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The Meadow as a Biotope

This DVD offers an insight into the plants and animals typically found in the meadow biotope. In an easily comprehensible way, primary school pupils experience a small, exciting world where various kinds of animals and plants co-exist. The film aims at improving the children’s understanding of animals and at arousing their curiosity for plants and animals. The DVD covers the following aspects of the topic of “meadows”: Types of meadows (creation of a meadow, marshy meadows, dry meadows, wet meadows, fertilised meadows); plants of meadows (cowslips, buttercups, dandelions and many more); layers of the meadow and animal habitats (on plants, on and in the ground, etc.); interference with the diversity of species (effects of mowing and fertilising on the meadow); protection of the meadow (responsibility of humans for nature); use of meadow plants (in medicine, human diet).

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Vegetables and Oil Plants

Throughout the whole year, shops offer us a varied assortment of different kinds of vegetables. But where do the vegetables come from? Originally wild-growing, vegetables are crop plants today. They are sown or planted, cultivated and harvested by humans.

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Dead Angle

Not only lorries have a dead angle. Other big vehicles such as buses or motor homes, even perfectly normal cars have a dead angle, that means an area where a driver might overlook a cyclist or pedestrian when turning corners. New technology is meant to help prevent accidents between cyclists and lorries. For example, sensors are often attached to lorries nowadays.

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Messen und Wiegen

Richtig mit Längen und Gewichten zu rechnen ist eine Grundvoraussetzung für eine aktive Teilnahme am gesellschaftlichen Leben. Der Film stellt anschaulich für Grundschüler:innen Messinstrumente und -verfahren vor und zeigt die alltägliche Bedeutung richtigen Wiegens.

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Heimische Pflanzen

Den Aufbau einer Pflanze von der Wurzel bis zur Blüte, das zeigt dieser Film. Wie sich Pflanzen vermehren, welche Rolle Insekten, andere Tiere oder der Wind spielen, das wird ausführlich erläutert.

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Schokolade – die süße Versuchung. Kaum einer, der dieser zart schmelzenden Köstlichkeit widerstehen kann. Knapp neun Kilo des leckeren kakaohaltigen Genussmittels gönnte sich der Deutsche 2005 im Durchschnitt. Das liegt nicht nur am guten Geschmack: Schokolade hat auch eine besondere Wirkung auf Körper und Geist. Einige ihrer Inhaltsstoffe sind zum Beispiel gut gegen Bluthochdruck oder Depressionen. "Schau dich schlau!" erklärt, wie Schokolade genau wirkt. Ihren Ursprung hat Schokolade in Südamerika, genossen wurde sie dort als die Sinne erregendes Getränk. Bis zum heutigen Tag werden in Äquatorländern Kakaofrüchte per Hand geerntet, indem sie mit Macheten von den bis zu 15 Meter hohen Bäumen geschlagen werden. Mit den spanischen Eroberern kam der Kakao nach Europa, doch erst im Jahre 1848 gab es Schokolade in Form fester Tafeln. Heute reicht die gute alte Milchschokolade nicht mehr aus – immer ungewöhnlichere Kreationen kommen auf den Markt, darunter gewagte Kombinationen mit Paprika, Sellerie oder sogar Bergkäse. "Schau dich schlau!" zeigt den Weg der Kakaobohne von der Plantage bis in die Schokoladentafel. Außerdem haben sich Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen auf der Internationalen Süßwarenmesse (ISM) in Köln umgeschaut und zeigen die neuesten Trends und die skurrilsten Zutaten!

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All things have weight. Some things are heavy. Others are light.

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Muslim Festivals

Meryem and Rabia at midday prayer with their parents. Normal daily routine for them because they belong to the almost five per cent of the German population who are of Muslim faith. They have, like most Christians, too, very special feasts, rituals and holidays. We are going to accompany them and other Muslim families on these festivals.

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Cattle have been of vital importance for humanity due to both their spread all over the world and presence throughout almost all of human history.  

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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The Garden throughout the Year

You surely know a few gardens, maybe you even have one yourself. Have you ever taken a closer look at it?

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The Forest as a Biotope

The forest with its flora and fauna as a part of the natural environment our children grow up in is an important topic in general education at primary schools. Above all, the pupils find forest animals fascinating and interesting. However, it is generally difficult to actually meet the larger forest dwellers since they are usually shy and nocturnal. This DVD aims at making the children familiar with one of these forest animals – the red fox. The film informs on its look and appearance, introduces its habitat to the pupils, points out relations with other animals, explains the reproduction of the fox and covers its food as well as its enemies and com- mon diseases. The DVD is excellently suited either as an introduction to the topic of “forest animals” or as a tool offered to the children (for individual tasks or project work).

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The DVD presents the squirrel in its natural habitat, the forest. Fantastic nature scenes help primary school children to get to know the behaviour of the squirrel in a way that is easy to understand, thus providing them with an important insight into its needs. Its characteristic body structure that makes it an agile acrobat is pointed out and explained.

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