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In unseren Breiten ist das Klima im Jahresverlauf in klar abgrenzbare Jahreszeiten unterteilt. Der Film erklärt ausführlich und in anschaulichen Grafiken die Ursache hierfür: die Neigung der Erdachse und den damit verbundenen veränderlichen Einstrahlungswinkel der Sonne auf die Erde.
Learn moreHare and Rabbit
How do we distinguish between a hare and a rabbit? At first sight, both look confusingly alike for both have long ears and a stumpy tail.
Learn moreFairy Tales
Helga Josefa Sophie loves fairy tales. When she was little, her mother read her the ancient stories. Later her children and then her grandson Janik listened spellbound when she read from the fairy tale kingdom between reality and the magical world.
Learn moreScooter and Bicycle Training
Scooters and bicycles are very popular with all levels of the population, and they are part of our everyday life. Due to the increasing volume of traffic, scooter and bicycle training at school is of great importance. The exercises laid down in the curriculum for the first to third school year take place exclusively as an exercise in a safe environment. Here, pupils acquire the necessary competencies that are a prerequisite for the pupils’ traffic training in the fourth school year. You do not need much to set up a suitable circuit, and most of the required equipment is already at hand in any sports hall: - inclined board - plastic poles with bases - traffic cones - softball - warning tape - ropes - table tennis rackets - step board or the top part of a vaulting box - markings for start and finish.
Learn moreSafety in Road Traffic
This DVD encourages children as young traffic participants to be considerate in road traffic to ensure safety and show social responsibility. It explains that in road traffic, children are especially exposed to danger and emphasises that above all, primary school children are confronted with a lot of novel and difficult situations. The film focuses on the following aspects of road training: Pedestrians in road traffic, seeing and being seen, being a car passenger, the bicycle as a means of transport, the blind spot, the safe bike, traffic signs and regulations, turning left, the bicycle test. This DVD preventively supports correct conduct in everyday road traffic in terms clearly understandable to children.
Learn moreDomestic Fruit Species
The film deals extensively with the topic "Fruit". In a simple and comprehensible manner but with professional accuracy, it tells the primary school children about processes in nature. They learn how fruits form and develop on fruit trees and bushes. Information on domestic fruit farming is provided and they get to know the importance of fruit for a healthy diet. The film deals with the following core themes: domestic fruit species (various species, appearance, spread ...), aggregate fruit (pollination and fertilisation, developmental stages of an apple ...), drupe (structure and components of a cherry blossom, cherry tree transformation ...), berry fruit (ingredients, harvest time, vitamin content ...), methods of cultivation (plantation, orchards and their animal life ...), processing (harvest, apple juice production, preparation of jam ...). The film is divided into 5 menu items (chapters). Each chapter can be dealt with separately. Together with the comprehensive accompanying material, the film is ideally suited for use in lessons.
Learn moreMedieval Castle
In the thousand years of the Middle Ages – approximately between the 6th and 16th centuries after Christ, there must have been 20,000 or maybe even more castles in the area covered today by Germany and Austria.
Learn moreRaben und Krähen
Corvus, die Gattung der Raben und Krähen sind nahezu weltweit verbreitet. Der Film stellt den Körperbau, die Lebensgewohnheiten und den Lebensraum ausführlich vor.
Learn moreDornröschen
Die Geschichte von Dornröschen ist eines der bekanntesten Märchen. Es gehört zu den „Kinder- und Hausmärchen“ der Brüder Grimm. Der Film zeigt in liebevoller Darstellung vor prächtiger Kulisse das Märchen vom Königspaar, welches endlich ein Kind bekommt. Durch einen Fluch wird das Mädchen 100 Jahre Schlafen, nachdem sie sich im fünfzehnten Lebensjahr an einer Spindel sticht. Durch den Kuss eines Prinzen wacht sie nach dieser Zeit wieder auf und die beiden feiern Hochzeit.
Learn moreBauernhof
Die Landwirtschaft ist die Quelle unserer Nahrung. Fleisch, Gemüse und Milch werden in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben produziert.
Learn moreSlow Worm
The slow worm is a small, completely harmless lizard, which – contrary to its German name “Blindschleiche”– is perfectly able to see and is often mistaken for a snake because it has no legs and an elongated body. The German name is presumably derived from the Old High German word “Plintslicho”, which means “blinding sneaker”. This probably refers to the pretty, shining skin surface of the slow worm.
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