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Jedes Kind hat schon einmal von ihm gehört, gesehen haben ihn die Wenigsten, denn er lebt meistens im Verborgenen.
Learn moreA wie Affe, B wie Bär
Wir, Tiere der Welt, manche groß, manche klein, laden dich ganz herzlich zu uns ein.
Learn moreHealthy Diet
For a healthy, balanced and vitamin-rich diet it is essential to know what basic ingredients are contained in our food. Let us take a look at the carbohydrates first. These are contained in bread but also in pasta, rice, potatoes and also in fruit such as bananas.
Learn moreRiparian Forest
A large area of Europe is covered by woodland. In Germany alone, the number of trees is estimated at about 90 billion at present. That means, in Germany there are more than 1,000 trees per inhabitant.
Learn moreThe Senses
This DVD shows how we humans use our five senses to get in touch with our environment. The primary school pupils learn in an easily understandable way about the specifics, the use and the sensitiveness of each sensory organ and receive methodically organised information on their structure, function and protection. In addition, the human sensory organs are compared to those of different animals to illustrate similarities and differences. The DVD puts emphasis on the following topics: “Senso- ry Perceptions”, “The Eyes”, “The Ears”, “The Nose”, “The Tongue” and “The Skin”. The DVD is made up of five didactic units that can be inde- pendently accessed via the DVD’s menu structure. Further, the menu includes additional pictures and diagrams. With a variety of worksheets, test questions and colour slides, the curricular contents of the DVD can be captured for a more de- tailed discussion of the topic of the senses in the classroom.
Learn moreOur Money
„Money makes the world go round.“ Today this proverb is more topical than ever and perfectly describes our dependence on the currency of money. This DVD is intended to contribute to an understanding of the phenomenon of money. In doing so, it first provides an overview of different world currencies with the main emphasis on our currency, the euro. The film shows that the European currency is not specific to a country but transnational. Common features as well as differences in the coins and notes are presented and illustrated. We accompany Jenny and Jakob during their day and learn how to compare, assess, count and calculate with sums of money. The DVD looks critically into the topic of borrowing. In addition, it demonstrates the advantages of saving up, explains the concept of interest and shows how to open an account. This DVD provides a good overview of handling money and calculating with it, describes its form and characteristics and is perfectly suited for lessons in both general knowledge and mathematics at primary school.
Learn moreSex Education
The creation of a new human being is a miracle. Children are interested in where they come from. They want to know how a baby gets into the mother’s womb, how it develops inside and is finally born. The film answers questions about fertilisation, pregnancy and birth. As an introduction similarities and differences of men and women are presented and explanations are provided about what role the male and female sexual organs play in procreation. Subsequently the topic of fertilisation is dealt with. The development of the fertilised egg cell into the embryo and finally the foetus is described. The pupils learn about the baby’s stage of development in any month of pregnancy. Then the progression of a birth is described. Eventually the film explains how the new-born baby must be cared for, what it needs and what it cannot do yet. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is eminently suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreSprache untersuchen
Der liebevoll animierte Film führt Grundschüler:innen in die grundlegenden syntaktischen Strukturen ein. In einem eigenen Kapitel werden die Wortarten vorgestellt und deren Verwendung dargestellt.
Learn moreDie innere Uhr
Der Faktor Zeit bestimmt unser gesamtes Leben. Manchmal scheint sie dabei still zu stehen und manchmal scheint sie nur so zu rennen. Zeit ist zwar eine physikalische Größe, die sich durch Uhren bis auf Millisekunden messen lässt. Das tatsächliche Zeitempfinden ist aber bei jedem Menschen individuell unterschiedlich. Woran liegt es, dass dem Einen eine Stunde ewig lang vorkommt, der Andere aber das Gefühl hat, es sei nur ein Augenblick vergangen? „Schau dich schlau!“ will wissen: Was ist mir unserem Zeitgefühl los? Was bedeutet Zeit überhaupt?
Learn moreGeese
“They’re gabbling like geese”, “she’s such a stupid goose” or “silly goose”– those are commonly known sayings.
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