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Sprache untersuchen
Der liebevoll animierte Film führt Grundschüler:innen in die grundlegenden syntaktischen Strukturen ein. In einem eigenen Kapitel werden die Wortarten vorgestellt und deren Verwendung dargestellt.
Learn moreDie innere Uhr
Der Faktor Zeit bestimmt unser gesamtes Leben. Manchmal scheint sie dabei still zu stehen und manchmal scheint sie nur so zu rennen. Zeit ist zwar eine physikalische Größe, die sich durch Uhren bis auf Millisekunden messen lässt. Das tatsächliche Zeitempfinden ist aber bei jedem Menschen individuell unterschiedlich. Woran liegt es, dass dem Einen eine Stunde ewig lang vorkommt, der Andere aber das Gefühl hat, es sei nur ein Augenblick vergangen? „Schau dich schlau!“ will wissen: Was ist mir unserem Zeitgefühl los? Was bedeutet Zeit überhaupt?
Learn moreGeese
“They’re gabbling like geese”, “she’s such a stupid goose” or “silly goose”– those are commonly known sayings.
Learn moreIntolerances
We humans are so-called “omnivores“, that means we eat everything. We are not restricted in our diet. We tolerate meat, fish and vegetables, cereals and dairy products. Everything agrees with us.
Learn moreKnights
This DVD offers an insight into the life of knights in the 13th and 14th century of the Middle Ages. The film describes events in the lives of knights as well as life in the castle in a way that is clear and easy to understand for young pupils. The DVD covers the following subject areas: • The Middle Ages (Times of knights, emperors, kings, princes and counts) • Life in the Castle (castles and their location, livelihood, rooms, food) • Tournaments (medieval tournaments today, two knights fighting, dress rules) • Armour (protective attire for battle being subject to changes, coat of arms, weapons) • From Page to Knight (the difficult path of development of a knight’s son) • The Siege (attack and defence of a castle, weaponry) • End of the Time of Knights (robber-knights and their history)
Learn moreMagical World of Snow
With descriptive real and trick sequences, the film explains how snow forms and what different kinds of snow crystals there are. We observe a snow researcher at work and watch growing snow crystals under a microscope in spectacular close-ups. The film also answers the questions why snow looks white to us or crunches; it shows sledge dogs in action and explains ingenious survival strategies of animals in winter. Other clips show the joy of some winter sports but also point out their dangers. A tourist guide explains the precautionary measures to avoid a possible risk of avalanches. The topic of snow cannons is also covered in the film – like glaciers, too, or artificial snow in a slightly unusual use. Comprehensive, interdisciplinary accompanying material consolidates and deepens the knowledge of the subject.
Learn moreThe Hedgehog
It carries on its back up to 8000 spines although it is no more than 30 centimetres long. In spite of that it can assert itself very well against its enemies. Because this insectivore can roll up into a ball. Although the hedgehog is a wild animal, it likes to live near humans today. With simple explanations and beautiful film shots the pupils learn about the species-specific behaviour, the characteristics of our endemic common hedgehog but also about the threats it is exposed to. At night, the hedgehog is accompanied on its forays for food, by day, it can be seen sleeping deeply in its hideout, and when the mating season is over, six orphaned hoglets are accompanied on their way to maturity. The thematic fields focussed upon are habitat and distribution, characteristics, behaviour throughout the year, food, reproduction as well as protection and endangerment. The film arouses curiosity about and fascination for the hedgehog and furthers the pupils’ environmental awareness. Together with the extensive accompanying teaching material the DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreSchneewittchen
Das Märchen „Schneewittchen“ ist eines der beliebtesten der Gebrüder Grimm. Der Film stellt in bezaubernden Spielszenen dieses Märchen nach.
Learn moreHeimische Bäume
Birke, Eiche, Fichte, Tanne sind die häufigsten Bäume bei uns. Der Film zeigt den Aufbau der Bäume von der Krone über den Stamm bis zu den Wurzeln.
Learn moreWetter
„Nach Regen kommt oft Sonnenschein - Das Wetter“ „Schau dich schlau!“ nimmt heute die verschiedenen Wetterbedingungen unter die Lupe. Wie entstehen Wind, Gewitter, Regen und Hagel? Außerdem zeigen unsere Moderatoren Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen, wann die verschiedenen Wetterlagen für den Menschen gefährlich werden können. Im Selbstversuch testet Fero Andersen, bei welchen Windstärken ganz normale, alltägliche Tätigkeiten wie Frühstücken, Zeitung lesen oder Rasieren überhaupt noch möglich sind. Außerdem beweist er, dass ein teurer Regenschirm nicht unbedingt der Beste sein muss.
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