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Er ist das am häufigsten angebaute und verzehrte Obst. Die Engländer sagen ihm nach, dass er den Ärzten ihre Kundschaft vergrault. Isaac Newton soll von ihm auf die Gesetze der Gravitation gestoßen worden sein.
Learn moreRote Bete
Rote Bete, je nach Landstrich auch als rote Rübe, Rahne, oder Rande bezeichnet, ist ein schmackhaftes Wintervorratsgemüse mit langer Tradition.
Learn moreBlackbirds
The blackbird is one of our most common and best-known songbirds. The nice thing about the blackbird is that it cannot be confused with many other bird species.
Learn moreOur Solar System
Looking up at the cloudless night sky is something special. It is a spectacle that we are offered free of charge every clear night.
Learn moreMedia in Everyday Life
Media are part of our everyday lives. Children already used media in the past, however, it was not called that back then. A long time ago, boys and girls read books and magazines. In the past century, records, radio and television for children were added.
Learn moreFeelings
Feelings belong to humans like their noses and ears or like eating and breathing.
Learn moreThe Hedge in the Course of a Year
This DVD offers clearly structured information, in particular covering the following topics: Firstly, the diversity and type as well as the different tasks of a hedge are described. Vivid pictures illustrate the difference between low hedges, hedges of middle height and high hedges. The structure of the hedge is explained in detail. The DVD shows the hedge in the course of a year with the accompanying changes in flora and fauna. Here, an emphasis is put on introducing the most common shrubs, trees, flowers and animal species associated with the biotope of a hedge.In addition, the pupils learn to distinguish between poisonous and edible fruit from indigenous shrubs, illustrated by the examples of elder bush, blackthorn and the spindle tree. Blooms, fruit, spiders, insects and other hedge-dwellers are presented in close-ups of superior quality. The learning target “from the bloom to the fruit” is illustrated with the help of an animation. The film shows the interactions between plants and animals and highlights the correlations among the dwellers of the hedge habitat.
Learn moreBirds at the Bird Feeder
Winter has come. The trees are bare, a thick layer of snow covers the ground. Life seems to have frozen. There are a lot of animals that seem to cope very well with these harsh conditions. But for our native birds, a severe winter may mean a life-and-death struggle.
Learn moreFrom Hatchling to Swan
This native water bird glides majestically across the water. It has a graceful curved neck. But how does a small “grey duckling“ change into an “elegant swan”? At the age of two to three years, Mute Swans can have swanlings and set out to find a mate. Already in autumn, the mating time for the Mute Swans begins, mating birds, however, can be seen until March. Here, Mute Swans show a behaviour quite unusual in Anatidae: males and females court each other.
Learn moreHuhn und Ei
Erstaunliche Zahlen im Zeitalter der Vogelgrippe: Über 18 Milliarden Eier werden jährlich in Deutschland verzehrt und über 10 Kilo Geflügelfleisch landen durchschnittlich im Magen eines jeden Bürgers. „Schau Dich schlau!“ widmet sich heute einer der leckersten Erfindungen der Natur: dem Ei und dem Huhn.
Learn moreUnterwegs gestern und heute
Eine Reise von Frankfurt nach Australien dauert heute 24 Stunden.
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