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The Forest

As a part of the natural landscape in which our children grow up, the forest with its flora and fauna is an important subject in primary school teaching. The focus of the systematic discussion of this versatile habitat is, of course, the children’s spontaneous, all-round experience of the forest. However, in particular with the animals and birds of the forest, it is not always easy to enable the children to have a real-life encounter. This DVD is aimed at helping the children to get familiar with the forest habitat in the course of a year. The film addresses the following topics: Early bloomers, courtship and breeding behaviour of selected forest birds, ground dwellers, the badger family, the fat dormouse family, forest fruits and the forest in winter. The DVD is excellently suited either as an introduction to the topic of forest or as a tool offered to the children for individual tasks or project work.

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Domestic Animals

As different as the various breeds and races of pets and domestic animals are, as different are our ways of dealing with them.

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Fascination River

Brooks and rivers cross our country. They burst their banks in their natural course and form many habitats for plants and animals. Let us start on a journey of discovery together and experience nature in all its diversity along an intact river system with running and stagnant waters. Water is the source of life on our planet. The sturgeon is among to the oldest species alive on earth today. Sturgeons are also called “living fossils”, since they occurred already 250 million years ago and have survived, contrary to dinosaurs. The sturgeon spends most of its time at sea. But at the onset of sexual maturity the fish wanders hundreds of kilometres upstream for spawning. The eggs of the sturgeon are caviar. As it is also a popular food fish, it was almost exterminated due to intensive fishing and the loss of its natural habitats. For a couple of years, the sturgeon has been returned to the wild in the rivers Oder and Elbe and one day maybe you'll have the chance to watch it circling around at the bottom of the river.

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Was macht ein Pfarrer?

Was macht ein Pfarrer? Ist es nur ein Beruf oder ist es Berufung? Zu Wort kommen im Film der katholische Pfarrer Alois Emsländer und der evangelische Pfarrer Ralf Honig.

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Hänsel und Gretel

Das Märchen „Hänsel und Gretel“ ist eines der bekanntesten Märchen der „Kinder- und Hausmärchen“ der Brüder Grimm.

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Werken 2

Töpfern ist eine der ältesten Handwerkskünste des Menschen. Ton, der im feuchten Zustand einfach zu formen und zu bearbeiten ist, ist nach dem Brennen fest und nach dem Glasieren wasserundurchlässig.

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Hare and Rabbit

How do we distinguish between a hare and a rabbit? At first sight, both look confusingly alike for both have long ears and a stumpy tail.

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Children Have Rights

Every human being has rights. Children have children’s rights.

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Fairy Tales

Helga Josefa Sophie loves fairy tales. When she was little, her mother read her the ancient stories. Later her children and then her grandson Janik listened spellbound when she read from the fairy tale kingdom between reality and the magical world.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Scooter and Bicycle Training

Scooters and bicycles are very popular with all levels of the population, and they are part of our everyday life. Due to the increasing volume of traffic, scooter and bicycle training at school is of great importance. The exercises laid down in the curriculum for the first to third school year take place exclusively as an exercise in a safe environment. Here, pupils acquire the necessary competencies that are a prerequisite for the pupils’ traffic training in the fourth school year. You do not need much to set up a suitable circuit, and most of the required equipment is already at hand in any sports hall: - inclined board - plastic poles with bases - traffic cones - softball - warning tape - ropes - table tennis rackets - step board or the top part of a vaulting box - markings for start and finish.

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Safety in Road Traffic

This DVD encourages children as young traffic participants to be considerate in road traffic to ensure safety and show social responsibility. It explains that in road traffic, children are especially exposed to danger and emphasises that above all, primary school children are confronted with a lot of novel and difficult situations. The film focuses on the following aspects of road training: Pedestrians in road traffic, seeing and being seen, being a car passenger, the bicycle as a means of transport, the blind spot, the safe bike, traffic signs and regulations, turning left, the bicycle test. This DVD preventively supports correct conduct in everyday road traffic in terms clearly understandable to children.

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Domestic Fruit Species

The film deals extensively with the topic "Fruit". In a simple and comprehensible manner but with professional accuracy, it tells the primary school children about processes in nature. They learn how fruits form and develop on fruit trees and bushes. Information on domestic fruit farming is provided and they get to know the importance of fruit for a healthy diet. The film deals with the following core themes: domestic fruit species (various species, appearance, spread ...), aggregate fruit (pollination and fertilisation, developmental stages of an apple ...), drupe (structure and components of a cherry blossom, cherry tree transformation ...), berry fruit (ingredients, harvest time, vitamin content ...), methods of cultivation (plantation, orchards and their animal life ...), processing (harvest, apple juice production, preparation of jam ...). The film is divided into 5 menu items (chapters). Each chapter can be dealt with separately. Together with the comprehensive accompanying material, the film is ideally suited for use in lessons.

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