt anschaulich an einem Beispiellandkreis die Vorteile und Aufgaben von Gemeindeverbänden in dieser Form der Verwaltungseinheit.
Learn moreBrexit
On 24 June 2016, a narrow majority of eligible voters in the UK voted to leave the EU, the so-called Brexit.
Learn moreParteien heute
Der Film stellt die Parteien in Deutschland in ihrer Rolle und Funktion für das politische Leben vor. Er zeigt, welche Bedingungen erfüllt sein müssen, damit aus einem Verein eine Partei werden kann und welche besondere Stellung Parteien im Grundgesetz und im Parteiengesetz zugestanden wird.
Learn moreLobbying
The word "Lobby“ comes from the English and originally refers to the anteroom or entrance hall of the English Parliament building. There the Members met people who were not allowed in the meeting room to talk with them. The most diverse representatives tried to exert inflluence on the delegates by, for example, expounding pros and cons of a certain behaviour.
Learn moreMayor(ess)
Gauting is a municipality southwest of the city of Munich in Bavaria. About 20,000 people live in the municipality. But who actually ensures that such a system works? Who determines how and what is built? Who will ensure that traffic is regulated for all? That there are traffic lights, that pedestrians have their rights? Who makes sure that enough playgrounds are built and that there are schools for the children of the community to go to? Who leads the administration of such a municipality which is needed so that everything we take for granted in everyday life works smoothly? A mayor or mayoress takes care of all these activities. In Gauting, this is Brigitte Servatius. Today we want to visit the mayoress in the town hall with class 4c of the primary school Gauting and ask what a mayor actually does.
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