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Milk is one of the oldest and, at the same time, most natural foods we know. This DVD provides comprehensive information on cow’s milk. Where does the milk come from, how are the cows best cared for, what do they eat? What breeds of cattle are there, how are the cows milked today compared to the past? What is the udder actually? What types of milk are there? What do pasteurised, ultra-heat treated, homogenised and sterilised mean? How does it get from the cow to the consumer? How is milk bottled and packed? What kinds of fresh dairy products are there? And how is butter and cheese made from milk? In the last chapter of the DVD, we take a look back into the past and show the history of milk production.

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Everyone of us has a home. We primarily associate home with our families, which give us a sense of comfort and security. We have our home town where we were born, but what exactly is home? According to the encyclopaedia, home means all the conditions under which someone grows up. This DVD introduces all aspects of the topic of “home” – in a way easily understandable for children. Folk songs as well as films and novels with a regional background are examined closely. The relation between home and identity is explained. Home can take many forms due to different nationalities with their different languages, customs and traditions. However, despite all our cultural differences and ways of life, when seen from a distance, we all share the same home – our planet earth!

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Healthy Diet

No matter whether we write, read, sleep or move, we always use up energy. Imagine your body is like a car. It needs petrol to be able to move. You can't play, romp about and learn without eating and drinking either. Your body needs cellular components. These are substances which build up your body. And it must be supplied with them again and again. These components are also called nutrients. They are called protein, fat and carbohydrates.

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This DVD offers an insight into the life of knights in the 13th and 14th century of the Middle Ages. The film describes events in the lives of knights as well as life in the castle in a way that is clear and easy to understand for young pupils. The DVD covers the following subject areas: • The Middle Ages (Times of knights, emperors, kings, princes and counts) • Life in the Castle (castles and their location, livelihood, rooms, food) • Tournaments (medieval tournaments today, two knights fighting, dress rules) • Armour (protective attire for battle being subject to changes, coat of arms, weapons) • From Page to Knight (the difficult path of development of a knight’s son) • The Siege (attack and defence of a castle, weaponry) • End of the Time of Knights (robber-knights and their history)

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This DVD provides comprehensive information on the diffe- rent areas of police activity. The responsible job of police officers as well as their every- day duties are clearly described and shown in a way that is understandable to primary school pupils. “Police – In Action for Safety” offers a detailed insight into the cop-operation of all police forces and the technical means available to them, for instance when on duty in road traffic, at special or large events, when searching for persons, when solving crimes as well as on daily patrol duty. In exciting film clips, the pupils can directly experience what the life of a police officer is like. The comprehensive accompanying material complements the facts already learned and further includes many transfer tasks, language games and mathematical questions regarding police work.

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The Senses

This DVD shows how we humans use our five senses to get in touch with our environment. The primary school pupils learn in an easily understandable way about the specifics, the use and the sensitiveness of each sensory organ and receive methodically organised information on their structure, function and protection. In addition, the human sensory organs are compared to those of different animals to illustrate similarities and differences. The DVD puts emphasis on the following topics: “Senso- ry Perceptions”, “The Eyes”, “The Ears”, “The Nose”, “The Tongue” and “The Skin”. The DVD is made up of five didactic units that can be inde- pendently accessed via the DVD’s menu structure. Further, the menu includes additional pictures and diagrams. With a variety of worksheets, test questions and colour slides, the curricular contents of the DVD can be captured for a more de- tailed discussion of the topic of the senses in the classroom.

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On Fire!

This DVD provides information on the history of fires and the fire brigade. The firefighters’ job is vividly illustrated, including their tasks and equipment. The topic of placing emergency calls plays a major part on this DVD. For safety training pur- poses, fire brigade operations are shown, causes of fires dis- cussed and extinguishing fires is practiced. In particular, the appropriate conduct in the event of a fire (alarm, test alarm, escape route, emergency call, fire detector, fire extinguisher, etc.) and first-aid measures for burns are demonstrated. The fact that besides the familiar fire engine, there are also fire brigades on water, on land and in the air shows how diverse this job is. A visit to the youth fire brigade makes this DVD especially suited for primary school pupils.

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The Farm

This DVD offers some insight into the life on a farm today. In a way easily understandable for primary school pupils, the film shows with simple and tranquil pictures the daily work in an agricultural business. At the same time, a number of domestic animals are introduced to the children and they learn about their characteristics and lives as well as their use for us humans.The DVD covers the following aspects of the topic: Cows and cattle (modern milk production in the milking plant, cow-keeping on the pasture and in the cowshed, birth and rearing of the calves); pigs (pigs as productive livestock, characteristics, preferences, reproduction); poultry (free-ranging chicken, hatching of a chick, turkeys and geese as fat stock); horses and goats on the farm (information on these domestic animals, their use); small animals on a farm (cats, dog, bees, swallows); agricultural crops (types of cereal like wheat, barley and corn, tilling of the fields, transport and storage of hay using modern farming machines).The film is divided into six menu items (chapters). Each chapter can be individually accessed and worked on.

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This DVD offers an insight into the correlation between life and water. In simple terms that are easily understandable to primary school pupils, the film outlines the significance of water for the lives of humans, animals and plants. The DVD covers the following aspects of the topic: Water is Everywhere (deposits and utilisation), Drinking Water (journey of the water, role of the waterworks, water consump- tion), Wastewater (water pollution, processes at a wastewater treatment plant, purification of wastewater), the Water Cycle in Nature (groundwater, evaporation, formation of clouds, rain, infiltration), States of Water (transition between the states, easy-to-perform experiments, occurrence in nature), Properties of Water (what water can do, percentage of water in animals and plants, water as nourishment). The film is divided into five menu items (chapters). Each chapter can be individually accessed and worked on.

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When we hear the word “textiles“, we automatically think of things we put on – such as shirts, trousers, pullovers, caps or other things to wear. But there are far more textiles in our everyday lives. Actually, the word textiles means that these are generally things or goods made of single fibres or threads or yarns. For a long time now, we have not been using textiles for clothing only, but also in many other different domains of our lives. Every day, we use various household textiles at home – they range from the fabric sofa to the towel we dry ourselves with after washing or bathing. But today, modern textiles are also used as construction material – for example to make cars or bikes. These vehicles are particularly energy efficient because textiles are significantly lighter than metal.

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Pigs are considered good luck symbols and are an important food source. They are true olfactory artists and their auditory sense is excellently developed. Their vision, however, is not good at all. The film presents wild pigs and farm pigs and deals with the topics of factory farming and organic farming. Domestic pigs are descended from the wild boars spread all over Europe. Wild Boars are nocturnal animals, love wallowing in the mud, rub against tree trunks and feed on acorns and beechnuts. Domestic pigs might become up to 12 years old provided they were not already slaughtered at the age of six months and a weight of 100 kilogrammes. In factory farming large amounts of meat are to be produced fast and at little cost. This is detrimental to the health of man and animal. Contrary to factory farming, ecological farming ensures species-appropriate husbandry and sustainable production. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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Fascination River

Brooks and rivers cross our country. They burst their banks in their natural course and form many habitats for plants and animals. Let us start on a journey of discovery together and experience nature in all its diversity along an intact river system with running and stagnant waters. Water is the source of life on our planet. The sturgeon is among to the oldest species alive on earth today. Sturgeons are also called “living fossils”, since they occurred already 250 million years ago and have survived, contrary to dinosaurs. The sturgeon spends most of its time at sea. But at the onset of sexual maturity the fish wanders hundreds of kilometres upstream for spawning. The eggs of the sturgeon are caviar. As it is also a popular food fish, it was almost exterminated due to intensive fishing and the loss of its natural habitats. For a couple of years, the sturgeon has been returned to the wild in the rivers Oder and Elbe and one day maybe you'll have the chance to watch it circling around at the bottom of the river.

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