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Medieval Castle
In the thousand years of the Middle Ages – approximately between the 6th and 16th centuries after Christ, there must have been 20,000 or maybe even more castles in the area covered today by Germany and Austria.
Learn moreRaben und Krähen
Corvus, die Gattung der Raben und Krähen sind nahezu weltweit verbreitet. Der Film stellt den Körperbau, die Lebensgewohnheiten und den Lebensraum ausführlich vor.
Learn moreDornröschen
Die Geschichte von Dornröschen ist eines der bekanntesten Märchen. Es gehört zu den „Kinder- und Hausmärchen“ der Brüder Grimm. Der Film zeigt in liebevoller Darstellung vor prächtiger Kulisse das Märchen vom Königspaar, welches endlich ein Kind bekommt. Durch einen Fluch wird das Mädchen 100 Jahre Schlafen, nachdem sie sich im fünfzehnten Lebensjahr an einer Spindel sticht. Durch den Kuss eines Prinzen wacht sie nach dieser Zeit wieder auf und die beiden feiern Hochzeit.
Learn moreBauernhof
Die Landwirtschaft ist die Quelle unserer Nahrung. Fleisch, Gemüse und Milch werden in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben produziert.
Learn moreSlow Worm
The slow worm is a small, completely harmless lizard, which – contrary to its German name “Blindschleiche”– is perfectly able to see and is often mistaken for a snake because it has no legs and an elongated body. The German name is presumably derived from the Old High German word “Plintslicho”, which means “blinding sneaker”. This probably refers to the pretty, shining skin surface of the slow worm.
Learn moreMayor(ess)
Gauting is a municipality southwest of the city of Munich in Bavaria. About 20,000 people live in the municipality. But who actually ensures that such a system works? Who determines how and what is built? Who will ensure that traffic is regulated for all? That there are traffic lights, that pedestrians have their rights? Who makes sure that enough playgrounds are built and that there are schools for the children of the community to go to? Who leads the administration of such a municipality which is needed so that everything we take for granted in everyday life works smoothly? A mayor or mayoress takes care of all these activities. In Gauting, this is Brigitte Servatius. Today we want to visit the mayoress in the town hall with class 4c of the primary school Gauting and ask what a mayor actually does.
Learn moreProgramming
There are a lot of things in the world whose functioning and appearance were determined even before they are perceived or before they occur.
Learn moreWater
This DVD offers an insight into the correlation between life and water. In simple terms that are easily understandable to primary school pupils, the film outlines the significance of water for the lives of humans, animals and plants. The DVD covers the following aspects of the topic: Water is Everywhere (deposits and utilisation), Drinking Water (journey of the water, role of the waterworks, water consump- tion), Wastewater (water pollution, processes at a wastewater treatment plant, purification of wastewater), the Water Cycle in Nature (groundwater, evaporation, formation of clouds, rain, infiltration), States of Water (transition between the states, easy-to-perform experiments, occurrence in nature), Properties of Water (what water can do, percentage of water in animals and plants, water as nourishment). The film is divided into five menu items (chapters). Each chapter can be individually accessed and worked on.
Learn moreYour Teeth
This DVD demonstrates that a regular and thorough brushing of your teeth is the foremost condition for their lifelong health. At the same time, pupils learn that food that doesn‘t damage their teeth is decisive, too, in keeping them healthy. Moreover, the film provides information in simple and comprehensible terms on the structure and function of the different kinds of teeth and the necessity of seeing a dentist regularly. The DVD focuses especially on the following aspects of the topic: oral cavity (different parts, bacteria, purposes of saliva); dentition (kinds of teeth and their properties and functions, outward structure, milk teeth, teething, dentition); structure (inner structure, milk tooth as a place-holder, sugar – the enemy of your teeth, caries, food); dental care (tools for cleaning your teeth, brushing techniques); the dentist (a look at a dentist‘s surgery, dental treatment).
Learn moreMarine Mammals
The oceans are the home of whales, which look like fish but, in fact, are mammals like we humans and breathe with their lungs. The film shows the peculiarities of whales, which are divided into two main groups: baleen whales and toothed whales. Baleen whales, among which there is also the blue whale, the biggest of all whales, feed on tiny crustaceans called krill. Toothed whales feed on fish, crabs and other marine animals. One of the best known representatives is the killer whale, which is the fastest marine mammal with a speed of up to 55 km/h. With their leaps they delight the audiences in sea life aquariums. Whether they should be kept like that is a highly controversial issue, however. Whales are also much coveted because of their fat, meat and oil. Having been ruthlessly killed, whales have amost been wiped out and today are subject to international protection. Whale watching boosts people’s interest in these formidable animals. Another threatened animal species lives in the warm and shallow waters of Central America: the sea cows, which feed exclusively on plants and surface for breathing every 2 to 5 minutes. With the extensive accompanying material this DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreUmweltretter
Unsere Umwelt ist in Gefahr, doch gibt es Möglichkeiten, sie zu retten und jeder kann seinen Teil dazu beitragen.
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