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When we hear the word “penguin“, we immediately think of animals living in the cold and ice world of Antarctica near the South Pole. However, this is not the whole truth. All of the various species of penguins do indeed live in the Southern Hemisphere but their habitats are not limited to the Antarctic region.
Learn moreArche Noah
Die Sintflut ist die Urkatastrophe der Menschheit. Die Beständigkeit des Lebens, die Hoffnung, die im Regenbogen aufkeimt, ist ein wesentliches Element der Schöpfungsgeschichte.
Learn moreDer Froschkönig
Das Märchen vom Froschkönig ist eines der bekanntesten deutschen Märchen.
Learn moreHaushund
Fast fünf Millionen Hunde leben in Deutschland und deren Besitzer kümmern sich meist liebevoll um die Vierbeiner. Dennoch gibt es immer wieder „Problemhunde“. „Schau Dich schlau“ zeigt, wie Sie schon bei einem Welpen erkennen, wie sich das Tier als erwachsener Hund verhalten wird.
Learn moreBean
The word bean refers to both the seeds and the pods surrounding them and often even the whole bean plant. It is not easy to get an overview of the different types of bean plants. Their variety is due to, among other things, their different origins.
Learn moreCatholic and Protestant Baptism
As an important ritual of the Christian faith, baptism is closely connected with the traditional stories of the prophet John the Baptist, who is said to have lived in Jesus’ lifetime. John baptised people in the River Jordan, located at the present-day border between Israel and Jordan in the Middle East. Baptism and water were symbols of people’s confession of past sins and return to the right track in life. One day, Jesus and some of his disciples are said to have come to John to have themselves baptised.
Learn moreResponsible Consumption
What do “consumption“ and “consume“ actually mean? This is what the child reporter Ferdinand wants to find out today. That much is for sure: often it has something to do with money.
Learn moreRomans
Augsburg, Cologne, Trier – perhaps you have already heard about these cities. But did you also know that all these cities were built by the Romans?
Learn moreWood/Paper/Recycling
The DVD “Wood/Paper/Recycling” provides information on the treatment and processing of wood. The production of paper, an everyday item in our lives, as well as the recycling process are explained to the primary school pupils in a simplified way. The film is also excellently suited for environmental education. The following topics in the subject area of wood, paper and recycling are covered in this DVD: • Wood – a Natural Resource (appearance, properties; types of wood) • At the Sawmill (treatment and processing methods with state-of-the-art machinery) • Paper (everyday use, papermaking, types of paper, properties) • Recycling (waste paper as an important material for the recycling of used paper, recycling technique) • Environmental Protection (conservation of trees, recycling of waste paper)
Learn moreMy Body
All human beings in the whole world have the same physique. However, we differ from each other in sex, height and weight as well as in skin and hair colour. The way we move, too, is different with each individual person. This film shows the uniqueness of humans and the distinctiveness of each body. Touch is a basic need of humans – there are good and bad kinds of touch. We learn to say “No!” in the case of unpleasant touches to protect our bodies. Zur Lesekompetenzförderung kann, über das Menü ihres DVD Players oder der Abspielsoftware, der deutsche Untertitel eingeschaltet werden.
Learn moreEarly Flowering Plants
During the first warmer days in late winter, the harbingers of spring show that new life is stirring. With great biodiversity and beauty the early flowering plants herald the change of season. In an easily comprehensible manner and often with stunning time-lapse images the film makes children aware of the connection existing between the sprouting of the early flowering plants so soon in the year and their extraordinarily rapid growth.
Learn moreMessen und Wiegen
Richtig mit Längen und Gewichten zu rechnen ist eine Grundvoraussetzung für eine aktive Teilnahme am gesellschaftlichen Leben. Der Film stellt anschaulich für Grundschüler:innen Messinstrumente und -verfahren vor und zeigt die alltägliche Bedeutung richtigen Wiegens.
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