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We humans are so-called “omnivores“, that means we eat everything. We are not restricted in our diet. We tolerate meat, fish and vegetables, cereals and dairy products. Everything agrees with us.

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How is the electricity generated with which we power our appliances in everyday life?

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This DVD provides comprehensive information on the diffe- rent areas of police activity. The responsible job of police officers as well as their every- day duties are clearly described and shown in a way that is understandable to primary school pupils. “Police – In Action for Safety” offers a detailed insight into the cop-operation of all police forces and the technical means available to them, for instance when on duty in road traffic, at special or large events, when searching for persons, when solving crimes as well as on daily patrol duty. In exciting film clips, the pupils can directly experience what the life of a police officer is like. The comprehensive accompanying material complements the facts already learned and further includes many transfer tasks, language games and mathematical questions regarding police work.

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Time governs our everyday life. We cannot touch, hear or see it but it is always there. One century ago, Albert Einstein proved that time is relative. It is an extremely subjective experience and a phenomenon that is difficult to grasp. The DVD explains the “time” phenomenon. It explains the limits to perception and visualises what is invisible to the human eye by means of slow motion and fast motion pictures.

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The Potato

The potato is one of the most important food staples of the world. Together with rice, maize, wheat, barley, soy and sugar cane it is one of the seven most important foods on earth. Originally it came from the Andes in South America. The Spaniards brought it to Europe and then to all other continents. It is cultivated in 130 countries on earth. Cultivation has already resulted in many different varieties. Some are waxy, others turn floury when cooked and are especially suited for soups or mash. In Germany, more than a hundred varieties with different qualities and flavours are on the market. Very specific varieties for any purpose are being cultivated. It takes about ten years to develop a new variety and to have it licensed for cultivation. The potato is the most frequent cultivated crop plant and also our staple food. Together with the extensive additional material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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Das Märchen „Schneewittchen“ ist eines der beliebtesten der Gebrüder Grimm. Der Film stellt in bezaubernden Spielszenen dieses Märchen nach.

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Heimische Bäume

Birke, Eiche, Fichte, Tanne sind die häufigsten Bäume bei uns. Der Film zeigt den Aufbau der Bäume von der Krone über den Stamm bis zu den Wurzeln.

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„Nach Regen kommt oft Sonnenschein - Das Wetter“ „Schau dich schlau!“ nimmt heute die verschiedenen Wetterbedingungen unter die Lupe. Wie entstehen Wind, Gewitter, Regen und Hagel? Außerdem zeigen unsere Moderatoren Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen, wann die verschiedenen Wetterlagen für den Menschen gefährlich werden können. Im Selbstversuch testet Fero Andersen, bei welchen Windstärken ganz normale, alltägliche Tätigkeiten wie Frühstücken, Zeitung lesen oder Rasieren überhaupt noch möglich sind. Außerdem beweist er, dass ein teurer Regenschirm nicht unbedingt der Beste sein muss.

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Animals in the Forest

The forest is home to many animals.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Sustainability postcards

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The best waste is the one that never arises in the first place or that can be avoided.

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Safety on the Way to School

Quote pupils:

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This DVD offers an insight into the life of knights in the 13th and 14th century of the Middle Ages. The film describes events in the lives of knights as well as life in the castle in a way that is clear and easy to understand for young pupils. The DVD covers the following subject areas: • The Middle Ages (Times of knights, emperors, kings, princes and counts) • Life in the Castle (castles and their location, livelihood, rooms, food) • Tournaments (medieval tournaments today, two knights fighting, dress rules) • Armour (protective attire for battle being subject to changes, coat of arms, weapons) • From Page to Knight (the difficult path of development of a knight’s son) • The Siege (attack and defence of a castle, weaponry) • End of the Time of Knights (robber-knights and their history)

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