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Drohnen wurden ursprünglich für militärische Zwecke wie Aufklärung und Angriffe entwickelt, doch sind ihre Anwendungen viel breiter gefächert.

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Hydraulische Systeme

Hydraulik ist eine Technik, die Flüssigkeiten zur Kraftübertragung verwendet. Im Alltag ist diese Technik nicht wegzudenken – von der Servolenkung eines Autos bis zur Hebebühne in der Werkstatt.

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Konstruieren im Unterricht

Mit den Bausätzen von Infento lassen sich lebensgroße Fahrzeuge konstruieren.

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Artificial Intelligence

Intelligent machines not only carry out predefined work steps but also learn from experience thus developing their own problem solving strategies. In addition, they can pass on their knowledge to other machines and interact with them. Artificial intelligence is pure software which, combined with various sensors, takes further decisions from the data thus obtained. Artificial intelligences have already conquered our everyday lives. When we have bought something online, an artificial intelligence could have ensured that we receive the ordered product on time. Because in many large companies machine brains help with logistics, accounting and customer service. Even at the doctor’s or in hospital we may come across artificial intelligence. Because sometimes it assists physicians with the diagnosis of diseases or in selecting an appropriate therapy. An AI can also be helpful in prognosticating the chances of recovery.

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Informatics interdisciplinary

The video game Minecraft is one of today’s most popular games. At the same time, it is one of the few video games that are used in lessons worldwide.  Minecraft was first published for PCs in 2009 and is meanwhile also available on smartphones, tablets and various game consoles. With over 120 million licences sold, Minecraft is one of the most successful video games in the world. Due to the various editions and game modes, Minecraft can be played alone or with partners. The multiplayer mode is not limited to PCs networked by cable, but is meanwhile alsoavailable on a cross-platform basis via WLAN on various terminal devices such as smartphones and tablets.

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Junge Erfinder

Erfindungen begleiten uns täglich. Viele dieser revolutionären Erfindungen nehmen wir gar nicht mehr wahr in unserem Alltag. Doch ohne sie müssten wir in dunklen Höhlen sitzen und zu Fuß die Welt erkunden. Erfindungen haben uns und unser Umfeld nachhaltig verändert.

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3D Printing

Layer by layer, a three-dimensional form is being created here – a chess piece. Just like that, from a printer – however, a special one: a 3D printer. Thus, the dream of being able to manufacture three-dimensional pieces yourself at home becomes reality.

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Mit der Erfindung des Internets öffnen sich neue Wege der Kommunikation. Daten können in immer größer werdenden Mengen erstellt, transferiert und gespeichert werden. Doch erfordern diese Datenmengen eine neue Struktur und Organisation. Server sind darauf ausgerichtet große Datenmengen verwalten zu können.

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They carry out hard work without complaining, tirelessly and precise in their performance. They explore dangerous territory for us, help us with household chores or are just playmates. Robots have long become valuable assistants in our work environment and in our everyday lives.

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MedienLB Logo

MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

Vorschaubild für MedienLB-Ceramic knife

MedienLB-Ceramic knife

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Bilder laufen

Das Prinzip der Camera Obscura war bereits Aristoteles bekannt. Heute gilt sie als Vorläufer der modernen Fotografie.

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Silicon Valley

The famous Golden Gate Bridge runs across the San Francisco Bay into one of the most beautiful cities of America. And into one of the world’s richest regions. Around the bay, the headquarters of the leading global corporations of the digital era are located.

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Jeder kennt sie: externe Speichermedien für Aufzeichnungsgeräte aller Art sowie für PCs und Laptops. Sie sind aus unserer heutigen Zeit nicht mehr wegzudenken.

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