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A wie Affe, B wie Bär

Wir, Tiere der Welt, manche groß, manche klein, laden dich ganz herzlich zu uns ein.

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At first glance, wire seems to be a nondescript, rather boring material, too humdrum to be bothered with. The intensive occupation with wire in the film as well as in the accompanying material, however, makes obvious what significance wire actually has in our society. It is truly indispensable! Through the film, children get acquainted with the differences between modern and historic wire manufacturing. Moreover, they see how a bicycle is made and thus learn why bicycles are also called "wire donkeys".

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Slow Worm

The slow worm is a small, completely harmless lizard, which – contrary to its German name “Blindschleiche”– is perfectly able to see and is often mistaken for a snake because it has no legs and an elongated body. The German name is presumably derived from the Old High German word “Plintslicho”, which means “blinding sneaker”. This probably refers to the pretty, shining skin surface of the slow worm.

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Healthy Diet

No matter whether we write, read, sleep or move, we always use up energy. Imagine your body is like a car. It needs petrol to be able to move. You can't play, romp about and learn without eating and drinking either. Your body needs cellular components. These are substances which build up your body. And it must be supplied with them again and again. These components are also called nutrients. They are called protein, fat and carbohydrates.

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There are many different types of games. Board games, guessing games, waiting games, games of skill, sports games or computer games, too. We play because it is fun, we like activities with others and because we wish to pass our time in a pleasant way. The film gives an overview of the different types of games. It illustrates what you need to play parlour games and how a game is created. The characteristics of sports games are explained and a special emphasis is put on the problems arising when teams are selected and assembled. The film also explains the aspect of “fair play”. Further, the film also outlines the development of computer games, starting with pixelated graphics and simple games and moving on to current graphics, which are almost life-like today, and comprehensive virtual worlds. From the toys used in ancient cultures to today’s games, the film gives a sound overview of the development and the progress made. With its comprehensive didactic worksheets and suggestions for international games, this DVD is perfectly suited for use at schools.

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When we hear the word “penguin“, we immediately think of animals living in the cold and ice world of Antarctica near the South Pole. However, this is not the whole truth. All of the various species of penguins do indeed live in the Southern Hemisphere but their habitats are not limited to the Antarctic region.

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Fast fünf Millionen Hunde leben in Deutschland und deren Besitzer kümmern sich meist liebevoll um die Vierbeiner. Dennoch gibt es immer wieder „Problemhunde“. „Schau Dich schlau“ zeigt, wie Sie schon bei einem Welpen erkennen, wie sich das Tier als erwachsener Hund verhalten wird.

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Spring is an eventful period. We humans are glad that it gets warmer again and stays light longer. The warm air entices us to go cycling, to play or to enjoy the sun. The film describes the changes occurring in nature after the cold winter. We learn when it is spring again and how the seasons develop. We are shown the most popular spring flowers.

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Ducks are our best-known water birds. You can watch them on almost any large body of water. Although we come across them frequently, most of us know very little about the lives of ducks. But it is worth our while to look at them more closely.

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Everyone of us has a home. We primarily associate home with our families, which give us a sense of comfort and security. We have our home town where we were born, but what exactly is home? According to the encyclopaedia, home means all the conditions under which someone grows up. This DVD introduces all aspects of the topic of “home” – in a way easily understandable for children. Folk songs as well as films and novels with a regional background are examined closely. The relation between home and identity is explained. Home can take many forms due to different nationalities with their different languages, customs and traditions. However, despite all our cultural differences and ways of life, when seen from a distance, we all share the same home – our planet earth!

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The DVD offers spectacular insights into rural forms of work of former times and of today and into the work of a baker, so that pupils can easily comprehend individual work steps, too. In addition, the children gather information on the characteristics and use of the most important types of grains: rye, wheat, barley, oats and maize. The content of the DVD is excellently suited, on the one hand, to show the children that flour is an essential ingredient of baked goods and, on the other hand, to seize upon the pupils' various experiences with the staple bread. The DVD breaks down the topic "Grain" into the following main areas: baking bread, from corn to flour, types of grain and history of grain. The DVD is divided into four didactic units that can be dealt with separately via its menu structure. Moreover, the menu offers additional pictorial and diagram material. With the varied worksheets, test tasks and colour foils, the learning content of the DVD can be consolidated and the topic "Grain" enlarged upon during lessons.

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Early Flowering Plants

During the first warmer days in late winter, the harbingers of spring show that new life is stirring. With great biodiversity and beauty the early flowering plants herald the change of season. In an easily comprehensible manner and often with stunning time-lapse images the film makes children aware of the connection existing between the sprouting of the early flowering plants so soon in the year and their extraordinarily rapid growth.

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