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Muslim Festivals
Meryem and Rabia at midday prayer with their parents. Normal daily routine for them because they belong to the almost five per cent of the German population who are of Muslim faith. They have, like most Christians, too, very special feasts, rituals and holidays. We are going to accompany them and other Muslim families on these festivals.
Learn moreCattle
Cattle have been of vital importance for humanity due to both their spread all over the world and presence throughout almost all of human history.
Learn moreThe Garden throughout the Year
You surely know a few gardens, maybe you even have one yourself. Have you ever taken a closer look at it?
Learn moreThe Forest as a Biotope
The forest with its flora and fauna as a part of the natural environment our children grow up in is an important topic in general education at primary schools. Above all, the pupils find forest animals fascinating and interesting. However, it is generally difficult to actually meet the larger forest dwellers since they are usually shy and nocturnal. This DVD aims at making the children familiar with one of these forest animals – the red fox. The film informs on its look and appearance, introduces its habitat to the pupils, points out relations with other animals, explains the reproduction of the fox and covers its food as well as its enemies and com- mon diseases. The DVD is excellently suited either as an introduction to the topic of “forest animals” or as a tool offered to the children (for individual tasks or project work).
Learn moreSquirrels
The DVD presents the squirrel in its natural habitat, the forest. Fantastic nature scenes help primary school children to get to know the behaviour of the squirrel in a way that is easy to understand, thus providing them with an important insight into its needs. Its characteristic body structure that makes it an agile acrobat is pointed out and explained.
Learn moreChimpanzees
They are many children’s favourites. And expert gymnasts in their realm. Dexterously they make their way hand over hand from branch to branch or skilfully climb the long ropes. And in many respects they are quite similar to us – the monkeys, in particular the great apes. These here live in a zoo. But – where, actually, is their true homeland? Apes such as the orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos originate from the tropical rainforests.
Learn moreUnsere bekanntesten Bäume
In unserem Arbeitsheft Grundschule – Sachunterricht 3, Vol. 1 – Unsere bekanntesten Bäume finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben.
Geschichte, Förderschule, *mit Untertitel
Das Medium enthält den Film: Kelten – Geschichte und Kultur.